"18+ submissions must be clearly labelled as such" just means that if you make an adults-only game, you need to clearly label it in your submission. If you submit an all-ages game, there's no need to worry about that.
Christina Nordlander
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Thank you for playing. Yeah, the issues with missing noun implementations and rooms described as "dark" (even after light is provided) are down to a lack of time, and will be fixed if I return to this.
spoilers below:
You can't interact with the ghosts (though making one appear in the attic is necessary to get the flashlight). However, you should definitely try to examine them more than once, to learn something important.
... I'm happy to see a game jam where the rules treat adolescent sexuality/affection sensibly and sensitively instead of just having some blanket ban like "no relationships between characters below 18, period." Sexualisation of children is a serious problem, but so often, content hosts seem to fight it by taking the safe option of just banning anything that implies that people under age 18 are capable of sexual or romantic feelings. I wish it weren't so unusual to find a place that's willing to grapple with the complex, messy reality of what being a teen is like.
Don't think I'll make anything for this jam (don't really have any ideas that would work with your theme), but I want to thank you for your sensitivity in stating the rules, and fully support this theme.
I'm a big fan of the genre, so I have a lot to choose from. A question: does this only cover games from the "classic" era, or are modern text adventures made in classic formats okay?
If the first: the original Adventure (aka Colossal Cave) by Crowther and Wood, definitely. Yes, it can be overly unfair and hard, but it was the first! The atmosphere and writing are still darn good, and it has some fine puzzles.
If modern text adventures (late 90s and beyond) are included: like I said, a difficult choice, but one of my top picks would be Metamorphoses by Emily Short. It's short-ish, but very well coded, with a system for transforming or re-sizing objects that enables a great scope for different puzzle solutions. Plus, it may have the finest writing in any text adventure I've played.
Thank you very much for playing, I'm delighted whenever people enjoy my stuff. I see what you mean about the "climb" command, it didn't occur to me until now that it might be confusing. (That said, "down" works too in that situation.)
A hint if you want one:
If you have already lifted your curse, the dragon's wings will be useful for getting home. See if there's anything you can use to cut them off.
I wish I'd started playing this earlier, since it's clearly a very big game. As it is, I can only really rate what I've played. It's a nice J-RPG, though it gets a bit samey after a while. It's also quite difficult: your party starts out very weak, and I can sense it would take a lot of grinding before I can beat the goblin cave. Buying food that improves various stats instead of levelling up is an original mechanic.
I always find it difficult to rate RPG Maker games, since I can't know which assets were created by the developer, but suffice it to say, the graphics and music are very pretty. I like the hero sprites, and you have some beautiful towns/castles/dungeons. The plot is a bit cheesy (maybe it develops into something bigger later on), but at least there is one. The dialogue feels a bit generic, but there are some good and funny lines.
Some things that you might want to improve if you're planning to release future versions: the SFX are very loud compared to the music, and the text in fight scenes is a bit dark (might be hard to pick one that looks good on all backgrounds, though). Green is a bit of a weird colour choice for the names of dead heroes.
All this is nitpicking: I may not have got very far, but from what I've seen this is a very big RPG with a lot of solid mechanics. Great work.
Is there a win condition, or failing that, something to keep track of how far you got before you died?
I'm a fan of everything else about it: the graphics are very pretty, the bullet-hell elements are well implemented, and it's nicely satisfying when stuff gets blown up. I just want to know whether I'm missing any content before I rate it.
Now this is darn good for a jam game! Fun, solid concept, cool implementation of the powers (I'm particularly impressed by Fishboy's one), very well-designed level, and even destructible terrain. You could definitely take this concept and characters and use them for a full-length platformer.
No real downsides, just some minor things I didn't like so much. I found some of the sprites a bit ugly with their broad heads and big noses, and the menu is rather basic-looking, but that's just a taste thing. Also, Electulence's power was a bit juvenile for my taste (and is there a typo in his/her name in the menu?). On the upside, I loved being able to play as a slime monster, even though that playthrough was a bit frustrating (more about that below). Would have been nice if dying made you reset automatically, without having to press R. Unlocking new heroes seems a bit random, but that just adds to the fun in experimentation.
OozBoy's playthrough had me stumped for a while. SPOILERS BELOW
maybe I was just obtuse, but it took me a while to figure out that the ladder in the cave was climbable by jumping.
Like I said, those are all minor negatives, and I wouldn't nitpick if I didn't think the game was good enough to be worth it. I haven't played all contest entries yet, but this one is a high-water mark. I haven't found all the heroes yet; might be back with more feedback when I do.
Nice idea, with clean graphics (I like the little symbols ticking off whenever you use a resource). I always enjoy a good resource management game. Some nice coding, like the hexes that you can move to lighting up, and the virus spreading. All in all, I'm impressed by the randomisation. My only complaint is that like the previous reviewer, I think it could simply do with more stuff: maybe some mobile enemies, that sort of thing. But what you have is solid.
It's possible to spawn right next to the lab, which is kind of unintentionally hilarious.
The cover image is beautiful.
That was great! The animated train graphic at the top and bottom of the screen are very well done, and you've managed some very good (and disturbing) effects with the Bitsy graphics, especially with your use of fade-ins. A pretty nice puzzle as well (the repeating room). A very good, creepy horror story; I'm grateful that I got to play it.
In terms of constructive criticism: the writing in the poem is a bit clunky at times; not awful at all, but not brilliant either. That said, writing a story in verse isn't easy, and I wouldn't be able to do any better. (The dialogue, on the other hand, is well-written, I have no complaints there.) Also
I was expecting a bit more plot in the ending: some sort of explanation of what was going to happen with the passengers, maybe. Instead it just ended with a jumpscare. A good image, but still just a jumpscare.
Anyway, these are minor nitpicks. An appropriately disturbing game with great graphics and a very creepy set-up. I'm impressed.
Pretty funny story. A couple of jokes felt like they'd been done before, and the dialogue at the end was a bit long, but generally the comedy worked well, and I don't feel I wasted my time playing it. Both characters have distinct personalities. I like the ripple effect, and the graphics are nice and clear.
I'd like to thank you for hosting this jam. First of all, I'm just happy that I finally got the impetus to finish my entry, and I'm pretty proud of it. I got to play some very good games as well, even if I sadly wasn't able to play them all.
I like "finish it" style game jams in general, because... let's be honest here, I'm lousy at hitting deadlines while still creating a good product.
Thank you for hosting, and thank to the developers for their entries!
This is really slick and professionally produced (the message animation is very nice-looking). Good writing in the intro, made me chuckle a few times. Not really my type of game, but the difficulty hit the right spot of challenging me without being frustrating. The length feels about right: I would probably have enjoyed a couple more levels, but at least it didn't outstay its welcome.
Very nice interpretation of the "two buttons" theme.