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Evan McRae

A member registered Jul 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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Super cool, man! I did get softlocked on Wave 11 with the helicopter behind me but it was really fun assembling builds. Reminds me of Bad Piggies almost! Great work :D

Thank you, glad you enjoyed!! If we had more time, we would have definitely made the visual/auditory cues a little clearer for blocked hits versus punches, but it’s good that you were able to figure out the difference anyway. Appreciate you checking the game out :)

This one was a really clever spin on the jam theme! Very nice work gamifying the various tasks needed to keep the race running smoothly. I have a new admiration for the racing attendants of the world :)

Thank you!! Glad you appreciated Jeffery — he’s quite a character :)

Oh, I didn't realize that the sushi spawns more frequently if you stay on beat! That's a really great touch. Fantastic work, guys! :D

You’re welcome — thank you!! :)

No problem!! And again, great work on the game  :)

Ahh ok. Yeah it just never showed up on the UI for me — I was kind of softlocked in the text box by the end of the game. Anyway glad you have the proof and the means to fix it! Sorry I messed up your leaderboard though 😅

> The hero won't dodge shots in the back because... he cant see those lol.

AHHH I wish I figured that out sooner!! Okay, that makes everything way easier haha. I was always trying to get straight shots on him and he just dodged every single time. Lesson learned. Thanks for the advice!!

I meant that steering the car forwards makes it go downwards towards the camera, whereas normally I’d expect it to go upwards away from the camera (so that the camera kind of follows behind the car). I don’t think you would need to change where the camera points, just where the car moves relative to it depending on player inputs.

Anyway, yeah, happens to the best of us — great work nonetheless!!

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Really clever spin on the typical boss fight scenario with a surprising amount of strategic depth. Would be really cool to see this concept extended with a more focused progression/game loop, but this was a super fun and impressive experience nonetheless. Great work!! :D

That was a lot of fun!! The cute and cozy art/music complements your concept very well. I'd say the gameplay is almost meditative -- until the customers get angry, anyway! Very well done :)

Pretty clever concept! Unfortunately, most certainly due to my lack of familiarity with the original Superhot, the puzzles became difficult to the point of impossible for me to complete since the hero felt so overpowered against the henchmen. Nonetheless, great execution and best of luck in the jam!

Pretty cool game! Unfortunately, I found it rather unplayably difficult to control the car. I think the main problem for me was the camera's perspective, which I would normally expect to be away from rather than towards the user; that impacted my control coordination pretty heavily. I might also suggest allowing the car to be turned without applying gas or reversing so that those controls feel more uniformly responsive to the player. In any case, good execution and clever concept! Hopefully I can wipe away the guilt on my conscience after running over a couple frogs.

Yeah, I can definitely agree with those criticisms. Unfortunately due to time constraints we weren't able to flesh out the fighter behavior and game loop as much as we'd hoped; ideally, they would have been a bit more aggressive, had more varied movesets (ducking, jumping, dashing, knockback, knockouts, and recoveries were all on the table at one point), and had some more personality. Your idea about fighting with other parts of the body (e.g. kicking) would have also been pretty cool!

We did consider working in penalties, too -- in that case, the referee would be removing from a fighter's score. It just became a bit of a control scheme nightmare and we abandoned that idea in favor of a minimum viable product. If we'd had more time to think about implementation, that would have been another great way to extend the game's mechanics!

As for the build situation -- yeah, that would have been the move. I was scrambling to get builds together in the last few minutes and this was my first time trying to support multiple operating systems. MacOS was especially tricky since it packaged it up as a folder with ".app" at the end of the name which I can't really upload. I guess the standard solution is some external application from itch, but I didn't think I had the time to try to set that up. Anyway, lesson learned for next time :)

Thanks for the constructive comments and thanks for taking the time to play!

My score actually couldn't display in the scoreboard because it wouldn't let me submit it for some reason (I tried hitting every key I could think of and the text just stayed in the box?). I figured that was fair enough anyway -- I got something like 21600 points 😅

Of course, it was my pleasure!

Thank you so much!! You're pretty talented yourself, too! Best of luck :D

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Haha, perfect tagline. Thank you!! :D

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Pretty fun game with a clever twist on traditional farming simulators! I did run into a bug where I was able to continuously click the "sell all crops" button by the food stand as the thief since the UI popup didn't go away -- ended up with an astronomical number of points, haha. Nonetheless, I found it really fun trying to maximize point output the intended ways! Great work on the visuals/sounds.

Thank you so much!! The music was one of my particular focuses during development, so I'm really happy to hear it helped make things more engaging. Glad you enjoyed!

Totally fair criticism -- we definitely would have tweaked the pace given a little more time to develop the mechanics. Glad you enjoyed nonetheless!

Thank you!! Super glad you enjoyed the game (plus the sounds and music!). Congrats on the win -- guess the stars aligned for ya :)

Thanks for the feedback! Definitely agreed about the pacing issues, but I’m glad the core mechanic was engaging enough.

Really fun and clever concept! The game requires you to think constantly and strategically about what dice to put where since your movement and attacks are inherently restricted and the dice themselves are scarce. It was perhaps a little fast paced for me, but I'm sure I'll get better at it the more I play!

Thank you, glad you enjoyed! :)