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A member registered Nov 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you times two! 🙂

You're right about Bakin just clicking. It was the same way with me and SGB originally. Right place, right time when I was offered to beta-test it and that clicked, so since Bakin is essentially its spiritual successor the same applied. However, whatever knowledge I gained from SGB was more easily transferred to Bakin, as opposed to going straight to UE5 or even Godot. Teaching an old dog new tricks. LOL

The only problem is I want to now push Bakin to beyond its limits, hence The Explorer's Guild!

Thanks for your kind comments. Yes, I put quite a lot of work into the game, including learning Blender more seriously. It's been fun creating things for it and trying to push Bakin (and myself) a bit further each time.

I played through a bit of Tragedy of the Fell Crab and enjoyed it immensely, though would ideally like to start doing video playthroughs of games as well.

I hear ya about the "million updates every hour". Stopped following a few of those. It's like cleaning a window. Once the grime is gone, you can actually see out of it again. Haha!

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THANK YOU to all who participated in this game jam and managed to come into the announcement livestream.

There were some remarkable submissions and it was a tough decision to determine the winners. But...

Everyone who submitted is a winner regardless!

The winners were announced in the livestream. For those who missed it, they are:

 🏆 GRAND WINNER: OnePlay Family

 🏆 1ST RUNNER-UP: ChipSet Games

 🏆 2ND RUNNER-UP: Knifish


Please contact me in Discord DM for details on getting your prizes to you including the trophies!

Thanks to all those who sumbitted qualifying games to the RPG Developer Bakin 2023 Game Jam.

The jam's deadline is upon us. So over the next week or so, AmalgamAsh, Flawmore and I will play through the games and decide together who wins Grand Prize, First Runner-Up and Second Runner-Up.

It's going to be a tough decision, but in my opinion everyone's a winner for being able to conceive, create and submit a game - short or long - in a relatively short amount of time.

Once we've decided the winners, I will play through them in livestream and announce the winners at the end, probably around the 14th or 15th of May. I realise that not everyone will be able to attend. However, I'll try and accommodate a time that suits everyone.

Deadline Extension

The deadline for submissions has been extended to the end of the month (30th) at 1159pm GMT.

This will give participants - at least those who haven't submitted yet - a chance to polish their submissions off. And it'll give those who haven't submitted to bash out something Easter related.

There are a lot of cool prizes in this jam and I will be adding 2 more before the end of the month!

Important Notice

I have noticed that at least two games are NOT made in RPG Developer Bakin - something that was very clear - so they will be disqualified. They are automatically ineligible to win any prizes.

I will disqualify these games in livestream and play through those made in RPG Developer Bakin in the stream, but we will announce the Grand Prize winner and the two runners-up then as well!

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Submissions are officially open to the Bakin Easter 2023 Game Jam.

The closing date is 27 April, 2023, which gives about 3 weeks to create, complete and polish off your submissions.

There are some great prizes up for grabs, which will be updated later in the game jam (depending on a number of factors). Additionally, all participants will receive a special award model and/or image to show their participation.

The winners will receive a unique trophy model (with an accompanying image):

  • Grand Winner - a gold trophy
  • First Runner-Up - a silver trophy
  • Second Runner-Up - a bronze trophy

These can all be used in future games or showcased on websites and social media.

After the game jam has ended, AmalgamAsh, Flawmore and I (the judges) will determine the winners, which will then be announced in May. I will be doing a live-stream to showcase the submissions and announcing the winners live!

Thanks for your comment!!

Glad that it inspired you. There's so much more to do in this game (models and game play).

(1 edit)

Thx. More to come at some point!

Cool, thanks!


Awesome, thanks!
I'm not producing any more SGB assets/content, but we can all refer to this collection!

What can I say about this game? Err...Well, a lot. Too much for here.

The character models (and their animations) are superb, very content appropriate. I love the way each character is introduced and how they fit into the context of the game.

There is so much depth, content, subtext, and background lore to the game. I've only played a fraction of it, but was instantly drawn in!

Considering this is a game jam submission, very good job! I am in awe of this game and the way it's put together. Can't wait to play more.

(2 edits)

Cat puns!! This game was meow-velous, a clean departure from the usual games created in SGB. I felt very fur-tunate to have played this (sadly and embarrassingly I never had a chance to properly play The Miserable Clown - that needs to change). I didn't finish the game....Who am I kitten? I had to finish it to see who the cat-assin was! (OK, enough cat puns.)

The Cleudo-style map is brilliant, something so simple yet so suitable for the core of the game: an interactive-fiction whoddunit. I guessed correctly second try, maybe because I just over-analysed things.

A treasure! I thoroughly enjoyed this style and would definitely like to see more in the series!

