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A member registered 48 days ago

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Hello! Thank you for the kind words, and we definitely agree that the gameplay needs work, and plan to revamp! Thank you for the specific feedback; this will be useful as we continue development. Thank you for playing!

Very nice game, well polished and fun overall. As others have said, it was hard for me to recognize the thematic elements, and it's very hard with the limited control you have over your pets. Outside of that though, v fun. Nice sounds, I love the art style! Thank you for submitting!

Hard game! I like the mechanics that you put into it, using cards in that way is very satisfying. 

Feedback: I thought it was a bit annoying to have to manually end the turn each round. Maybe in the future you can make that automagic. I also didn't see what the numbers on the cards were for, is there going to be a resource system for using the cards, or were those damage/healing numbers?

Thanks for submitting, it was fun! :)

So cool. I love that thank you for sharing!

This game is great! I really like the art style and the music is really cool. There were a few things that could be made more clear: which item would be destroyed if dropped, and the poison water timer? I'm assuming it's a timer anyways. I was scared to jump in at first, but then I didn't die, but then I did. Assuming that was it.

Other than that, great showing, very fun!

Oh nice! I'll check it out again tonight and crank it up lol.

Nice! Hope you plan to continue development on it!

Fun game! I played until I got all the upgrades. 

Could stand for some DOPE music and sound effects, but great job overall! Thank you for submitting your game!

I agree with some of the other comments about the movement. Maybe less of a windup before movement begins would help? And maybe making it so you don't have to move along with the platforms?

Outside of that, I thought it was a unique take on the theme and I enjoyed it! I could see how the puzzle aspects could evolve out of the base that you have here. Thank you for submitting your game!

Very interesting concept and storytelling! When our sense of self popped out it was such a delightful "OMG" feeling for me. The sound was perfect for the moment. 

Great entry, thank you for submitting!

Sorry about your engine troubles! What you have works well, for what it's worth! 

High score of 7! Really fun concept, I am so curious how you programmed the AI! Took me a minute to realize what exactly was going on (had to read one of your responses), but there is a surprising amount of depth in the combinations you can make! Very nice game.

Nice entry! I really like the art style for the main character, really beautiful. The mechanic was interesting too, I'd be curious to see how far you can push the puzzle elements of that. Making torches pickup-able would be interesting! Setting your own areas of swimming would be fun. 

There were a few spots of discontinuity (what were those ghosts? what was the presumable liquid flooding that building?) that could be polished up a bit, but the elements themselves were really solid. Thanks for submitting!

I really like the vibe of the levels. They flow really nicely and feel almost familiar? But obviously not. That plant was a pterodactyl head complete with eyes. 

I liked the gameplay as well, you could definitely do a lot with that setup, and you already have multiple elements for puzzles or a metroidvania-style adventure game. Narrative was good as well, overall super solid entry! Personally, I'd prefer a bit more combat, but it seemed the narrative was the focus, which is totally valid too!

Really fun game loop! A quick tutorial would be nice to show how to combine the spells, but once I figured out how, it was fun exploring the different combinations. I'd love to see it after some refinement, maybe adding in an overall goal number of enemies before the boss spawns, to build some suspense of what's going to happen? Maybe a minimap to see where you need to go? Maybe a system to develop your spells, and add more options? This is a really good base with lots of directions you could take it! Thank you for your game!

Fun concept! I would like it to be a bit more challenging. Maybe make it so you can brew things in the background and balance more orders at once to increase the difficulty.

Casting a spell was pretty fun too, very unique use of prompts. Prompt props. I was not sure what exactly I did though. Or why I would want the option to rest. 

My only issue wasn't really an issue. On the "Click and hold to pour" screens, I could just click and be done with it. I didn't see any penalty or anything for rushing through. 

All in all, great job! It's fun for sure and has great bones for expansion, and I hope you guys continue development!

Thank you for this game! The combat system was really well done. Good animations, and it felt nice to 1-shot those purple dudes. 

A few suggestions: Maybe add in a stat description. I made assumptions on "Move" being similar to the speed potions (just permanent), but I wasn't positive. Also, a smaller area would make the speed potions less needy, and you could focus the items on other cool stuff (damage over time, area effects, etc. could be cool). 

Definitely a good base, I hope you keep going and expand on it! Make some other enemies with ranged attacks, or bossfights!

This was really fun! My team actually had a very similar idea to this during our brainstorming session. Like the other commenter said, there is a ton that you could add to this game to expand on the idea. timer elements, double jumps, maybe ANOTHER shadow? The list goes on. Congrats on making a game, you ROCK.

Super tight. No issues playing at all, very intuitive to pick up. Lots of fun to figure out each of the combos and how they fit your style, and a BOSS BATTLE TO TOP IT OFF/!

Great job for a jam, ho-ly. 

This is super impressive for a game jam! Tons of content packed in here. I didn't have any technical issues, the only issues I have are solved by me getting gud (it's hard). But, solid gameplay loop and I'm excited to play more. 

This game is so chill. The music and the way that the tiles move around is almost meditative. And difficult too! I was close but couldn't free the wizard. 

