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A member registered May 20, 2016 · View creator page →

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I ran out of time to test it but I did conceive of a workaround of sorts, wherein a branching list consults a variable before transporting the player. Once I figured out that using 'exits' as exits was shooting myself in the foot, and they're more functional as 'dialogue' triggers, the rest of my project went much more smoothly.

So the way I would solve this now is by creating a reusable 'dialogue' script which consults a variable with if/thens - various events alter the variable, which determine where in the branching list you "exit" and which room you end up in.

Another solution to the original question is to search the html file for 

if (soundPlayer) {

and just comment it out by adding two forward slashes before the "pauseTune" part, like so:

if (soundPlayer) {

But be aware: every time you save your game from the Bitsy maker it will restore this piece of code. So you'll have to comment out the "pauseTune" code in the html file after editing your game in Bitsy, but before your game is played.

Yeah it totally works as-is! I think it might really sing with a couple moor more world-interaction Moves, like something for long journeys and that sort of thing, but that'd just be gravy.

The dual-playbook approach is really clever, and treating "mana" like B.O.B. tokens feels like a stroke of genius.

Finished reading the character stuff a few days ago and can't stop thinking about the game I would run if I had the time. Are you planning on developing a default/basic setting, or is that up to the table, and it's just the character rules?
I keep imagining running it in a modern-day setting like Mage (both the White Wolf game and the '80s indie comic book by Matt Wagner)

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What I want to do is, inside an Exit, substitute out the target room's designation, for a variable. something like

{exit roomID 6 16}

And then the variable 'roomID' holds the target room's ID number, which can then be changed so I can redirect exits without writing a bunch of if/then branches.

So far, this *almost* works; it changes to the correct room, but fails to place the Avatar anywhere in the new room, so the game becomes inoperable. I noticed the same thing happens if you format it like {exit 0 6 16} (forgetting the "" around the room number) so I thought "roomID" might work, but no luck so far.

Hello I'm Earthan Huq, I'm a game design student at Hostos CUNY, with instructors Marcello D. Viana Neto and Matthew Baloušek. Marcello has us making Bitsy games for our 101 final project.

I've come here to ask a very specific question regarding bitsy logic, but I imagine I will have more questions before this project is completed. Sad to learn I missed the Discord entirely.

btw if you liked the atmosphere of this and don't mind gore, there's an old manga called 'BLAME!' that's pretty similar. There's also an animated film adaptation on Netflix that's not bad.

(It wasn't an inspiration, I learned about it later, but I just thought you might enjoy it.) Warning, BLAME! is not just gory, it's also fairly grim. Crust will be a little more optimistic, I think.

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Unfortunately this remains all that there is, for now. I'm really glad you enjoyed it! I fully intend to continue the story and setting someday. I don't know when, but when I do, I'll be posting whatever it is, here on this account.

Thank you very much for your comment!

This game is exactly what I was looking for to create long standing beef between two opposed military tacticians, so thank you for writing it.

I do have a question I haven't been able to satisfactorily puzzle out on my own: When there are two Reprisals available, which one is selected? When an Attacker disables one, which one? When a conceding Defender inflicts one, which is it?

Is it first-listed; first-chosen? Actor picks (Attacker chooses which to disable/Defender chooses which to inflict)? Does the owner of the Reprisals always choose, both when disabling and inflicting? Attacker's choice?

Each possible answer seems to affect the tactical context of every other choice one makes in the game (which is great honestly) but I can't figure out which is the most sensible/satisfying/intended play experience.

My confusion aside, thanks for this great game!

A remarkable piece of game; the writing, the structure, the visual design... absolutely compelling and fascinating. Excellent job of imbuing and communicating the stakes of mass destruction in the medium. This "playbook" is just dripping with potential energy.

This renders the narrative trope of the doomsday device in greater game-mechanical resolution than mere plot object, but without being so crass as to quantify its resultant horrors.