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1. How does the world feel?

Seems simple, but could work. Though it's not clear how the world would guide the player to the puzzles, if that's expected.

2. How does player movement and camera movement feel?

Seeing as I was always using the free-look controls, I would consider making that the default. Some terrain was too steep to traverse, but it isn't clear to the player what they can expect to traverse.

3. General things you like?

The game had a goal and lose-condition. Though it doesn't appear to have a win condition as nothing happened when I reached the lake. The big baddie particle effects are a good way of signaling it being close.

4. General things you don't like?

Being caught by the big baddie appears to lock the game. No win condition implemented as far as I can tell.

5. What do you wish the game did?

See things I didn't like above. 

Had sound!

6. General reaction/comments?

If the goal is to outrun a single enemy, thinking of how to make traversal more interesting could go a long way.