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A member registered Feb 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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Why is this 3GB? This seems to be awfully large.

Absolutely phenomenal puzzle, I love the layers of discovery that you take the player through, it really reminds me of the puzzling I did in Tunic but compressed down to a set of 12 word searches. I would love to see what other sorts of puzzles you got because this is honestly amazing.

Thanks for the report, I think I fixed it. Can you test it out and tell me if it works?

I never tried using the site to sideload it, I always did it via the data disk method (its easier for me), and it seems that a certain file has some extra requirements that are not listed anywhere.

> You have a questionable comment history just like ianlatta. No activity except for yesterday when you copy pasted this comment all over successful GB Studio games. Just smells of disingenuous marketing activity to me.

Yeah, so sounds like a guy got a new device and heard that it had a feature, hey i did too, and now we want to try it out but there really aint anyone out here using that feature. It's just over excited fanboys who want to justify their purchases.

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The creators of the pocket want to make that token effort of not being associated with piracy so have taken some minimal steps to make sure that you cannot load roms. But they have also partnered with GB Studio to make a workaround with games created with GB Studio. So here we are. 

I never knew the perfect game that ever existed could ever have a sibling but here we are.

I think this is one of the best implementations of the "only one" theme i have seen so far. despite being barebones i still played through it twice, its just a fun movement system and one screen mechanic. I only wish the level was a little darker as i could see when it switched out, but thats a minor grievance.

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wow, this is actaully clever and fun. i hope this idea gets developed further.

You are correct with your suggestion. that was more of an oversight since I did most of the playtesting and i have a macro on my mouse that does exactly that.