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I found it particularly frustrating. It's not my usual type of game so maybe it's just not for me, but I had a lot of struggle maintaining my broom close to the ground, I felt like I was just flying backward for little to no reason and the dash would not save me ! The dash is also a "weird" implemented mechanic, since it seems to be the center of the game, but I felt like the movement was what would make me go to the end, just like a game such as getting over it.

Other than that the game run smoothly, and the art is really great ! 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, I'm sorry if you found it  frustrating but I think it somehow belongs to the experience. The dash was implemented as a supplement to the movement mechanic. My "Strategy" for beating the game is to touch the floor with the mop for a short time to load the dash and then turn the mop to catapult  it up into the air. Then I use the dash to make a minor adjustment to my "jump".

Thank you for playing and for the feedback!