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Esteban Legrand

A member registered Nov 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is a bug occuring in the Webgl version of the game.  We ignored it could behave that badly in some instances. 

I am sorry you had to go through this, we removed the Webgl version for now. Thanks for playing and for sharing your issue!

Thank you :)

Thanks for playing ^^

Nice playthrough :)

Thank you!

A good boy would do anything for his granny :'(

Thank you for playing :)

Thanks for playing ^^

Merci !

Glad you liked it :)

Thanks for playing!

Thanks a lot ^^


Merci beaucoup :)

Thanks a lot, glad you liked it!

Great game! Simple idea but it is amazingly presented. I loved the art style and of course the music is ridiculously good.

(Also, small detail, but I loved that death animation)

Outstanding game! Cute, well designed and very fun!

The game could be a bit frustrating at times.  In my opinion, adding a brief feedback before a guard turns around and/or allowing some more room for error would make this game the perfect sneaky slime experience :)

(1 edit)

I liked the game a lot! It felt really cohesive. 

In particular, mixing WASD inputs with point and click was quite genius.

I Love the arcade/puzzle feel and interesting rules (the ammo limit!!).  If you plan on continuing it, it's not far from becoming a very solid, addictive game in my opinion!

Great job on crafting such a nice flow. All aspects of the game are great. In particular, the transitions between levels felt perfect :)

Very nice art and feel! 

Besides the other interesting feedbacks you got, I feel adding some very basic sound effects for footsteps and interacting with loot would greatly complement your concept. 

But I realise you probably ran out of time, cool game :)

Thanks for the great feedback!

It was a big concern during development.

Basically, we made the bet that most players would not get the "optimal" way of playing right  away with the little information they have (no gauges, HUD, possibly no prior walkman knowledge...) and the short nature of the game.

Now, the interesting thing is that players either found the game too easy, balanced or too hard!

With some more playtesting, we can probably find the simple trick that makes the experience better for everyone :)

(I think dynamic diffulty would be very fun to implement here)

Great game all around! It felt good to play and the monster designs are awesome. 

The game design is interesting and clever!

My only issue was the camera making it hard to aim and get some spacial awareness. If you didn't use Cinemachine for this, maybe you could try it later and have an easier time setting up the camera! 

The top-down view was a neat idea in my opinion

Fun game and stunning art :)

Nice job on the character's animations and great mechanic! 

Making aiming a bit easier  and "controllable" would probably improve the game a ton. Maybe with a "charge, aim and release" shot ?

Also it would have been fun to be able to counter enemy's bullets in some way or another!

I had a hard time with the controls and the tutorials were a bit hard to read. It made it hard to get into the actual game which is very interesting!

Cool idea and execution, really immersive !

It felt a bit too hard, feedbacks and some balancing like others said would make it perfect. 

Great entry !!

The game is really well made, good job!

(1 edit)

Great game, all together it's quite addicting. I could probably play it for hours as it is! It's great if you plan to expand it. 

The only issue I had was the platforms height which feels too high compared to jump height.

Very cool game! The controls feel nice and the levels introduce the mechanic really well