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A member registered Jan 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nicest thing anyone's ever said about this thing. Thanks!

One of these months I'll get around to adding a simple editor so I can add some more levels and maybe tweak or move some of the ones that aren't as fun.

Hey thanks!

Thank you for the kind words.

This is pretty fun once it gets going. Some feedback:

- Typo in the tutorial: "wait or drive to* long"

- The biggest thing I was missing out of the tutorial was how to actually get houses "connected." That is, it wasn't obvious that a straight left-right road below a house does not work. I think that a variation of the "connected" indicator to indicate a "potential for connection" would be helpful.

- I was initially confused by the mobile homes -- I thought these were cars.

- The destination icons are very cryptic. I'm not sure which corresponds to each destination type.

- It would be nice to have a pause/play button on the keyboard

- Audio feedback when a new house spawns would be helpful.

Thank you! That's lovely to hear.

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Thanks for taking a look! Really happy for the feedback. There are a lot of great ideas in here that would be simple to try out, so I definitely will.

the control scheme could use a bit of love (I kept trying to use A/S to rotate)

Could you elaborate on this? Am I right that you were controlling throttle with the arrow keys? I wonder if I should abandon one set of throttle controls and pick either arrows + AD (or AS or QW or something) -or- WASD + arrow left/right. What sort of scheme would you find ideal?

let the trick affect the boost - either max speed or duration - a triple flip is just cooler than a single one

This is happening, but it's unfortunately really invisible to the player. The duration of the boost is related to the number of flips, with a bonus if the trick isn't the same as the previous one. Doing a new trick extends any remaining boost duration. I think I probably need a boost timer, and to explicitly show a +whatever seconds somewhere when you do a trick or something?

I'm slightly skeptical about stacking velocity, only because it seems like it would make it harder to design levels. But getting a bit crazy with it could be fun.

It looks like I forgot to come back for more. Had a bit of time this morning. Here's as close as I can get to a roasting. Even this level of roastage is making me slightly uncomfortable, lol.

The intro screen had some typos and was generally a confusing read. It didn't make for a good first impression. I was left wondering "a lot of what?" after the first sentence. I was familiar with this definition of "lot," but it took some head scratching to figure out that "lot" was referring to the entire level / hive. This sort of gets cleared up in the next paragraph. I think you should have used asterisks for the winks and nudges in this text that isn't actually rendered markdown. I might have been more generous with the theme points if there was a bit more effort put in here.

It had instructions, so I didn't feel the need to read the game page until later which is when I discovered you could rotate pieces. Ideally I would have at least known this was possible from reading the intro screen.

The simple animations were a nice touch, but I'm not crazy about the animation when rotating pieces that consist of more than one hex. I think this would be better if the hexes rotated / animated "as one." There's also a bug here when you do a full rotation the piece seems to "jump."

The control issues were my main problem. Even in the github pages version, dragging pieces around is super janky. (I have a recording of this if you don't already know what I'm talking about)

There's a bug with the animated background where its speed doesn't get reset if the game ends by the timer elapsing, forcing you to play the next level in seizure-mode.

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I learned while playing around with another entry that cursor locking is totally broken on macos, and it won't be fixed in winit 0.29, which is sad. It seems best to just not try to do it on that platform.

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Thanks! The UI is just bevy_ui with bevy_nine_slice_ui.

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Oh, oops! I was playing from source and didn't realize it had been updated.

Which tag is the jam version?

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Interesting idea!

I had the settings screen up when my game ended and got stuck on the game over screen.

When the turtles came I started to wonder if maybe I was the bad guy.

Sadly unable to play/rate with no source code or web build.

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The ui is gorgeous and works really well for the most part. The sliders are a bit wonky, but functional. Really neat that you pulled that off with bevy_ui though. It has come a long way, and bevy-ui-navigation is a great crate.

I went through the formulas screen first, and it was nearly incomprehensible. I get the gist now after attempting to play a bit. But having all that right in my face immediately left me feeling pretty hopeless.

It's hard to find a happy medium for the keyboard controls, and I was a bit bummed that when I found a value I liked the game didn't persist that setting. I accidentally exited the game more than once while navigating menus. But that setting existing, and being able to test it in the settings menu are a great touch.

I was hoping to make it to 30 seconds but I am not good at these things, so I think 25 will have to do.

Totally agree with SecretPocketCat's take.

