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  • What about the current world do you like/don't like?

Seems like a good start. Would have liked for the resource gathering component to be implemented, even if it was stand-in art. That would motivate the player to explore the space. As is it feels quite empty.

  • How do the controls feel? 

Fine. Footsteps depending on surface is a nice touch.

  • Given the game is focused around magical crafting, do you have any suggestions for recipes or items that would fit the theme? 

Based on the description, the effect of what is crafted is not important, since the goal is to deliver a completed mixture to the wizard. It seems like you could come up with a large list of random potions/tinctures. The challenge would move to coming up with an engaging set of resources to gather (and gameplay elements to challenge that gathering) 

  • Is there anything you hope to do in the game that has not yet been implemented? 

A win(/loss) condition. Or at the least the gameplay loop is completed in some way (receive quest, complete quest) mechanic.

  • Any other general C&C.

Having a title-screen, pause menu, and music/sound is great! Focus on gameplay!