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A member registered Nov 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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nice work on completing mplus with simplified chinese! hope this goes on. my appreciation from china.

though, here are some minor fixes i've found:

敌(enemy) that looks like 故(past, old, reason), maybe the worst mistake here cuz games are often about enemies...

渗 looks like its traditional form 滲 where it should be simplified, also it seems off by 1 pixel to the right. (also 擎 德 )

蓝 摹 莽莱莲莫莉荷获 菱菲萝菌菜菊菩菠萤营(oops they occur in a row because of having same stroke count, maybe also some others)'s top part looks out of the original style (both stems extend to 1px higher),

兽 's bottom seems exceeded the common position of others (a pair of strokes might need to be merged to avoid black 2x2). oppositely, 烂 looks lifted. 丧 looks too short.

hope this helps on taking steps towards perfection~


windows 10 professional 20H2 19042.985

softlocks like, the drag-to-move-the-window and the close button on the title bar doesn't work, but the animation in the running game continues. have to righ-click and close on taskbar. non alphabetical buttons (arrows) causes softlock too.

fails even in the english (sub)mode of ime (such as microsoft pinyin for chinese).

works fine when switched to "English(US) American Keyboard" before startup.

in fact it seems after starting up, trying to switch ime (when focusing on this app) doesn't work at all.

(i'm in "use ime state PER application" mode in windows settings, which seems legacy but useful. not sure if it's the source of bug.)

nice minimalist software, cheers!