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A member registered Jun 06, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you! Yeah I ran out of time to add a proper introduction/tutorial to the game, explaining what and how to effectively build your base. I should've scoped down on the depth of the game, because who needs 7 distinct unit categories across 6 tech tiers in a jam game... :') that time would've been better spent on making the game more playable and visally appealing, lol

The wheel was genius, awesome addition :D

It took me a few tries before I figured out the last level, as I didn't expect the bottom platform to stay in place. But hey, it worked :D

I also had a bug once where I think an infinite loop caused the whole game and browserpage to freeze. I think it was the same level as in your screenshot, where I just dropped the big boulder and stood on that ledge, but I got stuck on the corner when dropping down, I think.

Overall, pretty solid game :D good job!

Fun little TD! Pretty brutal though, those red lizards are the bane of my existance :D

Controls feel a little clunky. I like that you can build stuff when the game is in progress, but I wish I could just keep walking with the build menu open and it would then update for that tile, for instance.

I really like the earthquake mechanic for expanding the map, it adds a lot of variety and randomness that can save or ruin your tower setup in one go. It keeps things fresh in a genre that is usually easily solved. Would also love to see a few more ally types just to spice things up a bit more.

Good stuff :D

Fun game :D tried to build minimally so when I fell down it hurt a lot to go back up, lol

I like the building mechanic, it adds a cool twist. But at the same time I think it could use some more work to expand it. Right now, you can build whatever you want and it only impacts your score. I think if there were some more puzzle elements in the level (like hazards you have to avoid) and less points to build with, this would turn it into a very interesting game mechanic where you have to plan out your route through difficult sections by saving as many points as possible for further sections.

Overall, excellent game :D well done!

Fun concept! rightclicking doesn't really work well in browser due to it taking control away from the game. Other than that, pretty solid experience!

If I could change one thing, it would be the timer. Would be nicer if it was like a fuel tank, where it only decreased when traveling so you have to optimize your flight paths and you have more time to think where to go and how to get there.

Good stuff :D well done!

Nicely done! Adding vocals makes a lot of sense, as I did find it to be a bit empty as it is now. At around 1:30 I was expecting the guitar to pick up speed and intensity. In its current state, I feel like the added percussion is a bit too gentle. But I imagine that with added vocals, things will fit better and the track can keep that campfire feeling without having to escalate.

Good stuff :D

The glitchy opening also got me checking my audio :D the combination of an uncommon time signature with the glitchy sounds may be a bit too much if you don't expect it. In my case I stopped listening to the music and started listening to what was going on, which briefly pulled me out of the experience. Not a bad thing per se, but something to keep in mind.

Other than that little nitpick, cool track :D definitely taking the theme to a different direction compared to most others I've listened to so far. Good stuff!

During the opening I imagined this taking place deep in the mines. Then the vocals kicked in and now I'm wondering why we're deep in the mines. Motivational speech from corporate overlords in a dystopian hellscape? Or perhaps digging up to freedom towards the light?

Great atmosphere :D awesome stuff!

Love the combination of those rich singing sounds with the gentle supporting instrument, really cool vibe :D good stuff!

I enjoyed your weird experiment :D it has a very cinematic feel to it, and while it could be considered creepy, it sounds surprisingly positive to me. Good stuff :D

Awesome track! Absolutely not garbage :D it has a strong opening and stays interesting all the way to the end. Great job :D

Awesome track :D Even though I think it loses some steam in the final section, I love that there is a lot of variety happening constantly throughout the track. Impressive stuff, really. On top of that, the first half is a banger :D very fun to listen to, good stuff!

Good stuff! The bongo solo is a nice touch :D and it transitions nicely into the latter half of the track, which sounds quite epic overall. I feel like the guitar(?) that mimics the main melody at around 1:27 and 1:43 is a bit too loud/sharp on the ears, and making it a bit more subtle would make it fit better. Other than that, very fun track to listen to :D

Thank you! :D

Thank you! :D

It's quite interesting to see the variety of comments saying how and why the track is repetitive and how to potentially fix it, because they're all true and all of them would work :D 

I think the main idea I had was for the dark opening to be very droning in a fixed pattern for that oppressive feeling that just keeps growing, and then break that up once the light breaks through. But honestly I failed to capitalize on that :D as the light portion is essentially structured the same way but just a few octaves higher. While it is a little bit more stabby, it has the same slow buildup and the rest just goes on as if nothing changed. More variety in chords, rhythm, textures, and an actual climax that contrasts the main buildup would all help fix this track, so I also agree with your points :D

Thank you! :D 

I got the choirs from a few packs from them. The main choirs are from hollywood choirs diamond. There's also voices of opera but I didn't use them here even though I did start out with those, lol. I'm also using some from hollywood fantasy voices and voices of passion, both are interesting in their own way, but I found it hard to make proper use of them

Thank you! And I'll try to do that in the future :D

Thank you! Agreed on the repetitiveness :D I also agree with your process, but in this case it was caused mostly by a time management issue :')

Love the ambiance, very fitting! Good job :D

Definitely one of the most chaotic tracks I've heard so far :D quite impressive!

