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A member registered Jul 09, 2023

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The game is great, looks nice, feels nice, the puzzles are well thoughts, well teached, overall great game !

The duck was so scared he was flying on his back !! 

The game is nice, a bit buggy (crash when there is no more shot left, there is one infinite live (free to restart), you keep the score, and the coins can spawn really on the edge of the screen) Other than that it is a funny game

there is no point to the game, it's all pointless, not fun, the sound is terribly unsettling, the art is weird... Sorry to say that but I could not find a single thing enjoyable in this game, even losing took way to long, I was myself scrolling my phone in the wait because the bar was taking so long to deplete itself ! How ironic !

I did not understand the game AT ALL. Is there is a goal ? An end ? 

art is great, there is no bugs, but what is the point ? 

One small addition is that we don't know the names of the factions and there respective planets.

won from Kosovo, perfect !

the game is cool, but it can be quite hard to see what you are doing. There is also a lack of replayability. Other than that, the game is cool 

Cool game ! It is just quite buggy, but holy fck this deer is angry 

The concept is fun

But there are many bugs, on level 2 I fell through the ground (a wall is missing), you can mop the floor at the right place but it doesn't clean the blood for some reason, or still on level 2 you can go on the top and jump out of the camera field (which is fine) but the bodies will bounce back to stay in the field of view... 

The concept can be fun, but this is just really buggy, sadly... 

sorry to leave a negative comment 

The game is fun, but it's quite repetitive... At the beginning I was struggling to find where I needed to go. The characters all feel great, even tho a bit too slow for my personal liking ;)

I died around round 7, when I had the bad idea to kill a swordman in the middle of an hord of... well... everyone ! And studently died ! After that I could not restart, so here I am !

The game looks good, and the music is great 

Overall I liked it

Great game ! High score : 75000 !

The game is really enjoyable and polish, it feels good, I encountered no bugs at all, and overall it just feels great to play !

I have some suggestions for you : 

-Power-up would be useful, such as being able to collect everything in one click, but every 30 seconds or so, or a damage spell to clear. Some times the game becomes really hard to manage (but in a fun way :) ) and some power up would relieve some stress without removing to much difficulty, or at least I think so. 

-A larger vertical map : I feel like sometimes it is really hard to place units due to the lack of space when you are surrounded by the survivors, and having more place in the upper or down part of the screen would be welcomed

And that is it for me, thanks for making such a great game, and I would love to see a game like this continued to be developed, because the game concept has a lot of potential 

I found it particularly frustrating. It's not my usual type of game so maybe it's just not for me, but I had a lot of struggle maintaining my broom close to the ground, I felt like I was just flying backward for little to no reason and the dash would not save me ! The dash is also a "weird" implemented mechanic, since it seems to be the center of the game, but I felt like the movement was what would make me go to the end, just like a game such as getting over it.

Other than that the game run smoothly, and the art is really great !