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A member registered Jun 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! Hopefully by next week we'll be able to implement this since we're planning on releasing a post jam version of this too! I like the idea of getting to choose just the buffs, will definitely try that out!

Fun and cute! This reminds me of those impossible games from back in the day!

Fun game! There's so much design space I'm excited to see more of this, hope you continue working on it post jam!

This was pretty fun! It wasn't at all what I thought it was at the start. One heck of a thinker!

For the Jam going infinite was a great idea! 
If you want to continue this beyond the Jam though, I think you could add something more to the core game loop at this point. some way to show progress, either through a meta or through upgrades of some sort. A great way to also do this is to add a story to the game!

Fun and simple concept! Love the name too! Would definitely love to see a combo system here as well as different characters and enemy types!

Great concept! The physics are a little too heavy though, once you hit a wall it feels super clunky. Great game and with a bit more tweaking this could be a really fun complete game!

Super cute! the game gets a bit hard though but with a bit more tweaking it could definitely be expanded! 

This concept is pretty fun! I hope there's more of it after the Jam!

I love the narrative design! I totally thought this game was going to be fluffy and friendly, but boy was I wrong! The art is super good and I can't wait to play more of this!

This game was super fun! The mechanics weren't immediately apparent, but the longer I played, the more I enjoyed! The quirky character profiles as well as the cool alignment system with the super nice art as a cherry on top makes this definitely one of my highest rated games! I wanna see more of this!

I can't believe it's not PacMan! A super fun take on the Zelda series and definitely one of the most fun games I've played yet! Love the animation, kudos to the artist!

Fun game! I didnt expect the life of a space invader to be so hard!

I found myself shouting "HUG ME!" This was a fun concept!

Our game has the boss concept too! Love the presentation of this and it was super fun!!!! I hope you continue working on this after the jam, I'd really love to see where this goes!!!

This was really fun! The counter seems a bit confusing as i was curing way more than was required but it didn't seem to count all of them and it was also dynamic for some reason, would like to see a more complete version of this!

The physics is a tad bit slippery but I can see where the game wants to go, definitely a super fun concept and would like to see more of this post jam!

This was not what i expected, and I'm very happy it wasn't! Fun concept!

The Art style really made this one spooky, love the Easter Egg!

Definitely an interesting take on the TD genre. I love how you have to balance being defensive so that you can aggress later on. Took me a few tries to get a balance down, but i can see myself spending a few hours on the game just grinding levels. Definitely fun and would like to see more of this later on. The information can be a bit better placed though, so tap your friendly neighborhood UI/UX designer!

Very interesting concept, I kinda expected the money to be usable in some way to get minions or traps, or somehow upgrade your abilities. Hope to see more of this post jam!

this game was short and sweet. There was so much text though i feel like it would have been better to show rather than tell by making a few smaller levels, but the game was pretty fun, i can see more fun levels for this!

I fumbled around for a few minutes with the controls but once I understood the game it was pretty fun! Cool to see the concept of "Burning out a fire" and fire breaks being used in a game!

I fumbled around for a few minutes with the controls but once I understood the game it was pretty fun! Cool to see the concept of "Burning out a fire" and fire breaks being used in a game!

(1 edit)

This ones short and sweet, the transitions could use some work, but i can see that the game has potential!

Fun Jam Game! The illustrations were super cute, kudos to the Artist!

Love this take on a solitaire game! its a good mix of chill and hectic <3