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A member registered Aug 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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Really fun game, love the difficulty a few of these levels really tested my skills. Hope you do well in the jam!

Surprisingly fun and satisfying! Thought the game was impossible at first until I realized that the 'c' key was boost. Hope to see a more fledged out game with this premise in the future!

Fun simple game! I like it!

I actually had a lot of fun with this. Wish it was more levels

Wow that was so fast! Thank you so much!

Looks fun, but could you adjust the code so that it runs consistently no matter your fps? I can tell the game is running too fast for me and I am not able to get very far because of this

Thank you for the well thought out review. I love that you can see the risk and reward that is at the core of the game.
Thank you for pointing out the quick restart issue, I wasn't having that in my tests. I will look into that and hopefully fix the issue.
Good job on your game aswell btw!

The collectables came as a recommendation of a playertester and after adding them we decided we had to keep them. As far as them being randomly placed you are completely correct, unfortunately I didn't have enough time to implement correct placement.

Glad you still enjoyed the game in spite of this issue! Check back in the future (after the jam) for a fix to that issue.

5/5, great game. I love the sound and presentation, love the use of the theme, and love the gameplay.

I love the beautiful and simplistic graphics! Very cool stuff!

Also not sure if it is a bug, but tapping the left and right arrow keys moves me much faster than holding them down. Wasn't really able to get around unless I did that.

The sounds were created by a friend of mine over the course of half an hour. I'll see how he wants to be credited on here (not sure if I should drop his government name). And as for the engine, this is done in vanilla javascript, using the HTML5 canvas.

Such an interesting and unique control scheme. I love the concept of the game! Well done!

High Score: 266

No worries! I was half posting this just to make sure it wasn't announced on twitter and I missed it (or something like that)

Does anyone know when we can expect to hear from the judge’s?

Shoutout to batmah5871, Bapej, Xisisi, tias01, luminous58, and a couple more...

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I checked this game out because it was the most rated (of the games I hadn't checked out yet), and I hadn't seen the developers commenting in anyone else's submissions. I quickly realized why this is the case. There are tons of shell accounts in the comments praising this game with very basic compliments or just not even true statements. As for my impression of the game itself: completely boring and lengthy intro, no adherence to the theme, and not very satisfying gameplay. I am not sure what engine this is on, so there may be a lot of work put into this, but considering the dubious acts you are committing in the comments, it was put in for nothing.

Interesting experience to say the least. I'd love to see a game made by you that is longer (outside of this game jam) and maybe even randomly generated

Surprisingly entertaining, more of an interactive visual producer than a game, but I enjoyed the avant garde angle of it!

I thought this game was going to be a low effort game based on the screenshots, but I think the aesthetic and gameplay were actually really good! I think this is a great addition to the game jam overall, good work!

Very unique premise for a game, I would love to see this fleshed out a little more. I don't think it quite fit the theme, but it's a good game none-the-less!

Really fun, really fast paced and hectic, and very satisfying to try and get a higher score every time I finish a run!

Followed the graphics and sound design are fun and follow the theme of jam really well and an interesting jumping off point for a game. I enjoyed it and recommend it to others!

I'd like to know too, as my game suffers from quite a few bugs and I would benefit from fixing them.

I'm honored you took the time to look at my game; the key piece you were missing is in the bottom left you can add tenants, and from there you can begin to play the game. I feel like considering everything your rating was beyond gratious, thank you!

This game is honestly so addicting! Feels like a love letter to nuclear throne fanes. Really hope you win first place!

(1 edit)

Thank you for the kind feedback! I’ll check out End of Melodysm asap