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Eva Unit 00

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That's amazing to hear! Making sure it's fun is always the number one priority! By the way I see you commented on a lack of hit effects, did you play via browser or exe? Because the newest browser version includes damage grunts and a blood splatter effect when you get hit. 

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to make the backtrack to the locked room after the phone booth more obvious. As for the tower, its actually the space elevator that's brought up in the dialogue a lot and you can see in the distance! But I get how that could be unclear. 

But the gameplay is the most important part, and hearing an endorsement like that is amazing! Thanks a ton! 

That's too bad to hear about not being able to get past that arena, but I'm really glad you liked it! I'll get right to work on patching in some damage effects! 

Also, would you mind telling me if you had all three weapons and knew how to use your dashes and bullet time before you entered the arena you couldn't get past? Just trying to get some information for balance changes :)


(2 edits)

Thanks! I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed it! It can be hard sometimes to tell just how difficult something can be when you're the one who made it but it seems like I should tweak the difficulty a bit.

Also would you mind telling me where you got lost? 

Really fun game! It's simple but addictive with a nice style, a cool little narrative element, and can get actually pretty intense and stressful later on. The sounds are a bit quiet but I just cranked up my volume. Although maybe add a clock for the time left in the night because I never really even got a good grasp of how long they last by night 5. 

If you could try out my game as well I'd really appreciate it!

I'd appreciate it a ton!

Just left a rating and review! Here's a link to mine!

The game is pretty good but I feel like it has a few issues. A lot of the deaths I faced were really sudden and hard to counter. The stiff jumping combined with losing any amount of health meant that if you take even a single hit you're pretty much doomed. But over time the game did grow on me. I had fun with it but there was admittedly a decent bit of annoyance along the way. If you refined this a bit it could probably be pretty great!

If you leave a review for my game, New Babel, I'll return the favor! Everyone wants more feedback right? <3

Just uploaded a review, very nice game btw!

Just tried the game out and it was really cute! If I had a kid I feel like this would be a really fun way to get them to practice typing. As for the downsides it is pretty easy, especially since I'm a programmer so I type a lot. I wouldn't say to straight up increase the difficulty but adding some difficulty options might be nice for as the player gets better at typing. The game also crashed around the 30-40th floor I believe. I was playing through the browser so it may have to do with that. 

Overall though, really cute and fun game! Just needs some fixes and maybe some difficulty options and it can shine! 

Here's hoping this is still open, I'd appreciate it a lot!

I really hope you like it!

My main issue with combat was the lack of feedback. Because the enemies lack any kind of flinch animation or pain grunt, anything of that sort, combat just becomes about circle strafing and chipping down a health bar, which takes a while because they're pretty tanky. I found myself just running past enemies later on. It can also be hard to dodge attacks since there's very little telegraphing in sound or animation, which made especially the duelist class hard to play with its parry. 

On a positive note I loved all the classes and weapons! The animations are simple but really charming. It makes the game feel retro in a great way. I'll try playing through the game again and see if I can figure out magic. That might improve the combat a bit too. 

This game is really cool in some ways, reminds me a lot of Cruelty Squad, and with more time and polish it could be really cool. Although I struggled to figure out what was going on a lot of the time because the graphics are really hard to parse a lot of the time. And the code system while cool in concept can be somewhat annoying once you have a lot of weapons to remember the codes for. Still though overall what is here is pretty cool and I love the weapons. 

That sure was an fps with towers. 

The game is absolutely adorable, any game with a kitty is an instant win in my book. 

Ascend is a game with a lot of style and I really appreciate that. It looks and sounds genuinely amazing. Unfortunately I feel like it is hurt by the lack of weapon and enemy variety making it so that after the first few levels things begin to get monotonous. The level design and puzzles are also both pretty good so they keep you going, but I found myself a bit bored by the end. 

Yeah that game has a really cool style, dithering is an interesting visual technique

Thanks for the response! When shotgun enemies die they do have a chance to drop shotgun ammo, they just don't give out to much to keep the shotgun more balanced. As for the bit about how to switch, I appreciate the feedback and I changed things in the most recent build to try and address that! 

Thanks! The phase before the elevator is difficult, yeah. I'm glad to hear you got that far however. 

I liked the atmosphere of this game a lot, the somber exploration of a barren place was very peaceful but also somewhat sad. The lack of direction leading to just exploring this world which feels very large and some of the graphical choices reminded me of playing an old elder scrolls game. On the negative side I think the combat was very stiff and my run ended when I couldn't figure out magic. I had full Aurum and the shatter spell to use on the locked gate but couldn't actually use it. I knew I was supposed to do something with my body parts in the inventory but I wasn't sure what. 

Still, incredible job with what you actually managed to complete. I'd love to see this finished.