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GameLoom Studio

A member registered Jun 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing, sharing the love & posting!

I do agree, what is "What I want?" and what is "Who am I?" could use some UI love - and this is one of the features we'll tackle in future updates. After all, what is love? If not making a game better as time goes by (yep, Haddaway knows this).

We intend to make this 4-day game into a more fully fledged experience on both PC and mobile. We'll of course release any update right here on But in case you're interested in what's going on, feel free to check out our Discord - where the magic happens.

To be perfectly honest, if you have a highscore of 50 you're doing better than the real cupid!

Thanks for playing and posting / sharing the love.

- Jens (The Programmer)

Glad you enjoyed the short game and thanks for posting / sharing the love!

We do have some ideas for how to make the "wants" vs "characteristics" stand out more (maybe the wants would be inside a heart-shaped box?). As we're planning on porting this to mobile, we'll also update the core gameplay and make this clearer. Any update will of course be playable here on - for Windows and Web - so stay tuned or harass us Discord why the update isn't live yet!

- Jens (The Programmer)

I woke up having a small game idea for Valentine's day four days ago, and now it's ready! (Oh and if you're here from the future, today is Valentine's day.)

Game idea is pretty simple; persons come in and have preferences on their perfect match - you need to match them before the time runs out. Perfect matches are best, good matches good... but horrible matches won't give you anything.

It's a nice and cute game which we hope you enjoy. Free to download on Windows, and also with a web port playable on its main page (sadly has some issues with high DPI monitors).

Although we submitted this game to Week Sauce game jam, due to the deadline we decided to crunch through it in less than a week.

If Valentine themed games is your cup of tea, check it out at

Have you ever wondered how a star is born?

Protostellar is a game where you start out as a small asteroid collecting smaller planetary bodies to grow. A bit like agar io and a bit like first phase of Spore.

Don't like downloading games? We also made a web port and added it to the main page.

Have fun playing!

I was scrolling through the metadata options and found Engines & tools - sadly I didn't find the "I made it myself"-engine option.

Now obviously you can leave the field empty to indicate that you didn't use an engine or other tools, but so do all games out there that missed that the option is available.

I would suggest a "I made it myself"-engine using the link in the same page, but some fields (such as Website) don't really makes sense.

Personally I would like to know if the developer made the tech behind the game from scratch, as it tells a lot about the devs. My suggestion is to add a new field indicating this (maybe "home made engine"?).

If you're one of those who also click More information and look at the Made with field, what are your thoughts?

I’ve never been happy with any engine I’ve come across so I too make almost everything from scratch. External libraries I use is for the asset compiler for loading images and fonts.

I program in C++ with some custom language extensions.

By making the tech yourself you can custom tailor it to your needs and add features like:

  • asset hot-reloading,
  • code hot-reloading,
  • reflection (mostly useful for debugging purposes),
  • config system,
  • type safe shader invocations (no more accidentally writing wrong vertex type),
  • etc.

I never liked any scripting languages so I stick with C++ for game logic as well.

I don’t know if there is a single book that would cover indie game development. But here are some suggestions on various game development topics:

Of course what to read up on depends on what kind of games you’re making, but the above should cover at least the basics.