Very difficult game! I like the depth of puzzles you were able to create on such a short notice. The action element added to the puzzle genre is definitely unique, but there are times where I want to both push the box and move at the same time to avoid death, but can't do it quickly enough, and perish. Maybe a separate input for *move box only* vs *move box and player* would make that happen less often? 

Anyways, great job, puzzle games are something I can't really fathom developing (yet), and this one is very well done. 

I love the style of this game! Simple, yet effective, and cute AF. 

I did have a bit of clunkiness with collecting/talking in certain spots. Sometimes it seemed like I needed to be in just the right place to trigger the hotkey to work. Possibly user error though.

Great job!

Very cool. Unique puzzles with the shapeshifting, and really impressive to do all of this in 3D so quickly. Solid entry, the team should be very proud!

Man, I am a sucker for a deck builder. This was cool, a very interesting take! And the music really matches the theme, but brings out the old school vibe, super cool. I did have a bug as I died; I was spamming attack cards on a monster and I think I maybe died multiple times? I had multiple "Again" window's pop up, and when I clicked on one the game restarted but I kept getting more "Again" windows. Other than that, no issues! Like the tutorial system, very helpful!

I really liked this one! Something very nostalgic about a straightforward collection game. It could always be beefed up and challenge increased with trickier jumps (smaller platforms, "stretch" jumps where you barely have enough umph to make it, etc.) or paths where you have to double-back to find all of the collectables. 

I'm glad you made this game, thank you for sharing! 

Very fun game! Exciting music, fast pace, high degree of difficulty (eventually) and a good feel of progression and accomplishment. I would be excited for some leaderboards. Is my 700s on Super Hard good, IDK

Good job!

Played the game, became a literal god, 10/10. I stopped at 1128 monsters. Very fun game, addicting loop, always a fan of letting the player become INSANE Risk of Rain style. 

Only bit of criticism would be the movement, it felt like I needed to move my mouse in certain ways to run full speed; not sure if that was intentional or not (running forward vs strafing). Outside of that, maybe slowing the progression, or upping the monsters based on the character's level to provide a bit more challenge (or at least length) to the game.

Great job!

This is super dope. Honestly the only comment I have is that it needs some story, but it seems like you already have a theme and everything laid out so I imagine that will come fairly easily. The mechanics that you have so far are extremely well executed and the level planning is gorgeous. Difficult, but possible. Very well done!

Very fun game, I am a sucker for roguelikes :)

A bit clunky sometimes, seems like every once in a while (on level transition maybe) I was forced to look at the ground, which threw me off. Regardless, very impressive game in such a short timespan!

Sooo fun! I really enjoy the challenge aspect of it, I will be playing again until I hit level 12. 

I did get a bug on my first run, where I was unable to grab or place drinks. To be fair I didn't read the instructions and was spamming, so it may have been user error. 2nd round went much better, made it to level 10 :)

Very fun, addicting gameloop!

Thank you for playing, and for the kind words, it means a lot! 

The game is set up right now as a best of 5 and so  the third dot would be filled at match end, but we can make that more clear for sure. And gameplay is first on the list once we recuperate :D

This game is amazing. Meditation: the video game. 


The vibe of this game is super dope. The art is really nice, platforming feels accurate and punishing, just the way I like it. 

My biggest complaint would probably be remedied in a non-demo version, but more checkpoints, or at least auto-equipping the spells and such so that the player doesn't have to return to the inventory each time they die in a game that's difficult. I found I was re-equipping fireball pretty often. Maybe I need to get gud though. 

This game was super unique! babysoup..mmm.

I liked all of the different combinations! very creative and I can see how it would allow for tons of variation in level design, but superjump may be OP. 

I did have some weirdness with crashing into ceilings as the small ball, not sure if that was intentional or not. 

This game is honestly incredible, such depth with such a short time.

It  was hard for me to completely understand the goal, as some of the others have stated. A tutorial would go a long way. Outside of that though, great game. Very Tetris Effect vibes for me with the ambient music. 

This game is so chill. I love it. 

I did get stuck at Prove your Strength? I'm not sure if I went too deep to quickly and didn't upgrade? I had purchased two of the break more things upgrades, but then couldn't afford any more with my current wallet and none of the other upgrades were purchasable. 

V fun though, I look forward to playing more when you release it! You are releasing it, right? :D

Nice game, I like the concept a lot! 

My only negative feedback would be the expanse of the area, at least the beginning part. I did a lot of wandering before finding my first lantern. Might be a good idea to go with the "first one's free" approach, to get new players accustomed to things before throwing into the real world.

I may or may not have become one with the darkness..

I really like the idea behind this one, it's actually kind of similar to our game; multiple states! 

I did notice that I could jump forever as the cat and as the mouse, I'm not sure that was meant to be that way or not. Before I noticed it the clock jumps seemed really difficult, not so much after I could swim in the air :D

I really like the concept, and I can already see the puzzle platformer aspect of being able to switch between various forms that have specific abilities. As a platformer, that would be a really fun game loop. Congrats on the jam!

Very fun game, I really like the concept of not directly attacking your enemies.

My only feedback would be tthe element piece, I was originally trying to match the shield colors, and then when more elements were introduced I wasn't sure if it was always a certain element combo to break, or just any differing element. Not a big deal, easy to figure it out, but it was slightly confusing at first.