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A member registered Apr 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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thanks! The game should get updated and fleshed out into a fully playable version over the coming weeks. 

It’s OK, we know it’s not good enough to win, but it should turn out well when we finish it off. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! We only really managed to get the basics done -- didn't even really have time to balance the game! Stuff that we had planned but couldn't quite finish in time: the ability to organize target priorities (this all exists, but no UI for it), different buildings, different enemies, special abilities for your mutants (like firebreathing!), and more level designs. You are correct in that right now there are no meaningful choices to make ... we were just glad to get a working game finished in time! :D

Thanks! We are hoping to fix the bugs next week (we didn’t have any time to work on it this week) which should unlock all the combats and the remaining levels of the game.

Thanks for the feedback, I’ve updated the itch submission page by checking the windows icon as you suggested.

We are aware of a couple of (sadly) game-breaking bugs in the final build, but time was against us. Hopefully you’ll check back once the jam has ended and we have an updated version available.

The ideal for us will be to have a panning camera transition to the combat view, so that things don’t feel jarring, and to update the combat UI to have both a tutorial and the same look/feel as the exploration UI. 

Thanks! Hopefully we will have a fixed version uploaded after the jam judging ends. 

Thanks for the feedback. We will definitely finish it post-jam, possibly even add more content to it once the engine is in good working order. 

Thanks! The in-game combat tutorial was something that got eaten by the time-crunch monster!

the idea is that the aliens multiply once you open a door, and you can only get rid of them if they are all touching the airlock, so you have to move around, opening doors and repairing wires to do so, in order to get them to the airlock. 

on the main page but also here

I added a (silent) YouTube video to help try to show how it's played.

I had a screen with random garden things on it (plants and logs) and that was it. All I could do was click on the plants and logs - each click made them vanish. And that was it. I assume there was some kind of glitch that prevented me from playing the actual game. 

(1 edit)

I found it a little difficult to control, partially because the camera would go through the floor and look up at the action. I like the idea of fighting in the arena with different kinds of gravity (which didn't work consistently enough for me to figure out). Good start to a game, very impressive for a weekend, gameplay needs a bit more work!

Really great game, played it all the way through ... disturbing! The art, music and animation came together really well to create a great story, pulled me in. Echo what other commenters say about a bit more gameplay and a little slower on the texts.

Good concept, well done. Sadly I suck at games that require both keyboard and mouse control :) It took me the first game to realize I could change the direction of my attack!

Looked amazing, felt very claustrophobic. I'm not good with first-person games in general - weirdly the feel of this one kinda reminded me of Flashback from the Sega Genesis.

I liked the music, sadly couldn't get the game to work beyond that (not sure why).

Enjoyable 3d platformer, nice music. Tough levels plus sarcastic commentary :)

Fun little game, very thematic. Easy to get stuck at times, but I like the continuous flood of enemies.

Interesting game idea! The bubbles are hard to catch! I got to 454m.

What a weird game! I'm not sure what happened, but I feel slightly angry at omelettes.

Very fun game! I played until I had advanced over 1,000m. I like the idea of having a little mini-level which chips at your score as a timer, to restart you on the endless run - very cool mechanic. Well done, one of the most fun games to play in the jam.

The walls need to be a bit more obvious, as this is a game of dodging - knowing where you can't run is really important! The look / feel of your game is great :) Maybe have something I need to collect so that I'm not only dodging but also gathering points?

Congrats on submitting your game, I had fun playing it :-) It is very tough! My high score was 230.

Great concept! I think scoring would need to be based on time? Lots of possibilities here for sure.

The game was hard to control - the shooting didn't track my mouse very well so it made it hard to kill the zombies. I think you have the start of a game here, it needs a bit more work to become playable, but good job in getting this all together and submitted. Zombies were very very tough - maybe 3-4 shots to kill rather than 10ish?

Not sure how this fit the theme. Would have been nice to have some sounds to go with the look and feel of the game (some very pretty effects in the game).

Really great game, I had a lot of fun playing. The physics were really good, I felt like the pieces were making the same moves, and I liked the change of music between levels. I also thought you introduced new concepts at a good pace - the floor is lava or bouncy etc. Really well done, one of the top games I've played in this jam.

The game is very difficult to control and mostly just left me frustrated. Maybe make your platforms a little bigger, or have it that the player doesn't slide when he lands. I liked the feel of the game and the music.

Tough game! Definitely needs a scoring mechanism :-) The movement doesn't feel super fluid. Work a little on the difficulty ramp up and it has potential!

Took me a little while to get the hang of the controls, and agree on the music being a little off genre. I think it shows promise in this stage, could make an interesting game or minigame as part of a wider farming game. Nice job!

I didn't quite make the connection with the theme, but I had fun completing the game and destroying my own brain - glad it woke me up! Nice job on getting a fully playable game done and submitted!

OK, I got it working on Windows. I like the idea behind it, it's just a steep learning curve! I think it would make a fun game if you ramp up the difficulty slowly. Nice job!

Definitely fits the theme! I liked the sounds and the feel of the game. Good job :-)

Hahah, don't sweat it :)

Sadly couldn't get the game to load on either MacOS or Linux :(

Enjoyable click-through story that matches up with the theme of the Jam. Nicely done!

Finally got it downloaded and tested out - you've got a good foundation of a game with a nice theme! Well done on getting something built and submitted.

Hey, thanks for all of that feedback. Odd that randomly moving forward kills you ... will keep an eye out for that one!

We did discuss auto move, and other power ups, also other enemies, more intricate levels, etc. and didn't get time during the jam - however, we should be able to add it to the game once the voting is all done.

I think the first thing we will do is add keys, so you have to collect a key to open the trap door to go down a level. This requires you to find two things per level which will make the game significantly more intricate.

Solid asteroids clone, although the ships own shots are more of a threat than the asteroids! Nice job overall.