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A member registered Dec 21, 2015

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Coder community · Created a new topic 1

Answer is : 10

The whole point was to learn together and i see you make a very valid point however my plan was really to see what sort of reaction this one got.

The type of games it varies as what people want to do it not that i have one in mind but i did think if this did come to life i would start with a basic game to see how communication works.

I do have some skills with working with unity and blender however i havent progressed far and im still learning.

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The whole idea is so that we could grow are skills together.

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Just an idea that i was wondering if anyone was intrested in creating a studio and working together to create games.

Just message below with what you think and if you would like to try and what skills you have.

Have you found a tester?

Just a little update about something im doing that could interest you guys im making pictures with codes in for people to try and work out.

Good Luck if you try.

All answers provided in other topics.

Coder community · Created a new topic 0
(2 edits)

The answer is: Welcome to the game.