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A member registered Aug 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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Ambient sounds good, black things with thick legs look funny, but gameplay doesn’t  work for me. Like I should throw jars at enemies but why sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t? Why can one jar remove a bunch of enemies?

Cool idea, but I feel lack of juice. Maybe it would be better to make less minigames but make them juicier

Cool visuals, but I can't enjoy such tiny platforms. Maybe skill issue

Good visual design, unfortunately this jokes as a core of the game don't work for me. 

Використання котиків то звісно чіт на милість, але в цілому дуже гарно

Файні бабки, гарний арт

Liked moment when her text pushed you away at the beginning of the game. Cool ide, would be nice if there was more text that npc would recognize and react to. I aware it is a jam and you have limited time but just 1-2 such things would be really nice. Anyway good job  

ngl it was fun, maybe I even will collect more than 5 pieces later. But would be nice to have a little more control. Like in getting over it you are limited with your movement but you still can use many different technics to move. Also take a right position for the jump takes a bit too much time 

Would be nice if amount of remaining people would determine how much damage you deal to the king. Well and if you could deal damage to the king between shots.

Nice and cute. But maybe pressing pick up key once would be better that holding it.

nice art style

Nice art but lack of English hint's makes is much harder for people without Ukrainian keyboards

Cool idea, enjoyed it!

Feels nice, intuitive ui, appreciate voicing in the tutorial. Building crafting feels good for now, but probably would be a problem in the long run. Accidentally built a wall several times. I would like to try endless mode to actually test all those guns. 

Overall interesting and well implemented concept but probably require some additional game design solution to scale up well.

It feels nice, the environment looks cozy, and the main character looks cute, cute little footsteps.  I like music. Gamapley as an idea is okay, but sometimes it is hard to understand what to do. Controls are not very intuitive. More lore\context wouldn’t hurt since it is based on folklore elements. But overall I enjoyed it, well done!

Had genuine fun grinding score in endless mode. Combat system feels very good, sound too. Can't say that story amused me.

samaelxxi kinda already said everything, agree with every word. 

I like dialogues very very much, appreciate little details like cicada handlers or flutterBy's name. Wouldn't my more little interactions. 

Overall love it and will be keeping an eye on this project