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A member registered May 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hmm interesting 


I started Paint and Protect around September last year and left it till December before I decided to pick up development once more. I came across many delays along the way like school, home chores, assignments, etc. I had to abandon development once more because my High School final exams came up, but when I came back after that, there were some major problems i encountered, most of the game build files got corrupted which greatly delayed release.

But after months of work I'm finally releasing the first alpha update of the game.

It comes with all new features;

  • Better graphics
  • Amazing Visuals
  • More enemies
  • More weapons
  • More waves
  • More challenge
  • and of course; More Paint

Come check out the alpha build here

or play the classic version here

If there are any bugs please report them in the comment section

Big updates on the way!!

Have fun playing!! :D

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NosiriN here, this is a really simple yet challenging game I like how the first few levels introductory and how the game reveals new objects in every few levels. the levels get harder as you go on but even then i think the levels are too easy (the ones i played) i mean this can have its advantages too but for some people... nah. its a really addictive game, i reached level 16 in 10 min then i remembered I have to give feedback. i'll play more later.

hmmm interesting game

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This game is really funny

but really short :(

thanks i dont plan to ever continue it

sorry the project is all messed up (assets didn't load) view the fixed version here:

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sorry the build of the project didn't load a lot of assets and got messed up so I'll rebuild the project to fix all the bugs (it didn't even load the menu screen) thanks for checking it out


Data Runner community · Created a new topic this is amazing

this is actually amazing, and its made in blender?! pls continue development this makes me want to use blender again

thanks for playing and your feedback i am actually working on a post jam version where the pink paint is darker and there's an indicator to let you know when the enemy has breached your orbit ( its a ridiculously huge indicator ) but anyway look forward to the post jam version

W O A H!!!!!

W O A H!!!!!

i love this game but I didn't know where health of the stations parts were until after sometime still really good mechanics really good game

added to a collection. Good game

i like games with art styles that look hand drawn

this game is really nice and the art style really fits plus i love anime so i love this game

i feel so overpowered and the movement feels very satisfying its a really good game.

this game is amazing this isn't what i'll call just another unity game. keep up the good work

yeah i started the post jam version before the complaints sorry

i try using a motion blur shader on it in the post jam version

GM 1.4 is still alive!!!

thanks for playing i'll try everything to fix the music problem and im adding more things to avoid and some enemies in the post jam version along with a controls menu to choose keyboard or mouse

thanks for the feedback i still dont know why everyone says the music stops it works well when im testing it

never mind i just fixed it all

made the buttons better (no gradient at edges)

made the music loop forever

made health bar more noticable

the health is the bar that goes down when u hit a white asteroid

the menu buttons are like that because of the game engine messing up and its just 2 colors (everything is two colors thats why the health bar is hard to notice)

im not sure about the music though, tested it myself and it worked perfectly can you tell me exactly what you did that the music stopped to help me solve the problem

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this is at least playable for a first try, my first try i couldn't get the controls to work

just keep practicing

using keyboard would be too fast and restrict movement i already tried it

yeah theres no 8 bit music that fits in with this

i love the music its really nice and the zoomed out view really good

thanks i'll change that if i get enough views to continue development

FloppyJam community · Created a new topic Theme

will there be a theme