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Dokai Tutorials

A member registered Aug 20, 2020

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I didn’t try the PS4 controller, reinstalling did the job. I guess somewhere something didn’t link correctly. Thanks for the replies!

Windows 10 indeed. I got your game working, and yes I have tried the other projects too.

Hi Nealith,

I’m running it on my good ol’ windows laptop. All the other games worked so far, and restarting it didn’t do it for me. I’ll try to download the entire folder an reinstall the game from scratch, maybe that messed it up. I’ll also try it out with a PS4 controller, perhaps that that changes anything.

Cool music!

Cool details, well put together!

Cool game, reminds me of the game you get to play when internet is down in the browser.

Not really sure what the goal is of the game, or how to achieve it.

Might be just me, but I couldn't play the game. It loads the screen and starts the music, but then just shows the truck in a black space with, what seems to be, rain. The controls don't do anything.

Sadly the controls (WASD) didn't work (Space for Jump did work).

Cool game, really enjoyed the extra time and effort put in the artwork of the menu/character etc.