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-Are there any specific puzzles/mechanics you would like to see?

The right-click to inspect would be cool if it helped/was needed to solve certain puzzles. 

-Does these room look like a spaceship room?

That did come across. The later levels environment art is good, it would have been cool to see those assets in the demo level.

-Does the walking seem intuitive?

The pathfinding worked.

-Does the spell usage seem intuitive?

Yes, however having Hocus-Pocus & Abracadabra didn't really add anything to the game (at the moment) so including them is unintuitive. Also the "turn the lights on" step at the very beginning of the game wasn't particularly intuitive as I could clearly see the door, with the lights off.

-Does the information in the text box help?

Yes, however when I first started the scrolling feature didn't seem to work so it was hard to read new text entries.

-how does camera movement feel?

Not great. The rotate functionality seems to stop working almost immediately.

-what do you think about the levels size/decor/ect.

The demo level was too big (or had too little in it gameplay-wise) to justify the upper area. The art assets in the 'future levels' was good. Would have been cool to see in the demo level.