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A member registered Feb 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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I really liked that you can play as Luigi after the credits

Game link:
This is the first time I participate in an itch jam (Mini Jam 86). Got build a team and colaborate for the first time also.

I had this game idea for a while in my mind, of an infinite runner that goes around in circles. Initially I wanted to make it a 3D spiral, but having no experience with 3D and with the jam time limit, I stuck to 2D, and I'm glad it worked just fine.
The code for this is also on GitHub

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Very fun game, I even played it a second time (and got a lot better).

I think the inputs would be much more natural if the spawn and throw could be done by pressing/releasing the mouse button. The way it is currently requires coordination between both hands and is difficult.

Yeah, the outer lane being unused is a problem I couldn't solve. Maybe in a future update I can include items or some other motivator that spawn only on that lane, so there is a reward for going there.

The concept is funny, and I like the lore in the description, it would be good if there were references to it in game.

My problem with this game is that it doesn't explain its mechanics: it doesn't say what is the input method (I tried using my keyboard) and it doesn't explain that you speed up by hitting things (and I thought it was the opposite, like in real life).

I like the concept, I've never seen anything like it. The illustrations are also cool and in an original artstyle, and the dialog is good.

But it's also a difficult game! I couldn't complete it.

I managed to run it now.

Sadly, I can't really rate it because it's a multiplayer game and I'm rating games by myself.

You've posted this exact comment on at least 3 other submissions. This isn't how feedback works.

Are you even human or a bot?

Your effort to have people rate your game is very dishonest.

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This is a good concept, and well implemented. Very well matched with the theme and limitation of the jam. I really like the variety of mechanics included.

I have only two minor problems: I prefer arrow controls over WASD, but that option is not available, and the player is too slow in my opinion.

Wow, I didn't notice the mini map at all.

I'm running on firefox 90.02, Ubuntu 20.

The combination of "don't stop" and platformer didn't work well here. The game is frustrating to play.

Simple and effective. I feel like it should be more interesting with better level design.

I also like that the diver looks like he is farting.

There is no strategy. You just figure out the optimum time of pressing the button, and then you just press in that rhythm.

The camera never shows you what you need to see

This game asks you to do one thing: hit the keys corrensponding to the balls. This is similar to what rhythm games ask you to do, but the diference is that rhythm games (usually) give you arrows, so there is a connection between the object on screen and your action. This game has no connection between action and effect. Aso, why does the score go up in increments of 1250?

The game design decisions on this game look either random or lazy.

I can't understand what is happenning, the item diference doesn't matter because they become completely clumped and you can't choose which one you touch, and most of the time your character is wayy too much in the right side of the screen and you can't see what is coming next.

There is a good game here, but it is hampered by many problems. It is too difficult to escape the yellow squares; many levels are solvable by luck shots; I personally really dislike the screen moving with the mouse (I think it takes precision away from the game) and having my game restarted becacuse the time ran out means I'm not completing the game.

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The game is too dark, sometimes I can't see the bottles. It's inconvenient that I have to back to the menu to start another game. Also, the button layout is very weird, why wouldn't you put them next to each other?

Very cute game and I like the concept, unfortunately it doesn't work well for a game jam (unless you implement football AI, which is also not a good idea for a jam).

I can't judge how enjoyable it would be with more people

Finished normal mode on 108 death, 1300 seconds.

Very well made! A stealth game really becomes something else when you add "shadow clones" to it, congrats on putting these ideas together.

The browser version has a big audio delay.

Very good gameplay, the scoreboard is a great feature that motivated me to play much longer than I would normally (sadly, I couldn't reach it).

But the art and music feel unfinished. The major problem is that sometimes the cows blend into the background.

Beautiful UI and style.

I didn't care much about editing the environment, I was absorbed in watching the life of the creatures. There were many captivating storylines.

Very simple game, no new concepts. Also, there is a lot of waiting between obstacles.

I took a while to understand the game. Once I did, I found the best strategy is to sacrifice three limbs and just focus on one, so this is effectively a one button game.

Also, the button rhythm doens't feel syncronized with the music for me (I was early in most notes)

How did you make the online?

This is fun, but too hard to control

A replay button would be nice for when the game ended

Also, good music

The game runs very badly on the browser, it's really unresponsive.
Most of the times you already start the run dead.

And also, there is no consistency with which walls you can climb

I have no idea how baseball works, all I know is that I pressed the space bar at the right times and scored 18

Amazing style.

I think it would be better if the boat was lower on the screen, so we could see more of what is coming and have more time to react.

This would probably be fun with multiplayer. It is a game worth continuing development!

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Doesn't make sense for me that you need to mouseclick on the magnifying glass to search somewhere, this action would be better suited for a button. Also sometimes I got stuck trying to go through some gap in the furniture I couldn't, because the colision is much bigger than the sprites.

Anyways, amazing run animation

By physics stuff do you mean the issue of the player becoming misaligned? (Because I just fixed that)

Or is it some other bug?

I like the visuals, I like the concept, and I would reaally like the gameplay, but the grapple sometimes doesn't work like a grapple should, I think your math is incorrect

Also it's a shame that it's so short, because this can be very fun

It returns this

There are too many balls, you can't possibly catch them.

Also, the life and coin indicators don't update, and the click area of the buttons doesn't match them

The red obstacles are sometimes hard to see and distinguish from the background, and the jump lasts too long.

Also, you need to fix the viewport dimensions on the itch page, they don't match the dimensions of the game

This game doesn't work well, and it's the one I enjoyed the most so far in this jam.

An advice for future games: try to make a simple game that works well! You are a beginner, and trying to make three minigames was too much.

The game is a little funny, but also frustrating to play after some minutes