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A member registered Mar 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

First off - I love the concept and theres definitely something here.
I played through the whole thing, got 250 shiny thingos and photographed 2 lizeeeerds.

And it's pretty fun on a basic level. The Level design is still a bit confusing (everything looks the same, few landmarks), but that's not really a big issue at this stage. Rolling is great and one of those movement options that becomes more fun the more you realize how you can use it.
Love the Alley throwing ability - essential part of a balanced breakfast.

But - there's clearly some issues here. The Jump being the main one.

The jump arc is..... funky. If you keep the button pressed, Pumk will jump and then suddenly snap into the falling animation while you are still ascending - this does not feel good. If you tap the jump button, Pumk will immediately stop ascending and start falling - again this does not feel good. There should at least be a small arc after you release the button - a bit of leftover vertical momentum. I get what you were trying to do there - precise movement control and all that, but sometimes you just have to take a step back and accept a compromise - this would be one such moment.

Now a smoler thing, Alley feels bad to play as - which is ok bcus you dont do it a lot - but it would be benefitial to add some more moves to her arsenal like a roll or a tiny useless jump - that would contribute a lot to gamefeel I think.

Also the tutorial signs were broken when I played - windows version. format: "Missing Sign - Missing:  sign_name_here"

But yeah funky gambe, interested to see where it goes from here.

7/10 it's no run away from snakes

I had teh same issue - win version.

Note: The original version to be rated for the jam can be found in "Sunday Night"

This is a good one - feels great to play and has appealing aesthetics.
Although it is very much too difficult for me.

Thanks! Obviously Celeste already is a big influence on this game, but yeah being able to just spam the hook is suboptimal and was basically just to save time, as this game was made from concept to completion in a week.

Day 3:

Implemented bat enemy.

Implemented slopes.

Implemented text.

Built intro level:

Day 1 (and a half):

Got hookshot working and programmed character physics:

Several tweaks to physics and camera, implementation of the concept of enemies and character sprite:

First visual concept: