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Galvin Green

A member registered Apr 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Great puzzles, you guys did a great job at making something that feels solid and completely fitting the jam's theme!

I'm honored that you find this game scary lol

Honestly I think there are dozens of ways you can get softlocked in this game, but thanks for pointing out the truck! I didn't consider that until now

(2 edits)

Yeah, this is new problem that I cannot for the life of me figure out why that is, so I'll make it a downloadable windows game for now

Thanks for the feedback! You literally just reminded me that I wanted to add several box colliders in the first level to make the controls more clear. On top of that, you just put into words what I should've said to my peers when watching them play the game lol

Thanks! I agree that the difficulty throughout the levels is pretty inconsistent, I started working on them during the last 2 days of the jam so I kinda just went hogwild with level design. I think in a future version of the game I'll rearrange the levels based on difficulty

I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the levels involving chained air dashes as well!

Thanks a ton for the feedback! There were a lot of features that I didn't have time to test out before submitting so thanks for letting me know about these issues. I actually had a sneaking suspicion that the player may get stuck in the disappearing blocks so the confirmation was much needed.

I'm also glad to hear that you made it to the end of the game as well, my immediate friend circle couldn't so that concerned me lol

(1 edit)

Oh no... I might have misread the rules for this jam 0_o

This game's resolution is 128x128... so uhhhhhhh



Personally I think the placeholder sound effects are more charming

I gotta say, I got pretty into this one! Pretty tight controls all around and it's really satisfying to see Birdmo swing from one obstacle to the next, great stuff all around!

Also as a quick question, what did you use to get that announcer voice?

You know what's funny is that I keep beating the stages until I realized I'm supposed to memorize where the traps are lol

For a first game jam I'm really impressed with what you got here! The sun slowly cooking you adds a nice extra layer of difficulty.

I would say that the camera switching between different parts actually wasn't the most difficult part of the game for me. I would say that the most difficult aspect in this game is me dying because I stopped focusing on the health bar.

I think making the bar blink red and/or make a noise when you're low on health would definitely help with that!

Pretty fun game, and I think it's pretty funny how durable our car is here (I like driving against traffic)

Thanks! I really liked the sense of control you have with Celeste's controls and I wanted to recreate that type of feel

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! I was actually thinking of adding music and sound effects in a post-jam version of the game, along with tweaking the controls a bit

I enjoyed the straightforward gameplay, and the pixel art and color scheme was fantastic as well!

This is truly one of the games of all time

I'm honestly impressed that you made all of this in 3 days! It really has an old-school arcade feel (the scoreboard definitely helped with that), and it was pretty fun drifting around the moon

I have to say, I had a blast (pun absolutely intended) when going against the final boss! It was difficult but fair, and it felt great ricocheting off the walls and shooting projectiles midair.

On another note, I also really like the format for your website, great color choice!

Like what everyone is saying, you did a really good job with the shading, and the little details like how the lighting on our leaf fella's face changes, the lasers leaving an aftertrail, and the trail you leave behind after dashing are all really nice touches! I also really like the music as well, it really captured the feeling that you're about to get burnt to a crisp by a gas giant! As for the game's difficulty though, I think it would be better if there were a number of times you can get hit before dying (maybe 3 times with/without regeneration). I'm glad there are checkpoints though, and I was pretty relieved the first time I saw one

Overall you guys did pretty well in terms of art, music and controls, but I think I spent more time staring at the game over screen than I did the actual game lol

Bernard my beloved <3

I have to say, I'm not sure what the type of styling it is called but I really like how the negative space in the pixel art really sold that retro feel, and it pairs well with the music. I also really like how sprite animations syncs up with the music at different beats (Bernard's walk, the reef swaying, the fish swimming, etc.). In terms of aesthetic and game feel you guys absolutely nailed it!

In terms of difficulty I feel that it would be better if I can see just a bit more of the space around me, because a majority of my deaths doesn't feel like an issue of skill and more bad luck. Also, and this one is pretty nitpicky, but the way some of the shells aren't ideally orientated on Bernard (the mug, jar, and milk jugs kinda look like they're just lying on top)

Still, I enjoyed the game and I'm glad to have reunited our lil hermit crab with his family!

I'm really impressed the gameplay, and I have to admit I was pretty confused by the attack patterns of the enemies and environment until I read the guide. I also REALLY like how after you beat the level you get a replay of how it would look in real time, it reminds me of SUPERHOT in that sense.

Overall, I found the core mechanics really interesting and I found your pixel art really easy on the eyes in terms of color and style!

Oh absolutely, I actually credited the game on the main page!

Gotta say, I was caught off-guard when I ate the moon, really funny stuff. Other than that, the sprites look great, the controls are pretty good, and I enjoyed the music!

It's a pretty cute and fun game! I like the use of multiple timers in this one, though it was a bit difficult for me to focus on them as I was too busy eating bugs and spending time underwater. If there were more time to submit this game, I would recommend adding some way to effectively communicate to the player that you're about to starve, freeze, or overheat. An alert sound would be a good start.

Women Fear Me

Fish Fear Me

Men Turn Their Eyes Away From Me

As I Walk No Beast Dares Make A Sound In My Presence

I Am Alone On This Barren Earth.

Haha but I enjoy the fishing mechanic in this game. I think it's pretty clever to have the player catch their own bait and use said bait to fish!

I didn't realize I had a tongue grapple move until course 2, but I had a lot of fun experimenting with walling jumping and grappling around to beat the stages in different ways!