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A member registered Jul 10, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Well, it's an educational game ;) but you make a valid point, visually the problem isn't clear, the outputs look the same except for the pointer being one cell further down, which probably doesn't read like it should be an issue. So what I guess I can do is visualize the null character in the output, then at least it should be clearer what's happened and what needs fixing.

ETA: And that's done. Looks much better and clearer, thanks!

Not sure I agree with that. I think reading a null character is a valid operation and terminating execution there would be too limiting. Many of the other challenges depend on you being able to read the input until it's completed, i.e. until a null character is read and breaks you out of the loop, allowing you to perform further operations on the read values. You wouldn't be able to do that if the program stopped there or the cell wasn't changed, which would trap you in an infinite loop that keeps on printing the last read character.

I suppose I could allow the result even with an additional null character printed, but making special allowances doesn't seem in the spirit of the challenge. It's to print that exact string, not that string plus null, so in this case and with the way my interpreter works, I wouldn't consider yours a valid solution since it produces output that is not exactly equal. Other interpreters might handle this differently, but this makes the most sense to me for mine.

Hm, that's weird. I really just check the output, not what you did to get there, no hardcoded solutions or anything. Can you give me the solution that threw an error so I can check it out?

Abgefahrenes (no pun intended?) Projekt, sehr impressive was ihr in der kurzen Zeit geschafft habt

Optik, Vibe und dass man Leute zusammenbringen kann ist alles sehr nice!

Schön dass ihr auch mitgemacht habt, sehr ulkig geworden :D

Ist mal wieder unnötig cool geworden. Sehr ulkig und sehr polished

Macht schon Spaß einfach durch die Welt zu laufen und Verkehrsmittel zu benutzen (großer Fan vom Zug!) Super cool

Weird as usual, in the best way :D

-5 Minuten :D niedliche Ästhetik, mir gefällt der watercolor look

Sehr cool geworden, auch wieviele und spannende Szenarien ihr gebastelt habt

Awesome, works a treat! Interesting too, I never realized that AltGr is the same as Ctrl+Alt, in my head it was just "right alt," but this makes a lot more sense :D


Hi, me again, I'm struggling a bit to wrap my head around some of the limitations and how to achieve what I'm trying to do. I saw another comment mentioning a support community, is there somewhere I could ask some silly noob questions?

Hi there!

Is there a way to add keyboard shortcut customization or to disable the Alt+8 shortcut (which doesn't seem to be listed in the menu but runs the Atari800 compiler/emulator)? I'm working on a German keyboard where [ is created with AltGr+8, so I keep running the emulator instead of writing the bracket. I tried removing the emulator from the settings, but then it just throws an unhandled exception for not finding the executable at the project path.

That's the only character I've run into that issue with so far, but if something could be done that I don't need to copy those in, that would indeed be great :D

Thank you, I appreciate it!

(1 edit)

Ah this is just a jam game with one shoddy level, probably not worth deleting stuff for. But I'll see about taking a screenshot tonight

Thank you! :D I actually also changed the spawning in the update since that bothered me too when I finally tested it. Though now that I'm thinking about the fixed values, I wonder how the combat feels if I randomize the speeds a little bit, so every fight needs at least a little figuring out... Will have to give it a try!

I might also change that the timer pauses for battles now that it's all a bit faster, or at least set to seconds away from shutdown once you've beaten the whale.

As for the bomb screen, that was the first version of combat I submitted to the Nokia Jam last week. It was sort of an auto-battler that you could only help along with the bombs in a pinch (pretty much the Assassin's Creed fleet minigame, only bad and boring :D) but I didn't manage to finish the game at all, there's not even the whale in it. If you wanna see it though, I've saved that version here.

Anywho, thanks for your feedback!

No you're absolutely right, I didn't get around to testing my guesstimated values, and of course there's also a bug where the next ship doesn't actually improve your stats :D I'm fixing that right now and will have a look at the progression while I'm at it

It's indeed a bit of a mess. It's kind of an auto-combat that you can help along with bombs, but yeah, it's not very interesting or fun. I actually redid that completely for the Dying MMO Jam version, if you want to have a look at it.

As for Dragonruby, I'm not so sure about it either. It was fun to play around with something new, but there's a whole bunch of stuff that it either can't do or goes about it in a weird way, so I'm not sure I'll be returning to it.

Playing right now :D I'm wondering though if I hit a few bugs, because the professional training doesn't seem to work? It feels like it has about a big a fail rate as self-training and the fee doesn't get deducted (but I'm also not sure what it does exactly, what being circled means or how it affects the game).

