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Color Crow

A member registered Aug 18, 2016 · View creator page →

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What I mean is those game settings, like resolution, volumes, v-sync, and others, are less important than the UI for gameplay, like showing the cards, deck, abilities, cooldowns, health, etc.

A very interesting switch! I’d love to try it out!

Can you show some video gameplay?


Thank you for the showcase. Try to focus on the game. The menus for options can be simple or non-existent, but menus for the actual gameplay are far more important.

If have the time, check out this website that might help you design simple and clear UI.

Are you using your own implementation of a state machine or are you using a predefined one?

What kind of story are you going for? Can you summarize it?

(1 edit)

Hey, thank you for the video. When adding the attacks, even if you don’t have a lot of visual feedback (animations and such), perhaps a simple sound or camera shake or a flash animation would help you sell that the character was hit or hit an enemy.

If you want SFX, try these websites:

It was just a suggestion, but I think this way it becomes more noticeable. Good job!

Thank you for the explanation.

If I can leave a suggestion regarding the design, it can get quite difficult to see the red stain on a red/brown background. Perhaps you can use a more greyish color for the background to ease the eye.

Hello. Can you share some screenshots of the screens you implemented.

Hello. Can you share some snapshots of the menus and your developments?

Interesting. Can you share a bit more on the dialogue system? Link and a small snippet of usage? It’s for Godot, right?

Are you using a pre-made tileset or did you make your own?

Amazing exploration! Thank you for this post.

Can you share some info on the Godot plugin for git?

It is also amazing to see the process summary. It gives good directions on where to go next.

Keep up the good work!

While a UML is important to have in your architecture, you can create other simpler graphs that reflect the actions developing in the game. What does the player do? What happens when an enemy dies? What happens when the player dies?

I have seen people use Figma for these types of designs. Perhaps it can be interesting to you.

We will try to make it clearer in future updates.

Essentially, you need to grab the coins by turning the dies in their direction (you will see a green color appear on the dice). The coin spawning is timed with the music, making the game a rhythm game.

Hey, thanks for the feedback. What was the confusing part? Were you able to play the game?

There is literally no game to be played. Or am I missing something? :/

While I don’t really see the connection with the theme, it is a very fun game.

I reached 3300 points after getting the hang of it. The only issue is that I got stuck in a wall and could no longer progress… otherwise I would still be playing!

I can also confirm that the Linux build runs fine.

I only got to 9 points thou! A bit of timing adjustments on some games would help increase those points, but very fun overall!

There is no game.

I like it. It is weird and hard to understand what the effects of each pick up are, but overall it is a fun twist on snake.

In Linux you need to install libglfw and libglew before you can run the game. If possible I would advise the developer to package a pre-built version with the game.

This isn’t really a game, but more a dice roll simulator. But it works overall.

Amazing blog post! Great work!

Great work! What do you mean by “Altering the portal’s game mechanic to be less time based”?

Great work! Regarding the last point, I would also suggest you implement a death animation, this would provide context to the player informing the state of the game.

That is quite easy, but I was asking regarding your implementation of the OniVisionTile.

If you have the blockout done, then focus on the message you want to send to the player. Perhaps you will not have time to add all the planned environment and that is ok, but you should add enough to sell the story. Discuss with your colleagues and start consolidating the game to have that message you want to send out.

Thank you for the gameplay video. The game seems hard but fairer, with this feeling the player tends to blame himself when he crashes and not the game, this gives a greater sense of accomplishment when he succeeds. Good job!

Good job. Due to the MOJO deadline fast approaching, I advise you and your team to focus on the consolidation of content. Focus on the experience you want to give the player and stop developing further content (e.g. no more enemies, abilities, etc.).

Great work. I really like the custom tiles, can you share some links on how to implement those tiles?

It is one of those features that really help the development of the game, but does not change the perception of the game by the player.

Can you share a gameplay video snippet to showcase the new controls and feel?

The 3D scene for the menu looks good. Great idea!

If collectibles are not a thing in your game, try torches or lights. They are cheaper and easy to use. Good work!

Hey, good job on the design. I have some notes or questions.

In my opinion, you (and your team) might be too punishing in certain areas. For example in the first image, near the large windows, the floor is filled with spikes, yet it is an unneeded punishment, as falling already punishes the player. Why did you add that additional punishment? In Gretel Level 3, similarly, the spikes only offer an additional punishment. In Hero Level 3, I do not think the spikes are too punishing, as they are the punishment for falling and you restart in the access area. If I could summarize my comment is that spikes should be a challenge to overcome, not a nuisance.

Also, it seems you have the concept of platforms (places where you can jump from under it to the top of it, and perhaps in reverse as well). Why not introduce them in the spiral staircase? It would facilitate navigation and simplify travel.

I also noted a disconnected platform at the beginning of the level. Try to avoid unnecessary content that might guide the player to nowhere. Why would the player go up there? Is there an enemy below? Is there a coin on the platform? (The reward can be the narrator talking.)

Overall, I think you guys are on a good track for a great game! If you want more feedback on the levels reach out to me on Discord and we can chat.

It seems the maps are becoming very expansive. I would recommend using secondary elements to guide the player. One solution often used is to add coins or small collectibles in specific paths to guide the player.

Also, if your focus is on the story, don’t forget to add calmer areas (e.g. corridors) that allow the player to breathe and take in the environment and the story.

Why did you choose to use the mouse as a controller and not only the keyboard or a controller? What lead you to that decision?

Also, good work!

It seems you can connect mechanics to specific planets. Have you considered having lore around that?

One idea that came to mind is to use the Roman gods as a mechanics inspiration for each planet. While traveling to Mars, the god of war, you’d introduce asteroids that follow the player. While traveling to Mercury, god of commerce and communication, you’d introduce the typing section.