Cute art, and I like the music, though it is a bit jarring. Without any sort of tutorial or explanation in game its hard to figure out what you're supposed to be doing. As a baron you can only attack in one direction, still don't know how to play the big guy.
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Really barebones. When I spawned in the enemies spawned on top of me and I instantly took damage. Only 2 types of weapons, very few upgrades. I wasn't even really sure how to select the upgrades (pressing them didn't seem to do anything). Not really much going on with the map or enemies. Also no way to exit the game (I had to use the task manager to exit). Sorry, but this game is really rough. At the very least the skeleton of a Vampire Survivor like game is there and, with more time, can be made well.
Kinda rough. Timmy isn't very consistent on whether he is going to jump or not. Its likely something to do with his hitbox and the logic that determines whether or not he should be jumping. Also blocks can feel weird to grab and place. Timmy also has a habit of teleporting back to spawn, maybe make that player controlled? (Example: "Press r to reset Timmy"). Not a bad concept though. With some refinement I think this can do really well.
Very fun overall. Having to purposely look away to bait out robbers is really fun. Only thing is maybe put a limit on the amount of hamburgers you can place. As the nights go on the game gets easier as there is no reason to not just spam hamburgers everywhere. On the final night the Museum had more hamburgers than robbers. Also maybe allow movement with WASD. using the mouse to shine a light on the thieves is great, but its kind of awkward to move my mouse everywhere trying to get to all the rooms.
Really great! I loved the art style. The music was nice. The zombies may have been a little loud. Gameplay was also really fun, but I noticed that it doesn't really incentivize using the group. I found the best strategy was just to micro manage one zombie, dodging fire and closing in. Whenever the zombies group up they tend to do more damage to each other than the humans. I would say either remove their ability to eat each other, or turn the extra zombies into a "lives system" where you try to keep them alive so that you have extra zombies. Overall great game I gave it a perfect score