I am also not able to open the App on macOS big sur.
Here is the pop up message of macos (in german):
du hast nicht die benötigten zugriffsrechte um das programm zu öffnen big sur
there is an unofficial map maker programm, https://john-games.itch.io/unofficial-autonauts-level-editor
@Denki: pls remeber the last pos of the find near an beacon and search form there...cause when the little bots are more away form the mid-point (where the beacon is) they e.g. go on the top and the down and then top...go on go on and that is really anoying cause the battery drain...
i hope i could discribe my problem/idea in hopefully good english...forgive me ;D
here is mine:
the wood plank pole stone iron and matell as well as the robo district:
the milk and fertilizer district:
then the wheat district (not ready yet!):
and last but not least the *new* Apple Pie district:
after the wheat district is ready i plan the "village district" for the poor little guys
here it is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw9XQkE78ae6ZHU4VHg0djZlZ1E/view?usp=sharing
i find a workaround by change plotvis in the save file (not in the upper one but in a copy)