I actually really dug the 1bit non-vector art style in an asteroids type game.

I thought the animation on the main menu was sort of a clever way to earn a theme interpretation star.

Sadly a bit unapproachable due to the requirement for a matey and the assumption of prior knowledge of go. The introduction video was a good idea.

Thanks for providing source code so I can play on this mac. I think you might also be the only submission using this particular template that updated the URL for the "open source" button. Yay.

It took me a good while to accidentally get close enough to a gumball to notice that they get an outline when they are grapple-able. It can be a bit hard to notice this is going on on the lighter colored balls if they are close to the maximum distance.

I also never really got to experience the tutorial properly. I guess you're expected to jump to initiate it, but that never really occurred to me to try. It's not listed in the table of controls. It wasn't even obvious to me that I needed to go up. My first attempts were going down. Seems a bit obvious in retrospect, but that seemed like the only way to get to balls to grapple.

I agree that I didn't really have a good intuition for where I was or where I was headed. I guess if I look straight up the rotation gets kinda wonky.

I eventually got to one of the cube things and hung up my grapple there.

This is cute really cute. Love all the atmosphere.

Really frustrating to play on a trackpad, although I do find the control scheme pretty interesting. An alternative keyboard jump button would have helped me, I think

My first experience with the "ghost acorns" or whatever was just jumping right through the tree to the left though and I had to restart.

The game looks really good. 

I played through some levels and I think I understand the basic controls, but I'm sort of not sure what I'm supposed to be doing. I've had very little luck lighting and kicking individual barrels, as this isn't enough to overload a robot. I was thinking that drawing in, lighting, and releasing might be a thing, but I don't think I can left and right click at the same time on this touchpad so I was having trouble testing that.

My best best seemed to be just running around and setting everything on fire with no regard for my own life and that got me through a few levels.

Sorry for the sort of lame feedback, but maybe that's useful somehow. With all of the pieces in place to create a tutorial, maybe some more careful level design in the beginning to teach mechanics would have helped.

So almost a 2048 on a hexagon but everything's trying to kill you situation? Interesting. I don't know if I'm missing some strategy or if death is just extremely inevitable.

I found the mouse clicking input to be very unreliable -- only every other click or so would actually "register" and cause me to move. I'm on macos with a high dpi / 120hz display.

Moving your move_player_system out of FixedUpdate and into Update seemed to resolve this. In FixedUpdate, you're potentially missing input events. This was a bit confusing for me since I thought in bevy 0.12.1 would have covered this, but I don't think that PR did anything with Res<Input>. Just EventReader<MouseButtonInput>.

The game over screen is really cool, but I accidentally immediately clicked past it and missed it like 5 times in a row.

Ah, good to hear that my troubles with the cursor are due to a platform-specific winit bug. I'll keep an eye on but it doesn't seem like anyone's even working on it.

Had a bit of fun flying around spraying seeds everywhere. Obviously a bit unfinished and I really didn't feel like I needed to spend the entire 10 minute timer playing. Felt like I pretty much got the entire experience in a minute or two.

Seems like there might be a few more issues to debug in bevy_voxel_world.

I eventually succumbed to the macos beachball of death (app hung, but didn't crash). This happened abruptly, with things seemingly going smoothly beforehand. I had spent some time spraying, and stopped moving for a bit and everything just hung.

I got depressed at 38, but unfortunately wasn't able to see my entire tombstone because it was off-screen.

I think the most entertaining part was going for the random events and then seeing how your life turned out.

This is kinda fun. I think it would have been fun to just see two AIs battling it out too.

I am really confused about the cursor locking. It looks like the cursor is locked every time the left mouse button is pressed, and released on escape. What is this for? It even locked when I tried to drag the settings window out of the way, and after every setting I selected. It seems like you need to use the left mouse button to control your squads so I just don't get it. Am I seeing some platform-specific (macos) behavior? I did have the mouse get stolen on the web too, but seemingly less often.

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Lots of cool stuff going on here -- world space UI, gun throwing, randomish levels, fridge violence... Did you experience some sort of refrigerator-related trauma during your childhood?

I died in the red dragon lair, and wasn't keen on making the effort to get all the way back there to see if there was an ending.

There's an issue with enemy attacks where they don't always actually attack you. You can just stand still and they will seek you out but not attack. At first I thought this might be some sort of intentional super-hotting, but after playing around a bunch it just felt buggy.

