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Chandru Suresh

A member registered Aug 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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Very fun game, I got Undertale vibes from it :) the rules of the game were a little confusing at times but overall, a great little puzzler and surprisingly polished.

Fun game, killer on the wrists tho.

Really fun game and I like how it takes inspiration from Downwell.

Really fun and quite difficult. Enjoyed it very much!

Really fun and well polished.

Fun game and has good controls.

Thank you. I'll probably patch the mouse sensitivity in future

Thank you, Yeah when the jam is done I'll probably update the game with more control settings

Ridiculously Fun. Great style and graphics.

Ridiculously Fun. Great style and graphics.

Really fun! The graphics are well made and the little delay when you get hit is a great detail.

Really fun! The graphics are well made and the little delay when you get hit is a great detail.

Really well made. Splendid artwork, my favourite style.

Thank you.

Best time: 7:08 :(

Great music and style, although the gameplay was really short the theme really shows.

Damm, so many good levels in only 48 hours.

Really clever puzzle design, definitely could be a full game.

Really fun, you could easily develop this further. The graphics were great and the gameplay was quite enjoyable, but the players death range was too large.

Great retro graphics and easy to get distracted with, but needs more gameplay.

The graphics, audio and gameplay work really well together, great game!

We have a similar mechanic, but I think your execution was far smoother. I enjoyed the world building and story. Tho the particles kinda took me out of it.

I thoroughly enjoyed this, the combat was a bit slow and there were no opportunities for progression, but this was only game jam game. The concept is really clever and you could easily flesh it out into a fully fledged game

is this shit posting? is this art? is this gaem??

Thank you for your thorough review, im so sorry that i hadn't responded to this sooner. The graphics in my game was a novelty which made it seem better than it was, tbh i really slacked off when it came to audio and gameplay. I like to think ive become more balanced now.

Flatout drillin acc bangs, very addictive kind of like the game downwell with the linear level design and shoot to move mechanic. I genuinely believe you could turn this into a fully fledged IOS game. My only gripe would be the colour choices and graphical design, I personally like to work with 8BIT pixel art or silhouettes as I feel they're easier to work with, to animate and to create pleasant visuals with; a game's aesthetics takes it further than the mechanics. An 8Bit retro style would really compliment the audio as the graphics and bit crushed sound effects would work in tandem. I dont see how this matches the theme, but seeing as mine was a stretch, I'll give it a pass. Honestly I loved flatout drilling, primarily because it isn't afraid to be a bit violent in a humorous way.

Im not even sure this message will reach, you, but after viewing your website and your youtube channel, I hope you know that I think the content you put out is of high quality and I hope I can maintain a dedication to this craft as much as you have.

Love the title and theme, absolutely genius. But i couldnt play with WASD in the browser but could use the arrow keys. However when i did this, the ctrl bar didn't fill up.

I have never been this stressed in my life. Great game.

thank you very much

The seizure risk was worth it. The atmosphere is really well done and the music suited so well. An occassional camera shake would go along way, especially since i was distracted with the background and firing aimlessly :)

Hey I think we might have went to the same primary school.

But on a real note, love the graphics and music, the controls are a bit finicky tho, a more magnetic grab mechanism might have been useful.

I love the cel shading, and the pixel graphics, thats my jam. Its so fun interacting with the world but I wish it had more content and if the pacing were faster, but besides that, I enjoyed it.

I really enjoyed the graphics, especially the border that was a nice touch. The mix of realtime and turn based movement is pretty unique. The music felt really serious tho :)

this doesn't do me any good now

The graphics and overall design of this game was extremely proffesional. The atmosphere  created was really immersive and those ghost skeletons really got me by surprise.  This is a very well-put-together game.

I really enjoyed the gameplay and the level was extremely well made.

The jumpy was a bit annoying tho..

thanks for ur feedback, this was my first proper jam and i hope to develop my skills for future jams

i acc made it soo that "if (!grounded) if (dash)" so that the player cant dash while mid-air; cant remember why :P 

pretty neat :)

Very unique entry :D

I enjoyed :)

This is genius game design, subverting expectations, i loved it. You also put a lot of effort into the graphics and audio which really created such a rich atmosphere.