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A member registered Aug 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Added retro programmed frequency music. 

Currently making ascii aliens so i can place them around the world.(This is my painting program so thats why there is a M also fps is not messured in that app)

Making sounds and AI voice lines. Also thinking of reverting to ascii style for characters because it makes them look more realistic and less like cartoon people.

Updated shiptexture in worldmap(frames are because now i have increased planets to 100)

Added 30 new planet names.

Showing The compass

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Fixed the compass, it now shows the x and y distance to the planet

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Todays updates: 

Added names to the planets and a list that i can extend to have more names later, if it runs out of names it starts form the first name again.

Added compass so that you can find out where the planets are by name and coordinates.(Compass is a WIP and does not have the right coords for all the planets currently).

Keep in mind everything shared here are placeholders so that i can setup the code. The senarioes may look alot different later on in development.

Currently working on starting senario/tutorial.

Coded in ship encounters. The plan now is to work on spacecombat and visual dammage.

Update on progress: currently taking vecation for one more week where im just focusing on messing with my new arduino robot car.

Added inventory system.

Rewritten planetwireframe rendering to increase performanse, and given planets two colors instead of one.

Improved the textures and added a player with collision,
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Fixed Performance.

implimented spaceview, now im optimizing it for higher performance.

Reworked the mapeditor to work with colorblocks. Now i have to rewrite the translation algorythm.

Yes but its temparary, I have converted my 2d mapeditor to let me paint colored cubes. Some aspects will still be asci because its very cheap on performance but the close looking aspects like landing on planets or walking on your ship will be colored blocks

The color bug i fixed

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Fixed a weird secound color rendering bug.

Thank you.

Added basic coloring.

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Fixed render and derender on the y axis.

Showng that planets dont render if they are not on screen, currently i have it set to 40 planets because im still working on the y axis derendering and rendering. it currently is very weird and tries to do both at the same time.

This is todays progress, i have the ability to render planets and only render what is on screen so that i can have billions of planets. they have randomized locations.

Current progress

this is consept art of what i want, the ability to view the world map and inside your ship so that you can f.eks experiment on your ship width what you buy on the world map. the required system is allready in the engine because of my topdown fantasy project. (1) WIP Early consept, Simengine game. - YouTube 

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SimEngine now has a Level Editor that will be released with the current 2d platformer projects to make it easy for people to mod the original levels and make their own levels. I have also added some platformer ai to the aliens but i encounter some weird glitch where they walk off and dont fall through the world.


Simengine Now Scales With the screen allowing for fullscreen.