I did a small amount of debugging which is a thing I do for fun for some reason. When the enemies rotate to face the player, because their weapons are offset on their right side, the weapon ends up not pointing directly at the player. It points just off to the player's left side. So the "enemy_shoot" raycast never finds the player. When you are standing still with an enemy staring you down, if you move left, you'll move into the line of the weapon and get shot. If you move right, they won't shoot. So you can generally avoid fire just by moving right.

It also seems possible to snipe enemies in the red dragon lair before entering through the door.

And there may be something funky going on with weapon pickups -- it seems like I will occasionally pick up a floating weapon and not actually get any ammo.

I also got this panic when I let a bunch of enemies swarm me, and then moved into their line of fire.

2023-12-19T05:05:30.076914Z  WARN bevy_ecs::world: error[B0003]: Could not despawn entity 237v1 because it doesn't exist in this World.
thread 'main' panicked at /Users/me/.cargo/registry/src/
Entity 237v1 does not exist
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
Encountered a panic when applying buffers for system `fridges_must_die::enemies::enemy_shoot`!
Encountered a panic in system `bevy_app::main_schedule::Main::run_main`!

I have to agree that using a mouse to control one axis of rotation and absolutely nothing else felt a bit strange.

The music started out very fitting, and then seemed to be mocking me in the end game.

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Thanks for providing source code! That's really helpful for those of us who aren't into running random executable files, especially when there are some issues with the web build.

The lead-in voiceover was cool and I dug the music, but unfortunately stumbled a bunch over various bugs.

Here's a bunch of feedback, if you want it.

The main menu looks great, but the spinning cube seems sort of random. The rest of the UI looks and feels nice too.

I'm a little confused about what I should be doing and if I'm playing correctly. I guess I'm just supposed to be going around extracting resources until I can't anymore. But with no score or timer or anything I'm not really sure what the point of trying again would be. I suppose just to conquer the entire map, but it's a huge map and I don't really want to put in the time if I don't know for sure that there is a win condition.

I found the controls a bit awkward. Especially in the wasm build before selecting a building. There's just no cursor and it doesn't seem like anything is happening. It feels sort of odd to have to use the mouse to click stuff when moving the mouse doesn't do anything. In native builds on my mac, the cursor is locked wherever it happens to be when the game starts, not necessarily the center of the screen. I'm really confused about why the cursor locking would even be necessary.

Weirdly, it's possible to use the mouse to click the buttons in the bottom left, but only if the game is paused and the cursor is unlocked. But if you try to do that, you click "through" the buttons and and up building stuff behind the UI.

You need to click, use arrow keys, and number keys, which requires constant movement on/off of the mouse. If the mouse is involved, it would be nicer to be able to do the keyboard stuff entirely with the left hand. I see in the source code that there might be some panning with middle-click, but I don't have a middle button.

The camera movement seems too fast. I am finding myself trying to do the tiniest little taps possible, but still end up not getting the "cursor" onto the tile I'm trying to get to.

When I was still figuring out what was going on, I got a bit confused when the camera position didn't reset when a new game started.

I think that the power radius might have a positioning or display issue. It seems like it might be off by half a tile vertically. It seems more forgiving at the bottom of the circle than at the top.

It is possible to build buildings on top of other buildings.

The full-white splash screen followed by a full-black background menu was a little jarring. The splash screen itself was a little confusing. There were a few sprites in it that looked sort of like game assets so I thought I was just seeing a broken game at first.

Hello fellow mining-game-submitter!

I had no issue staying above 100fps fullscreen in Chrome on an M1 max, but the right click context menu did make mining awkward.

Some other bits of feedback below. Likely stuff you're aware of. That deadline did come quickly.

- Various settings aren't available when using the "main menu settings button." They only show up from the "game over settings button." I only knew to go looking for this after seeing it in the screenshots.

- This might be the only Bevy Jam game I've seen with a keybindings menu. Unfortunately it didn't seem to work. Changing keybindings or sensitivity had no effect.

- Combat seemed a little unsatisfying. In the screenshots, it seems like you're doing tricks and dodging and stuff, but when I played, the turrets locked on very quickly and shot very quickly. I felt like my only option was shorts peeks from cover. I later discovered after being pushed out of range by enemy bullets that my gun has a longer range than theirs and it become a trivial thing.