The other thing I noticed is that the hours on the working horses don't seem right, it will often say it'll return in 0h, but then it takes 3-4 for them to actually come back.

Otherwise, the only nitpick I have is that I wish when I backed out of a menu, that I returned to the previous one, not back to the farm screen from where I have to open it again, that would make navigating a bit easier. And maybe a little icon next to the horse's name in the selection screen that I can see which one is there and which isn't without trying to open them all and see if they're here right now.

But yeah, it's a surprisingly fun gameloop, kinda reminds me of the kind of games we used to have on our graphing calculators in school, so I'm enjoying it greatly :D

Wow, I just quickly wanted to check it out and got stuck playing the whole evening and actually can't wait to fire it up again. Truly excellent work!

Thanks! Yeah I kinda got sidetracked doing the fun but unimportant stuff like visual flourishes or making a minimap and ran out of time putting the actual game in :D

The original idea was basically that you're trying to hunt a white whale before the MMO you're playing shuts down, so you battle other players and level up until you're strong enough to defeat it. Maybe I'll make it in time for the Dying MMO Jam that part of that was inspired by, but I'm already getting lost in the next fun-but-useless coding exercises, so we'll see :D

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Huh weird, they all work for me. Maybe a region lock thing? Are you getting any particular errors in the browser console?

I get that a lot :D

This one yes. The follow-up we have on Steam is a more traditional point&click adventure though.

These are symbols for transmasc and transfem. I found them back in 2014 though, so I'm not sure if they're still used

Double-click on Kevin :)

Sehr cool :)

Yeah that can be a bit confusing at first. They are frozen for three enemy turns, the first one being right after you cast the ice spell. So for the first frozen turn, it doesn't move at all, and then two more turns where it only has limited movement. After that it's back to normal, but you can refreeze at any time to bring the count back up (careful with fire though, that'll thaw it right away ;) )

If I may add my 2 cents: I don't actually disagree with you there. The first few levels still give you a bit of slack so you can familiarize yourself with the way it controls, but around the spiders and especially the graveyard level, the gloves come off, so to speak.

The game is very focused on strategy, and a particular approach to it at that, so after the first stage, using that strategy is mandatory to advance. I know that comparison is all sorts of tired, but it's a little like Dark Souls in that sense, there's a particular way you have to play or you will die. That includes a lot of trial and error until it finally clicks, which some people get a huge kick out of and some are left frustrated by.

Here's the good news though: Once it does click, you'll have a much easier time. You'll get more spells and upgrades, which opens up the options on how you can complete a level, and by the end, you'll probably breeze through, not because it got any easier, but because you mastered its way of thinking.

If that sounds fun to you, trying over and over until you have that satisfying "Aha!" moment, you'll probably have a good time. If it doesn't, you probably won't. And that's okay, it's a very particular kind of game, so of course it'll mostly appeal to a very particular kind of player.

Me, I love it. I mean, I should, I'm one of the developers, but I wasn't at all involved with the design, so I had to figure out what the heck Hackenstein was doing there myself. I do get a massive kick out of that though, but then, I also debug for fun, so what do I know :D

I'll upload the other version when the jam is over. I tried a couple things to get a satisfying yet playable progression, but in the end nothing felt as good as just not having one. I don't know, there's just something about how obnoxiously simple it is :D

I also think that there's just this sweet spot, where it's small enough that it's dumb and annoying, but not so small that it becomes too frustrating (at least for me :D)

Jim Sterling fan? :D

Beautifully irritating

Noice! Now you only gotta do that a thousand more times to unlock the achievement!

That is one stressful, trippy minute! I'm curious though, what's the purpose of the little dots following you? Aside from getting in the way now and then, there didn't seem to be much of a bonus or malus to saving/losing them?

Man, those goshdarn triangles... Nicely done! One thing though, even after playing it for a while, I'm still not quite sure how the buffs work or which does what exactly. At the same time, it's a fast-paced game and when things started happening, I found myself just going with it, so it's not a big issue either.

I thought it was all smooth sailing and then wave 5 hit :) Very nice ramp up in challenge, and lovely ambience and color scheme too! Only thing I was confused by was the upgrading, did it do anything if I clicked a turret again? It took the credits but I'm not sure I noticed it firing more or anything?

Heh, kinda Flappy Hex. Certainly has that "just one more go" quality, got stuck for a bit trying to get further and further :)