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A member registered Jun 10, 2017 · View creator page →

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Excellent question, honestly, I don’t even know

really great

J’ai un ami qui s’appelle Adrien et il est français, comme toi, il adore faire les jeux

Basically, you are falling through the air with 4 friends, you have to be the first to the parachute

I’m Electofunk, I exist and I’m bad at it. I run this thing called ‘Jude’s dumb dare’ in which I make a game over a week and then me y mis amigos play that game on ‘the youtubes’ for other people’s entertainment. I make games in unity using c# and I’m amazed that I haven’t been banned from for making bad games. My page is ici.


thanks, appreciate it 

This game looks really great - if I was you, however, I would change the thumbnail pic, it could look way better

thanks, I appreciate that

(1 edit)

Have you, like me, found that you know what it is that you want from a game, you compile a list of criteria the game must fulfil - then venture out onto the deep dark reaches of the web and find.....nothing?

Well not anymore.

TAANG is unique in that, it has no "one type of gameplay", eveytime you play will be different, you can play by yourself, with your friends, with their friends, with your kids, and your kids' kids. It is a racing game, a shooter, 2D and 3D platformer, it has local and matchmaker multiplayer services, it is a puzzle game, with boss battles and action and strategy and excitement.

TAANG  - you'll like something about it, everyone does

Also I think the music is cool, so you should definitely go and listen to it

First things first, this is a wip like, seeeeeeeeeeeriously wip. So, even though it might be terrible now, doesn't mean it will be by the end. 


Earth-2 community · Created a new topic WOW!!!!

Congratulations, this looks like it could become a very good game. However, it is clearly still in early stages and needs some minor improvements, e.g health bar and changes to the character model, i would also like to see more content added to the game such as the ability to unlock more equipment, but considering this is in very early stages, it is doing very well.