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A member registered Jul 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed playing this! :)  Really fun and a good challenge! Love the art style and character design too! Great work! 👍🥕🥕

Thank you so much for the lovely feedback! That’s very kind, I’m really glad you enjoyed the game :) Thanks a lot!

I really enjoyed this game! Really fun to play and and loved the visuals / animations and sound design too. Great work! 👍

I really enjoyed playing this! I liked all the power ups and loved the character design and animations too. Great job! 👍

I really enjoyed this game! Super fun and a great challenge, really great job! 👍

Thank you so much! :) I'm really glad you have enjoyed playing the game! :)

Hey, thanks a lot, I'm glad you liked the game! :) And thank you for the feedback too. After the jam I'm going to be expanding the game, so I will definitely be looking into adding a hint system. :) 👍Thanks again for the comment! 

I really enjoyed this game! Great work! 👍

Super fun game! I had a great time playing this. Great work! 👍

Such a great game! Great fun to play and great mechanics! Amazing work 👍

That's so kind, thank you very much for that! It's much appreciated. I'm really glad you have enjoyed the game! :)

Thank you very much! I'm glad you have enjoyed it! :)

Thank you so much! That's very kind, I'm so glad you liked the game! :)

Thank you very much for the lovely feedback! It's much appreciated, I'm really glad you liked the game! Thanks again! :)

Hey, thank you so much! I'm so glad you have enjoyed the game! :) And thank you, but this is actually my 4th jam, but second solo. My other game was set to private as I was fixing up a few bugs, it's back on public now :)  Thanks again for playing! 

That is so great to hear! I'm so glad you all enjoyed it! Thanks a lot for the comment. :)

Thank you very much for that, that's very kind! I'm really glad you have enjoyed it!  :)

Thank you very much for the lovely feedback, I’m really glad you have enjoyed the game! Also, I really like your strategy too. Great idea! 😃👍  Thanks a lot for the comment and thanks for playing! :) 

Thank you so much for the lovely feedback, it’s much appreciated! I’m so glad you have enjoyed the game! 😃

That’s so kind, thank you very much for the lovely comment! Really glad you liked the game! 😃

Hey, thank you so much for the comment! I’m glad you enjoyed the game! Thanks for playing. 😃

Thank you very much! I’m really glad you enjoyed the game! 😃

Thank you so much for the feed back, it’s much appreciated! And thanks a lot for the bug report too, I shall try and fix them up after the jam :) The robots should be the same strength, but I shall definitely take a look into that just encase :) I’m really glad you enjoyed the game, and I agree with you on that gear on the final level haha ⚙️ It’s a tricky one!

Thanks again for the comment! 😃

This game is so fun! Such a great game! Love the graphics and audio too! Amazing work! 👍✨

Super fun game! Really nice visuals and sound design too! Great fun! Great work! 👍✨

Really great game! I had a lot of fun playing this!  Perfectly fit the theme and great sound design too!  Awesome work! 👍🚢

Thanks a lot for the feedback! I will work on trying  to make things stand out more from the background! And really nice points on the tractor beam. I will have a look into that and see if I can get things working smoother. Thanks a lot for the help and your feedback.

I had such a great time playing your game! I loved all the graphics and switching between the views. Really great puzzles and really fun! Loved the music too! Really great work!

Thanks very much for that! I will definitely speed up the text and see if I can implement a skip button too. Thanks a lot for for the input and the feedback!

Your game Logica is really great! I loved the graphics and everything worked so well! The music is great too! Amazing work!

Thanks a lot for the feedback! I will work on getting things smoother and see if I can get the controls working better too. Thanks a lot for the comment!

Your game is so much fun! I've had a really great time playing it! I really love the music and rain sounds too! Very awesome! Great work!

Thank you so much for the feedback and comment! I'm sorry about the tractor beam. I will look into it and see if I can get it working smooth. Your game Escape From Alteris is great!! It had loads of atmosphere and great lighting! The music was really great too. I really enjoyed it! Nice work!

Thank you so much for that! Really glad you enjoyed it!

Foxy Boom Boxy is such a great game! Fantastic graphics and the audio is awesome! The voice acting and the music are really great! Along with the story too! I really had such a great time playing it and really enjoyed the ending music too! Amazing work!

Thanks so much! Glad you liked it!

Your game is really great! I love the graphics and the music too! Really great work!

Hey, thanks very much for the feedback on the game!

There is the on/off of the tractor beam, but I maybe should of made that more clear in the controls saying - Switch ON/OFF Tractor beam. But I do see what you mean. Perhaps I could make more ON/OFF  switches that turn different machines on and off for different puzzles rather than just ON switches. Thanks a lot, I appreciate the feedback and also the offer for help.

I really enjoyed your game! Really fun to play and great with the theme! Nice work!

Really fun and challenging game! Awesome work!

Thank you so much for the feedback! Nice idea! 

Keep up the great work with your games! I really enjoyed Color Chaos!

Thank you very much for the feedback! I will get to work on trying to get things working better after the jam has finished. I have also noticed the tractor beam  seems to have trouble picking up objects on certain web browsers for some reason, so I will see if I can figure that out too. Thanks again for your feedback! I really enjoyed your game! The art style is really awesome too! Great work!

Thanks a lot for your feedback and comment! It's much appreciated! I will have a play around with the game after the jam has finished and see if I can get things to work better and get a  better balance. I also realized that on some web browsers the tractor beam  seems to have trouble picking up objects, so I will see if I can sort that too. Thanks a lot! Your game is really awesome! I had a lot of fun using all the  extensions to play through the game! Really awesome concept! Great work!

Thank you very much for the comment!

Your game is so much fun! Really like the concept! It was a lot of fun trying to get to the end of the level!

 Great work!

Thanks a lot!

Your game is really great! I had a great time playing!  Very  fun!

Thank you so much! 

Really enjoyed your game! Great puzzles, and loved the black and white art too! Nice work!