Pretty interesting and certainly some unique tracks, but the middle section of Reeds is next level so I have to comment on that specifically. It's so fitting for certain game genres, and it sounds great :D when I heard it I automatically imagined I was playing a 2D topdown pixel art RPG while in a story section, it just has that vibe to it. Good stuff :D

I love the buildup of this track, it sounds awesome :D I'm not sure if I like the electronic arp coming in at around 1:10, to me it feels a bit misplaced? But it's only briefly there and then the climax is great! Good stuff :D

Banger! Sounds great :D

Pretty cool that you added two versions without certain instruments. I myself like making dynamically changing music for my game jams and it's fun to try and make things sound good while only being partially complete. I'm wondering what a "no percussion" version will sound like, it may also be quite good and fitting :D

Thank you! I haven't played my track with a proper subwoofer yet :D It's always a gamble getting the balance right on a first try, so I may have overdone it lol

Thank you :D Sadly I couldn't get the solo voice to sound fluid and natural enough, but I didn't want to remove it completely, so I kept it at the very end as a compromise

Thank you! I agree with the sudden drop of energy, I just couldn't get that sorted in time :D

Thank you! :D

Thank you! And I completely agree :D

Thank you! Agreed on the 2:50 part, to me that part feels the weakest right now and it would be the next one to get some extra love if I had the time for it :D

Thank you! :D

Thank you! Glad to see that it was memorable :D

Thank you! And yeah, about the mixes, you got me there :D Glad you still liked it though!

Thank you! Hitting hard was the intention :D

Pretty cool that you added a coop mode to this kind of game :D 

Good job!

Cool concept! The game froze briefly every second and at some point it froze completely so I couldn't continue. I liked what I saw so far, though. Love the opening screen with the little guys and their emotions, it's a nice touch. Can't judge the gameplay much because it crashes so early in the game, but I think it's a neat twist on this type of game.

So despite the issues, good job :D

Cool little game, I had fun playing it! Even though it lacks some depth, it's a pretty solid foundation! I think I had some bugs where the displayed choices didn't match what I was actually placing, and sometimes it took a second before the thing I'm placing changed into what I was actually placing. And I wanted more roads :')

Good job :D

Wow, you took the 2d sprites in a 3d world challenge to the extreme :D I don't think I've ever seen an artstyle like this before, where pretty much everything is billboarded. It's a pretty neat effect! Performance is a bit rough because of that, but I like that you added the render distance slider, that really helped to tune the framerate.

Good job :D

Oh wow this game was quite amusing, I love the jank and the mechanics :D The description implied it's a mouse only game, but sprinting didn't do much until I used WASD and then I had a blast scoring five goals with my headless chickens professional footbal team

Congrats on releasing a game! Good job :D

Fun concept! The pathfinding was a bit janky at times, but you already mentioned that in the description. And you can move platforms while they are running so sometimes you can salvage a level while they are already moving towards each other, if you're fast enough :D

My biggest gripe is having to click on the tile button every time to place a new tile. There's only one option right now, but even if there are more, it's a lot more user friendly to automatically select a new tile of the same type after placing one, if there is a new one available. Saves a lot of going back and forth with the mouse.

A win screen would also be nice, because right now I think it loops endlessly after getting through all the content.

As for the puzzles themselves, the biggest challenge is the placement due to pathfinding. Solving the routes isn't very challenging as it's just finding the shortest path around the spikes. 

I think that if you want to expand on this game, focusing on solving the pathing would be the highest priority, and then after that you can introduce new elements to the game, such as different tiles and traps that you have to avoid by timing their movement (e.g. something that shoots an arrow every 2 seconds in a straight line, that you then have to avoid by taking a slight detour). If you make the tile placement snap on a grid, I think it should resolve most pathing issues, and then that would allow more deterministic movement from the buddies, which you can then use to design more interesting and/or challenging levels with. Fitting that around the current theme may be a bit challenging though, as it's pretty cozy right now.

Finally, congrats on releasing a game! Good job :D

I read in the description that the game not in a very playable state, but even with that in mind I have no idea what I should be doing, what the controls are supposed to be, or which parts are playable. Some more information on that would be helpful :D

The concept itself is interesting! Pretty unfortunate that you missed the deadline with your final build, but on the other hand you came prepared with automated builds, which is awesome!