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A member registered Sep 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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This is so cool????? How did you accomplish this you incredible human being :0

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One final thing (Sorry I have a lot of questions):

Are we allowed to make a horror game? I'm thinking of possibly making a psychological horror game, where there's no strong violence but it's still unsettling.

Edit: The game will probably have dark themes, but no graphic violence shown on screen? It might have some violence though.

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Edit: Never mind! I figured out a way to make the game fit the prompt without really only doing that!

How strict is the theme? I'm trying to think of concepts right now, and I'm wondering if a concept with a part that is the opposite of what most people normally expect would work? Like a commonly held belief that turns out to be the opposite. I don't know if that works as going "beyond" expectations.

No sleep gang T-T

Oh! By the way, I made a test game to test how to fix the exports and I figured out the solution--the game had too many extra files in it (from the default RPG maker assets), which didn't let the web version run. It worked in the test game now that I removed them all. Thank you for trying to help!

Wow this was incredible! The art was gorgeous and it was such a unique and fun game! I'm so impressed  you made this by yourself :0

Hi! I wanted to let you know I fixed the game! I think all the bugs are gone now :3 Thank you so much for the feedback, it helped a lot when fixing the game :D

Thank you!!

I think the rpg maker file just isn't working. I did everything the same for the other game which works fine and was made in a different engine.

I already had the checkbox marked on and it didn't work

The game is Course Correction, also.

Oh I just removed the browser version of the game from the page. I don't know how to get it to work.

Yeah I'm so sorry this game is really buggy atm T-T I will definitely fix them as soon as possible, sorry again that you had to deal with that :(

I'm trying to upload a game made in rpg maker mz to itch, and it works when i only upload the windows file but not when i try to upload the web version. It says on the page "The developer has not uploaded a game yet..." and I don't know how to fix it. Can anyone help?

Hi, tysm for letting me know! I have no idea why this is happening T-T I'm gonna try to fix it!

This game was so cool!! I loved the story and the concept was super interesting as well as the art execution of it being well done! The part about that guy being found as a sunflower made me go :0 Like it genuinely is kinda inspiring me to write smth similar to that at some point

I would be really interested in seeing more stuff about this take on the apocalypse. Also the characters are so cute! I love lesbians XD

Overall had a very fun time playing :D

aww thank you!! This really means a lot ;_;

ahh this is really helpful, tysm!!

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Actually I'm seriously wondering how you managed to make the game menu (or whatever the menu that pops up when clicking escape in the game is called) look like that? It looks so cool

Dude this was a great game--the writing is clever, the art is really nice to look at (especially the movements and style! I enjoyed the expressions a lot too), and THE UI IS AMAZING!!! The mechanic of delivering letters is so well done and I'm really impressed you managed to make a game that looks and plays like this in renpy? good work, seriously

Thanks, you too!! I really enjoyed your game as well :D

TY!! I love butterfly soup XD (The UI stuff with the sprites was  inspired by that game actually!)

Wow ty!! Yeah I was basically working on it every waking moment that wasn't occupied by school, homework, or work XD

The characters in this game are so funny and charming! I had a really fun time playing :D

Aww thank you so much for the kind words!! I'm really glad you enjoyed :D

Thank you!!! <333

Yeahh it defaults to Korean and I had to change it to English :,)

That's so kind of you T-T TYSM I really appreciate it!! <333


Also I'm stupid, there was already an English translation T-T I played it and had a lot of fun!

fhjskdhfjkdshk TYSM!!

Really cool story and absolutely gorgeous art!! I'm so impressed by this game

This is really cool!! I played a bit and I really like the concept and art and everything! Unfortunately I'm not that good at reading Korean so I excitedly await the English translation to finish playing >:)

THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE GAME!!! I enjoyed every minute of playing it! The stuff that's happening in the game really reflects our real world with the fascists and all; it's really well written. Also, I got every ending XD

Omg I loved this game so much! You guys made a real work of art that is so cool and funny and awesome and just great!! I think I got all the endings >:) and they were all amazing ily guys