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A member registered Dec 28, 2014 · View creator page →

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to use it on arch based distro:

sudo pacman -S ocl-icd opencl-nvidia

i can't wait for the linux version!

xuv will test a manipulation on the downloadable version, but we have no guarantee that it will work
wait and see...


it's really hard for me to fix this without having an osx in front of me... thanks for trying!
i'll let you know asap i find a solution


Hello NNNontendo,

Sorry for the delay, did you tried to type in the terminal:

sudo spctl --master-disable

Then going to your security panel and check "Allow apps downloaded from..." to  "Anywhere"?

I found the solution here:

I hope this might helps you...

i guess that v0.2 (i've just released it) has the same issue...

Damn! Let me ask my college about this, he might have a solution for you...

for those interested in CI, the script is in the branch ... ci >

wow, cool tip, the renaming to .love! thanks, it will be enough for me!
i'm using godot for the moment, for its editor, what is your feedback about urho3d?

Hello, i'm following evol pedal for a while now, and i'm frustrated that there is no linux build...
It would be great if you release a linux version! If you need help, i'd be happy to build it :)
All the best

hooo, super cool to redo this mythic game with godot!

Indeed! I changed the status of the project to "cancelled" - sorry for the bad management.

By the way, if anyone starts developing again, do not hesitate to notify me, i'll help the best i can.

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UI and controls are messy, but i had a lot of fun configuring poses: i love the brown bag!

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i've just played with vertexmeadow, is it the same codebase as southbank? it seems to be highly related :)

i've seen it, but not tested yet :)
hey! i just realised that amulet is your engine! even cooler!

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i love the "rainy clouds" made with heighmaps!

is it done with amulet?


:( no linux version...

Nice work, played at Death by audio arcade's demo night with @xuv.

Score was about 8/1 :D

cool! i'm following anyway

no linux release planned? I'd really love to play to this!!!

not directly related: the ALT + click is a system shortcut on linux mint (cinnamon) to drag the whole window :)
is there a way to edit the shortcuts manually (config file, xml, whatever, anything is fine fore me!)

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Hello, i'm on linux (64bits & nvidia w. proprietary drivers) also, the installation is as simple as on windows or mac if you're using the desktop client.

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Please post your questions regarding technical questions in this topic.
The engine is hosted in bitbucket, and the best place to report an issue is there :)