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A member registered Jun 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I'm definitely hoping to expand on it at some point!

This game is really well done! It was a very clever way to use dice in a non-random manner. It also created a good atmosphere for dread! One thing I would note is that I got lost  at first for a pretty long time because I missed the second switch. It might not hurt to make it a little more visible, or putting a hint nearby. It could even be something screen dependent, so maybe some kind of brightness slider could be a helpful addition (or maybe something that adjusts the opacity of the walls). Still, I enjoyed the game overall once I got past that, great job!

This game is really well done! The art, animation, and sounds definitely create a scary/stressful atmosphere! The game mechanic itself and the timer definitely help out with that too. If you ever want to work on this game post-jam, something that could be an interesting addition would be having the person that gets shot at the start "playing" the game too and failing so that you can have a built-in demo. Maybe you can have it just show the last roll or two and have it scripted just so it's concise. Of course, this is just a suggestion for something extra, definitely not necessary (the game is pretty easy to understand as it is)! Excellent work on the game!

Yeah, as of right now the chances of rolling a 6 upon entering a room are actually pretty low, but it could be a little luck too of course! Thanks for your feedback!

Thank you!!

I enjoyed this game a lot! It's pretty difficult the first time playing, but once you get used to the order of the elements it gives a pretty cool experience of trying to get the right element and shooting an enemy quickly before multiple can spawn. It feels like you're doing quick paced puzzles with bits of platforming mixed in. Nice work!

This game is great! I really liked how this used the limitation. The main mechanic just felt really fun! I can definitely see myself playing this again after the jam, so really great job!

This is a cool concept! I had fun with it, but it does feel pretty hard. Maybe something like being able to reroll the upcoming piece with another button could make the game easier. Still, I always really like creative takes on tetris! Good work!

I really like how well this captures sleep paralysis! Looking around a dark room and not being able to move is super spooky. The art and sound are just great at creating a really eerie atmosphere. The minigames were also fun overall, but they could probably use a little balancing (although a lot of that is subjective). I personally found the reaction time one much harder than the other ones, but I did eventually get it! Overall, I had fun playing this, amazing work!

Even though it's not finished, I still had fun playing! Really like the visuals and the music is great! If you continue to work on it, making what's going on a little clearer and giving the player more of a goal might work pretty well. 

Overall, good job on the game!

I had fun playing this game! I thought the graphics and the sound were really well done. It's short, but very enjoyable, and I really like having the two modes. It's pretty cool how much of a difference there is in playing when using the hard die! Great job!

Yeah, it's definitely worth looking into exploring more movement mechanics/options! Thanks for playing!!

Yeah, I think it's definitely worth exploring bosses/end goals, or maybe even something different in further levels (especially around when it basically gets impossible). Thank you so much for your comment!

Yeah, I think I will work on this post-jam! Thanks so much!!

I actually am pretty new to doing art, so I'm really glad you liked it! The levels are actually procedurally generated (except the first one is supposed to always be the same), but I'm glad that worked out well! Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

Yeah it definitely starts out pretty easy. Thanks for playing!!

This idea is really cool! I liked how you incorporated the limitation, and hitting enemies with the dice felt great. I really enjoyed how well the mechanic worked when there were a lot of enemies all over the place at the start of waves, but when they eventually grouped together it became a little tedious. I think if the enemies had slightly different movement, it'd be easier to hit them more often and it'd feel more satisfying. Overall, good job on the game!

This is a pretty cool game! I think it was a pretty interesting way to incorporate the limitation, but I didn't feel too much incentive to change the gears that much once I got one that felt pretty good (generally I'd try to get one that slowly accelerates to a higher speed from what I could tell). Then again, I mostly stuck with the default car, so it could be that it doesn't really need you to shift gears much. Despite that, I enjoyed playing the game! I thought the music and visuals were well done too. Good job!

I enjoyed this game a lot! I actually found it fun to try to figure out what each face of the die did. It's interesting how the above ground part acted as an opportunity to figure out what each did, and it led very well into the fight against the snake. The layout of the cave made the game challenging in a pretty good way. I had to balance avoiding and fighting the snake with trying to find the die to hit it again to try to get what I needed.  I'm not sure if there was an end screen, I might have missed something I was supposed to do, but I still had a lot fun fighting the snake anyway! The art and music were good too! Awesome job!

This is a pretty fun game! I like the idea of randomly trying out different paths with different level mechanics to get through a level. It could be interesting to see something like this in a game with multiple levels, where you beat the level to advance to the next even if you go through just one path. Overall, great job on the game!

