Sadly the controls (WASD) didn't work (Space for Jump did work).
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Spaceout's pageTeam Name
Cold Borger Games (Jacob Lim, Ivan Tan, Yong Wee Seng Jason)
Game Name
Contact person name and email address
Ivan Tan /
Jacob Lim /
Yong Wee Seng Jason /
How was Houdini used in your game's development?
Houdini was used in the modelling of the game’s character, post-processing of the landscape from UE4 through the Houdini Engine to terrace, clip and blur the landscape, as well as scatter instances consisting of multiple variants of procedurally generated trees, plants and rocks.
Trees were generated using the L-system so that we could easily create earlier and later generations of trees to populate the landscape, they were also retrofitted to produce the grass billboards used in the game by scattering multiple instances that are then baked onto a grid using the maps baker.
Maps baker and COPS were used to generated stylized texture directly as part of the modelling pipeline for the procedural rocks, “houdinium” asset and the “rockfall boulder “ asset, textures were also packed within COPS to play well with Unreal.
Pebble textures were generated by baking down scattered procedural rocks using mesh tiler plus maps baker, as well as using RBD Material fracture to generate layered rocks for the cliff face textures..
Besides Houdini, what other tools did you use and what did you use them for?
Substance for early look dev and texturing of the game’s character and the foliage.
3dsMax for rigging of the character.
Photoshop and illustrator for UI.
Unreal as the game’s platform.
FLStudio 20 for Music and SFX.
Github for source control.
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
ThirdPerson animations from the stock unreal ThirdPerson character that was retargeted for use with the main character’s rig.
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