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A member registered Apr 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nice puzzle! In bigger grids, it becomes a bit too hard to try to guess which element belong together, I had to switch sometimes to another element with the exact same number&shape&color to complete the sequence, while I had the correct stratey. But other than that it’s really nice!

Nice! found the solution for the last one, but then I cannot retry the game, game is stuck between start and game over.

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:D Loved it! 5 stars in enjoyment and theme!

Awesome, I love the mask breathing effects, combined wit the smooth lerp movement of the player, it feels so good! And these are long seconds ! You’re going too easy on the players ;) Well done!

Nice game! At start I thought it was hard to be precise enough with the LMB, but in fact it works well!

Altho these first levels are fairly easy, it’s still nicely stressfull, especially that bell sound and the overall mood! Well done!

Damn that was so cool! feels responsive and nicely balanced in term of difficulty, good job!

Nice idea! (Small adivce, on the itch page, you might want to remove the “fullscreen” button, and instead, in the “viewport dimension”, add around 30 pixels to the height of your game, so that the unity fullscreen button will appear)

Great game! The attack animation and reactivity are awesome, and the end feels really good! Well done!

Great idea! Maybe telegraphing where the next platform will appear could be nice to help the player

Thank you, and again, to be transparent, my starting point for art are generated AI graphics, which speeds up the process a lot on that side

Thank you so much! Yeah this lock up random bug will definitely be fixed in next version, it happened to many people sadly.. and a tutorial and a better progression system is also on the way..

Thank you, althought to be transparent it’s mostly AI generated graphics which I rework afterwards for consistency and corrections. There was indeed supposed to be a tutorial at some point, but I clearly overscoped a bit and couldnt really finish… Thanks for trying it!

Thanks a lot! The systems are indeed (somewhat) all in place, but they basically took me almost 3.5 weeks. I basically didn’t even try the overall game before the very last 2 days of the jam, so I had to rush glueing everything which is why it’s pretty rough in term of balancing, progression and so on… But I’m still working on it!

Thank you! Yeah I have no idea why the bugs may appear and they are pretty random, so I’m glad you manage had a correct experience!

Thanks a lot for trying it! You can expect a major update in the upcoming weeks, as I had to rush the publishing for the jam. I’m still actively working on it to fix all these issue, make a better progression system with a better balancing, and add the missing features…

Thank you for testing it! Yeah, in addition to the poor balance and the absence of music and sfx, it seems there are still a several major bugs lurking around. I really hoped we’d squashed all the game-breaking ones (like the AI getting stuck)… but it seem like we didn’t, sorry about that…

Yeah, that was not supposed to last too long ;) Thank you!

Really nice puzzle, the difficulty curve was pretty good, except maybe for the last level which was fairly easy with what seemed to be a lot of useless blocks. Also I almost got stuck when you have to combine jumping erasing green while also changing color. It felt a bit too hard to do with that small jump and the small momentum you have. But other than that, nicely crafted!

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I tried to avoid clouds from the beginning, and kept trying for so long! For more almost 10 tries I think, and that game felt so hard, couldnt reach space! It was way easier once I understood that… and that change of color in space was awesome, well done! The sound and music were great too!

Interesting puzzle. The concept is a bit hard to grasp at first, but while I didn’t expect much at start, some thinking was definitely required at some point, well done!

Nice game! movement feels good and responsive, a bit short but it’s fine for the gameplay, and sfx are really nice.

Woah impressive game! I ended up raising the bar, removing most bricks, changing their color and using a very large bar to win! What a nice meta-concept, loved it!

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Nice score!! Yeah I met my usual goal of learning at least one a small thing while developing this game: I implemented object pooling in the process for the bullets, so the performance should be fine indeed..

Yeah definitely, I felt like the concept was fun for no more than 1 or 2 minute of gameplay, so I balanced it so that you have to spin at some point and just hope for the best…

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Thanks! Although most graphics are generated ofc. Yeah I had no indicator at all except from previous shoots at start and then I made the 3 branch star to help see where we are shooting and got used to it so I felt it was enough.. but you’re probably right its still not enough..

Yeah I feel like I ended up mastering the music a bit too hard and its pretty loud.. I shouldve compensate in unity. I also didnt handle the sfx properly and at the end the shooting sounds overlap so much that it becomes louder than the music so I had to keep the music on top somehow.. Thank you!

Oh unless you mean like left or right for rotation? If so that would make it hard to make a quick half-turn for instance, but maybe

Thanks! That autoshooting felt mandatory at some point during my playtest, I almost made it as default, but then I also like to take my time to precisely shoot the enemies at the very start so I backed up a bit. However for the movement I didnt even try, I feel like it would become chaotic really fast if all enemies are still moving towards you.. and if they dont, then you dont really need to focus on shooting the right color to the red and green enemies, you can simply dodge and shoot the blue one which are easier..

Thank you ! Yeah, definitely the right way to play it. Think a lot at start, almost too much, until you are able to give up and spin to infinity ^^’

Thanks a lot!

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Most graphics are generated yes, but all during the jam (The music is not, I composed it). That background or that title page would have taken me hours to make by hand…

Wow, thank you so much for that detailed and incredibly kind feedback, it means a lot to me! I really appreciate it

I’m not sure what you mean by that, I do refine my prompts several times until I get a decent base I can work with and then I rework by hand the result to produce the assets I need for the game

Good idea, I always enjoy tower defenses. The balance of the game could be reworked a bit tho, the 3rd wave is already really strong, and also the enemies seem to just get lost in the house, still alive..

Impressive game, lots of customization, different weapons and so on, well done! The fights are a bit basics but still stressful, and the ambiance of the crowd is great, really feels like gladiators! Good job, nice entry!

I’m used to go fast with the real jenga, but this didn’t seem to be possible here, so I had to learn to play slowly, but nice physics, I really like the slightly bouncy pieces. The music drove me crazy pretty fast tho, but other than that solid reproduction, well done!

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Cool idea, simple but effective! The elo system is a really nice touch! Is there real machine learning behind the bots (like NN, RL or anything like that?)

Haha the characters are amazing, well done for that. The gameplay is fairly simple, and I’m not sure how the charge works, but I think I won the race!

Fun game, reminds me of blobby volley somehow. We control the direction of the throw, but the strength seem random, in a sense it makes the game less predictable and more chaotic which is good, but at the same time it would already be a bit hard to aim correctly with a fixed strength, so it feels a bit random qnd hard to control…