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A member registered Nov 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback. I was thinking of implementing some air-control for the pet, but when I was playtesting I thought it added a bit of depth to give the pet uncontrolled jumps; in at least one stage I was trying to set up the areas so that you had to chuck the pet to a safe spot on takeoff and then adjust your own trajectory to avoid fire pits. 

The hazards were added in the last few hours of the jam; after this jam I think I can tune and expand these mechanics into something more substantial. My initial ideas also had moving hazards and platforms.

Thanks for the feedback! 

I was originally going to put in more furniture and larger enemies, but I ran out of time so it's just big empty rooms. There are definitely a lot of things I would have changed. Looking back, the enemy damage really should be increased and i-frames decreased. Also the enemy alertness was tuned purely for horizontal screen space instead of vertical. Next time I'll probably treat those two separately so enemies above you don't start shooting too early.

Oh, I thought the snake direction was random too.

The character design is super cute, and the walking and platforming control well enough (no overshooting or stickiness). However the high degree of randomness prevented me from getting more than 3 platforms up. Is it supposed to be an endless climb?

Ah, there it is :)

I REALLY like the aesthetics, but I'm only getting 1-2 frames a second and there's really bad input delay. Is there another way to play?

I didn't see any keys even in full screen mode. Also not sure if the super slow response and frame rate are part of the aesthetic.