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A member registered Jul 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Thank you for the feedback! Yea I had some difficulty with the maneuvering, especially when the car collides with the outer invisible wall. I'll definitely work on it once the jam ratings are over. I added a short description to avoid confusion for others who try out the game.

Simple little driving game. Hope you enjoy it.

Thank you for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed some parts of the game. I'll look into the flying off screen thing, - thought I had taken care of that.

The art is really good. Puzzle platforming is really interesting by having to change realms back and forth. Movement felt a little slidy when in the air but other than that good job!

I love the graphics and sound :D The cat is adorable especially with the little feet. The cat felt a little finicky to control but other than that good job!

Neat little platformer! I really enjoy how the colors change. Some more platformer mechanics would make it a bit more interesting. Other than that good job!

I actually had a lot of fun running people over. But dodging obstacles and collecting things was good as well! 

I love the cats :D Gameplay reminds me of mario a bit. A bit buggy but good job on graphics  and animations! A little more and this could be a really great game.

Very nice art style with some interesting puzzles! Reminds me a lot of Limbo. The story/text here and there is a nice touch as well.

Nice little game! Controlling the ship was a bit finicky at first but not too bad to learn and creates a nice challenge to the game.

Great little game. I appreciate the little story telling bits! Small nitpicks, but the rocket noise is a little loud. Personal preference to add a laser cannon/weapons to the ship to blast away debris.

I really enjoy the sound effects! I was a little confused at first with movement/object. Overall nice and simple game.

Thank you for the feedback! It seems to be the general consensus. I will keep a difficulty ramp in mind on an update or future jams. I will check out your game.

That's great to hear! Opengameart has some really nice stuff if you need assets for future jams. I'll check out your game for sure.

Yea I agree, a difficulty ramp like one of the other comments should've been added. The power you gain from the slime projectiles does heal you and feedback noted, it can get a bit confusing with all the different sprites flying around. I'll be sure to check out your game as well.

Yes I felt the same thing while play testing! Feedback noted, I will check out your game as well.