I really liked the sounds and visuals for this game, it fit the theme very well! I was a bit confused about the gameplay at first, but I think I eventually got it. The game seemed to get stuck when I played sometimes though, I think that's just a bug though. Overall, great job!

I really like the idea for this game! It's cool that y'all took an approach that didn't focus on randomness as much. The visuals fit the theme very well too. Great job on the game!

This is a cool idea for a game, and it fit the theme very well! I was a little confused at first, but once it made sense it was fun to play. Good job! 

This is a fun, cute game! I enjoyed it and I really liked the idea of it! I think the web build is broken; I think it's an issue that happens with some versions of Unity. You can go into Edit>Project Settings>Player and change the compression format for web builds to "Disabled," and that should fix it. Windows version seemed to work fine though! Great job!

This is a very fun game! Everything felt very polished, and the visuals and sounds were really well done! I sure hope a giant die doesn't destroy my city! 

This is a fun game! I did have a little trouble with the difficulty, but I think that might just have been because I would get hit by the same enemy a lot of times at once, so it would be like resetting every time I get hit. I still eventually beat it though, and had fun doing so! Also really liked the way the game looked! Great job!

This is a fun game! This is a pretty cool idea, and I think it works really well! It does take a little bit to fully understand how the game works, but the tutorial really does help. 

One thing I found interesting is that winning without cheating doesn't seem to increase suspicion, which is probably a good thing to keep the game from being too difficult, but I also wonder how that would affect gameplay. Maybe it would also make the player learn to lose on purpose too, which could be pretty interesting! At the same time, it could make the game too hard, and right now it's great, so whatever works!

Overall, great job!

Thanks so much!

I really enjoyed this game! It was pretty fun all around, and the art and music were great! This was also such a cool use of the limitation, since you not only use dice to help determine level generation, but you also use the pips on the dice themselves, which is super clever. Well done!

Wow, that was a very intense experience! Horror games definitely benefit from the feeling of having a lack of control, and this game definitely makes you wonder if you had any at all. Good job!

The art and feel of this game is great for horror! It's very well done, and it was good at scaring me haha! It's an interesting and creative take on the limitation, although part of me is unsure if it really falls into "mechanic" territory. Still, I guess that's up to everyone's interpretation. Overall, awesome job on the game!

Thank you!!

Haha, yeah I definitely make it sound worse than it actually is! Thanks for playing!

Thanks for your feedback! Yeah, it was a little tricky to decide on how to balance that, maybe I could have had it so that you can never roll a six upon entering a room and then gave all the other faces the same weight. When I was playtesting, I actually got 6s quite frequently just from entering rooms, which felt a little too unfair haha!

I enjoyed this game! One thing I like is that the save system is optional. I didn't end up using it actually, since going back to the earlier fights let me try out different strategies, but I can see how some players would want to use it. Also, the powers, dice face choices, and enemy stats/abilities gave this game a ton of depth, especially for a game jam! If you ever want to expand on it or rework it at some point I think it has a lot of potential. Great job!

I enjoyed this game and I liked the concept overall! I liked how the game looked and the general feel of it!  

If you are thinking of adding something post-jam, I think right now you can kinda set yourself up to endlessly defeat enemies easily. Maybe something that could be interesting to explore is a timer of some kind. That way, there might be situations where there's incentive to increase fear so you can get a higher score within a time limit. You could even add little time power ups that drop around the room that add to your time (or freeze it, or something like that) so you have more incentive to move around. Alternatively, making the enemies more difficult over time might work well too (I wasn't sure if this was already a thing in the game or not, if it is, my bad for not noticing!). These suggestions are pretty subjective, so whatever works best; I already had fun with the game as is!

Great job on the game!

I had a lot of fun with this game! The art, music, and sound effects worked really well and felt fitting. The dice worked very well overall as a mechanic, and I also like how losing all your health causes you to lose a die. It's pretty cool way to allow for additional "lives," but when you lose your health you still lose something that's consequential. Great work!

Interesting game! It was fun to try and figure things out!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! The mosquitos avoid the swatter, so the general idea was for the player to "push" them toward where the player wanted them to go and then quickly swat them, but from some of the comments it seems like this is pretty unclear since I didn't have in-game instructions/tutorials and because the effect is subtle so it's hard to notice just from playing for the first time, so sorry about that! Thanks for playing!