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Hi seansully.
Thank you for making a video on this game, It's greatly appreciated.
For the end bit, the way to get past is to run the command delete_sector 0xff25. This sector is shown in the first error message, and I definitely should have made it clearer, so sorry for the confusion.
Edit: I've updated the game to show another recurring error message if the player takes too long to get past that bit. Thank you for your feedback.
This is a really creative and interesting idea. I enjoyed playing it and the boss battle at the end was quite creative. Good job!
I found the game to be very polished and I did not encounter any bugs or issues. The art style is very crisp and detailed and that adds to the polished feel of the game. The only thing that I would mention about the art style is the transparent doors that can be enabled/disabled with the switches. I think it would be good if you replaced them with a sprite or something that fits in with the scene rather than just a coloured rectangle but apart from that the art style is really good!
The puzzle mechanics have a lot of potential as you develop the game further and add more levels. Perhaps you could add clones with different properties such as clones that move in the opposite direction or clones that could be damaged just like the player. This would add more variety to the puzzle possibilities, and it would expand the gameplay.
Hope you find this useful, If you have any questions please ask!
Hi Ray,
I've found an issue with the audio system. If an application uses audio and there is no audio device plugged into the computer, the application will crash. I've tried this on multiple devices and it always occurs. I also tried fixing this by using a try-catch block but this didn't work.
Raylib Version: Raylib 3.5.
Language: C++
Exisum is a puzzle game based around solving maths problems for unknown values. Explore beautiful dioramas while solving difficult, rewarding puzzles. Get your pen and paper ready and switch on your brains!
I'm looking for some feedback on the gameplay and difficulty of Snake 2.0.
Snake 2.0 is an original twist on the classic snake game, where you have to move the snake around the world to collect apples. In snake 2.0, every time you collect an apple, an obstacle replaces the apple. This means the more apples you collect, the more obstacles there will be on the map.
I would appreciate any feedback on the game!
This game was very fun to play and finishing a level after failing many, many times was very satisfying.
The difficulty ramps up quite nicely and there is definitely a nice difficulty curve throughout the game, so this is not an issue. The visuals are very clean and definitely reminiscent of the GameBoy art style, so good job on that!
I did find an issue with the level select lobby. When you fail a level and are returned to the lobby, you can't press the space key to load back in, you have to move to another space and then move back to the terminal for it to work.
But overall, it's a solid game and I really enjoyed playing it.
I would really appreciate some feedback about the usage and how fun the mechanics of AtomBox are. I'm also looking for any potential improvements or additions.
AtomBox is a piece of simulation software which aims to simulate parts of classical mechanical physics in a visual, interactive, and dynamic way. It is also a physics sandbox.
Any feedback is much appreciated!
An original twist on the classic Snake Game.
Manoeuvre the snake around the world to collect apples. Beware of the snake's tail and the newly added obstacles which spawn around the map. There is nothing more exhilarating than successfully avoiding a close collision.
How many apples can you collect?

It's quite an abstract interpretation of the theme but it does simulate particle physics so I guess it can be classed as a simulator. Thank you for trying it anyway!
(edit): if you didn't get how to use the software, the included manual contains the instructions on how to actually use it and what buttons to use.