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A member registered Apr 28, 2021

Recent community posts

  • What about the current world do you like/don't like?

Seems like a good start. Would have liked for the resource gathering component to be implemented, even if it was stand-in art. That would motivate the player to explore the space. As is it feels quite empty.

  • How do the controls feel? 

Fine. Footsteps depending on surface is a nice touch.

  • Given the game is focused around magical crafting, do you have any suggestions for recipes or items that would fit the theme? 

Based on the description, the effect of what is crafted is not important, since the goal is to deliver a completed mixture to the wizard. It seems like you could come up with a large list of random potions/tinctures. The challenge would move to coming up with an engaging set of resources to gather (and gameplay elements to challenge that gathering) 

  • Is there anything you hope to do in the game that has not yet been implemented? 

A win(/loss) condition. Or at the least the gameplay loop is completed in some way (receive quest, complete quest) mechanic.

  • Any other general C&C.

Having a title-screen, pause menu, and music/sound is great! Focus on gameplay!

1. How does the world feel?

Seems simple, but could work. Though it's not clear how the world would guide the player to the puzzles, if that's expected.

2. How does player movement and camera movement feel?

Seeing as I was always using the free-look controls, I would consider making that the default. Some terrain was too steep to traverse, but it isn't clear to the player what they can expect to traverse.

3. General things you like?

The game had a goal and lose-condition. Though it doesn't appear to have a win condition as nothing happened when I reached the lake. The big baddie particle effects are a good way of signaling it being close.

4. General things you don't like?

Being caught by the big baddie appears to lock the game. No win condition implemented as far as I can tell.

5. What do you wish the game did?

See things I didn't like above. 

Had sound!

6. General reaction/comments?

If the goal is to outrun a single enemy, thinking of how to make traversal more interesting could go a long way. 

  • How many enemies is appropriate per level?

Hard to determine until there is more of a gameplay element with them involved. Also depends on what kind of gameplay you want. 

  • Would you prefer a HUD?

Some way of signaling important state to the player is important. Those can be ectoplasm or health from what I understand you are going for. However it's worth considering if there are ways to display that to a user without a HUD.

  • How strong should the enemy attack the player?

Similar answer to first question.

  • How should the player attack? Would you like mouse click combat or full keyboard combat?

Considering the mouse is used to control the camera, it makes sense to add combat to mouse-clicks. However this also feels like a game that could play well on gamepad.

  • How do you feel about the jump height/power? Should it be lowered?

Seems ok. But it depends on the usecase/game-feel.

-Are there any specific puzzles/mechanics you would like to see?

The right-click to inspect would be cool if it helped/was needed to solve certain puzzles. 

-Does these room look like a spaceship room?

That did come across. The later levels environment art is good, it would have been cool to see those assets in the demo level.

-Does the walking seem intuitive?

The pathfinding worked.

-Does the spell usage seem intuitive?

Yes, however having Hocus-Pocus & Abracadabra didn't really add anything to the game (at the moment) so including them is unintuitive. Also the "turn the lights on" step at the very beginning of the game wasn't particularly intuitive as I could clearly see the door, with the lights off.

-Does the information in the text box help?

Yes, however when I first started the scrolling feature didn't seem to work so it was hard to read new text entries.

-how does camera movement feel?

Not great. The rotate functionality seems to stop working almost immediately.

-what do you think about the levels size/decor/ect.

The demo level was too big (or had too little in it gameplay-wise) to justify the upper area. The art assets in the 'future levels' was good. Would have been cool to see in the demo level.

(1 edit)
  • What types of cards or upgrades would you like to see? 

Maybe some chance cards? Or cards that depend on what your opponent played which would add some strategy to the game. Also the potential to reduce your opponent's affection meter.

  • What types of enemies would you like to see added to the game?

I suppose different themed enemies could be cool (with card sets that suit them). For example you have the artwork for a wizard and clown in the lobby, so those as enemies could be neat.

  • Does the overall movement of the affection slider feel good?

I found the two sliders fairly confusing. Not sure what effect the top slider (Audience Affection) has on the game.

  • Is there any other additions you would like to see?

Sound/Music! I'd really like a way to close the shop menus that is clear to the user (besides guessing the esc key would work)

I liked the stage fight lighting/art work!

As a side note some of the spooky characters made my dog growl at the screen :P