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What an absolute gem this was and a joy to play! Absolutely LOVED ALL the references and "shout-outs"! Hilariously apt! As for the gameplay, it was pure destructive fun, something different, with some off-the-wall humor. I haven't played it all the way through yet (kept dying way too much right before I figured out a proper strategy), but looking forward to continuing after the game jam.

The soundscapes added "texture" to the tension building up to the finale. And when I went through it all, actually with a real sense of foreboding, I did NOT expect that ending! Well executed, short and simple escape-room style game!

Having watched development on this game, I may be slightly biased, of course, but the camera system framework is well done, reminiscent (as mentioned) of FNAF! As I also mentioned, it can also easily be adapted for other things. Kudos for making this and for patiently working with cameras (which as you know I don't like haha!).

love the artwork! And the game's theme. I'd definitely like to see this game further developed, with more areas to explore and more collectibles (maybe some kind of log for the collectibles too). As short as it was, this shows great potential.

The game design, aesthetics, storyline and scripting is _stellar_! I did NOT expect voice acting, especially of such a high quality, although the volume is rather low. Excellent use of cameras (something I don't favor) for cinematic effects.

I haven't played all the way through yet, but absolutely, most assuredly will! Right from the outset I was instantly drawn in and the tension was insane! Very good job on creating this!

Thanks for the words (here and elsewhere) and the encouragement. This is an accumulation of the trials and errors of previous games, submissions, tutorials, experimentations, and knowledge and - until now - none has felt as "right" as The Untitleds, so this is the CompanionWulf game I'm going to develop to completion, though it may be very slow. As we ascertained on Discord, you'll be the major beta-tester for the menu system in particular, which I greatly appreciate, as I appreciate your review and thoughts of TU itself.

I've not properly played through yet, but from what I've played so far I must say that this is a work of art in itself. This is the graphical style that is now associated with Drass (having played through Adventures of Scion and in anticipation of Alterium Shift).

The "big boss" introduction scenes, reminiscent of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, are very well done to give that sense of dread and anticipation. Plus I like the shifting between parties to give multiple perspectives.

The combat is fairly balanced to reflect the areas in which they take place, but you don't need to unnecessarily grind to be able to defeat  monsters. I do, however, have a new pet dislike of Mountain Wasps (usually it's Spiders).

This is a stunning game and showcases just what SGB can do.

The game jam entry (demo version 0.8) is still buggy in places. Frustratingly, I just couldn't finish it due to work and other commitments. The newer versions starting development in April/May (when things start settling down some) will address them and the game will have a new, more dynamic system in place - including an interactive gallery - and additional features, but the bugs will be ironed out.

There's always one, isn't there? And 29 participants! Woot!

Thanks. And yes, eventing the menu (including submenus) is easy enough. It actually has to do with the way SGB processes, interprets and prioritises certain things. I'm not sure if a fully functional menu system is viable.

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I'd intended to have a more expanded menu UI, but it broke. I really wish I'd have had more time to invest to finish it, hence why development will continue after the jam. And I'll iron out all of its bugs.

I'm a sucker for multiple endings. I found two endings (though you did say that mechanic broke). It's well written, with a good presentation of unaggressive/aggressive emotions.

Thanks for your comment. The humour is meant to be sardonic, but don't be deceived by its "calm and serene" demeanour. The system/mechanics will, of course, be expanded and improved (though I have no idea how to go about that yet), as will the menu. The storyline is already mapped out. Chapter 1 will probably be out July or August.

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Thank you for your thoughts. Regarding the cons, you're absolutely right. Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to dig deep, so to speak. If you think the sound lag (I'm presuming the doors) was bad, you should have seen the TV turning on with some newscaster blurbing. I had to remove it! ROFL

I wanted to do camera angles, similar to those with the pictures, for doors notably but other objects too. Just couldn't get them right within my time slot. I do appreciate you taking the time to write the review, even nitpicking. It'll help improve things and I'll address them in the next update before Chapter 1.

I like the idea of amalgamating community resources in such a way to showcase various styles and themes. (I'd have submitted my MC too but he wasn't ready in time. In fact, he was very last minute.)

The artwork is simple yet amazing and unique. I love the slow-flowing cameras as well. It reminds me of the philosophical aspects of kismet in that whatever you do, the outcome is the same.

I love all those custom sprites and animations. The humour is incisive (yeah, "BARREL!") and quirky. And I like Death; that's a nice touch. I spent a bit of time exploring everything I could and almost overlooked the "final" dungeon. Congrats on an enjoyable demo. Look forward to seeing (and playing) more. I'd like to see where this goes!

Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you found the dev notes useful, though to be honest they were initially just for me. I decided to keep them in. The story itself will unfold over the course of a year or two, hopefully with multiple endings (questionable at the moment). I do have a few surprises planned for this game too.