- I was quite confused about mining at first. It wasn't obvious that the mining laser had a very short range. Visually, it seemed like I must be hitting the blocks, but nothing was happening.

I'm sort of confused by the premise of this game, but blasting a bunch of leaves off of a tree is pretty satisfying.

I think it's a bit unfortunate that the crossbow model is taking up so much space, and that aiming it properly involves moving the crossbow so that it obscures the part of the tree you're hitting.

This game was feeling a bit like "busy work" to me. Though I was still compelled to clean up all the debris. The timer in the top right was slightly obscured by itch's UI for me, so I didn't notice that the clock was counting down, not up. Was a bit of a bummer for the game to suddenly end. I felt like I probably experienced everything though and didn't feel the need to try again.

I think that having additional keyboard controls for rotating the planet would be nice.

Bevy seems to be performing pretty well here. Is this able to take advantage of the new automatic batching stuff in 0.12?

This is a cool little demo. I made it 16 hours. There were a few turns where I accidentally clicked / committed to a bad trajectory though, wasting an absurd amount of delta v. The interface was pretty easy for me to use as a KSP veteran.

Is the tech you're working on in orbit_tesselation intended for another game idea? I'd be interested to know where you're going with this, or other projects using the same tech. Any plans on packaging it up in a way that doesn't depend on a specific third party bevy crate? I've got a backburner project that could potentially benefit from an easy-to-use orbital mechanics plugin.

Are the assets original too? The red tinted enemy gave me a chuckle.

Pretty impressive amount of stuff going on here. I know you started pretty late into the jam. This sort of game is my jam, so have a follow!

This thing gets pretty crazy, haha. More than I expected for 6 hours!

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They are not quite as unreasonable as I imagined, but when any of the enemies hit your left or right side it's fairly obvious. Not saying you need pixel perfect collisions or anything, but maybe some adjustments that favor the player.

Pretty simple, but with executed pretty well.

I'm not great at bullet hells, but I'm always up for upgrading the weapons of a space ship. Got 22950 points on a run where I mostly upgraded the main weapon. That feels like the obvious best thing to do, with the two other options firing randomly. But maybe the spiral thing was getting okayish as the density got higher?

I appreciated the forgiving hitboxes while dodging bullets, but maybe the enemies themselves should have larger ones? 

I think 3 lives feels pretty intense when there's not so much of a pattern to learn and there are a ton of enemies just filling the screen with bullets in random directions. Take my feedback with a grain of salt because this isn't my genre.

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Cute little game with a clever name.

Are the graphics original?

The hitboxes seem a bit unforgiving. Depending on the rotation of the player or the enemy, they may collide despite not visibly touching.

It took me a while to figure out how the sparks worked. I think the spark UI is a little subtle. Zero and one sparks look very similar. And when you get a spark, but kill an enemy with it in melee range, it can be hard to tell that you've just used (and possibly regained) a spark.

Another commenter mentioned not seeing their score increase when killing enemies at range with sparks. I also experienced this, but not on every page load. Sometimes it worked fine. On one run I killed probably 20 entities before realizing my score was still 1. So maybe some sort of system ordering bug there?

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In loving memory of The Queen Bee, a visionary leader who oversaw the completion of the great construction project in the winter of 2030 and nurtured a lineage of 229 daughters. Tragically, her life was cut short in the spring of 2034 by an unimaginable act—perpetrated by her own children. Though gone, her legacy as a guiding force and dedicated mother will forever resonate within the hive.

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Desperately wanted mouse look, strafe keys, and collisions with walls, but I understand time was short :)

Nice job getting a working 3d game with a web build up.

Congrats on the submission! It's a full working game with a web build and everything, which isn't exactly trivial to pull off!

Maybe it's not the best strategy, but the laziest one seems to be to just chill on the left side, not moving at all, wait for some blocks to stack up and time a launch when the skybear comes near. You might get hit, but you'll probably outpace the enemy easily if you're accurate with your launches.

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This is pretty simple, but "complete" game. Even just the small variety of enemy sizes and speeds kept things interesting for a bit. But after making it to level 9 a few times I did get a bit bored.

I thought the hit/death "animations" were a nice little touch.

The camera shake on level up isn't really doing it for me. Maybe if the shake continued a bit while the upgrade selection screen was up it would help. But as-is, it feels like more of a weird camera jerk.

For the sound issue on the web, check out what the official bevy template is doing: