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A member registered Jun 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey I'm a Unity developer. I can do both 2D and 3D game I also can help with game design too.
Here my discord username: CapBearZ#9507

Yeah, sorry about that. There some game breaking bug that need to be fix.

Very unique concept love it! I also really like the part where I can chain slash that add a lot of flow to the game!

Excellent game! Sprite work and effect are on point here! Gameplay is very tight in my opinion (not a bad thing though!). Overall very satisfying experience! BTW my favorite gun is the rocket thingy!

Really love this game. The visual, the feedback , the gameplay, everything about it! A small nitpick would be that there no checkpoint. It a bit of a chore to play the level overall again to reach the end. But overall a very good game this is!

Sweet short little game, I like it! For some reason the trout king is the hardest boss for me and the prince is actually the easiest lol (well mostly due to the prince standing still most of the time). I also notice that there can only be one bullet at a time.  My guess would be to made player get closer to the boss so they can fire more bubble? Overall good game!

The energy drain feel a bit too difficult to play with. It's quite hard to comeback if your energy is below a certain point. Maybe instead of punishing the player for having low energy what about try buffing them up when high energy instead?  (more shot, higher speed , etc).

Very fun! The difficulty is just right in my opinion! The was also really get me on the edge too!

Thank for playing ! and yup, the game is inspired by ultrakill especially the parry part!

The effect is from post process package from unity. I use both Bloom and Chromatic Aberration and raised the intensity value of these two for a second whenever the ball get hit. There also a little bit of additional value tweaking but you can try explore that and see what it do. Additionally, I also adjust the bloom color too depending on if the ball is red or green. There also a screen shake which I create by moving the camera's position randomly.  That would be most of the juice in the game, hope that help!

The control does taking some time getting used to but it was well worth it! A very fun game!

The level design and camera view need some work here in my opinion. The camera does not cover enough level making me having to guess where to go most of the time.

Excellent  game! I really like the delay death after dashing through enemy! It just like one of those anime move!

Good game! Compare to other game this one is on the harder side (not a bad thing). There are some problem I have like not  being able to initiate the jump on my own (not sure if this is intentional) 

and not knowing where to go next. But, the juice and the graphic look really appealing! I also really  like the fast pace gameplay!

The mechanic and art style is really well done! The game does lack  on the visual indicator and juice though .  Important like where the crystal is or when the player get hit should be more noticeable. But, overall this is a very good project in my opinion!

(1 edit)

Fit the juice and theme of  the jam really well! The only problem is that my finger get too tired to play!

Very good game! The gameplay and visual is minimal but extremely good! My highest score is 46 by the way.

The game still lack some gameplay tuning in my opinion.  It still lacking in gameplay juice to make the game flow better. Thing like coyote time might be able to help the game be more smoother to play. The pillar also require too much precision to land on in my opinion (just made it wider would  help a lot).

A pretty good game in my opinion! The juice is good,  graphic and sound is  also  great. The only problem I have is that I do not understand some of the upgrade description /icon.  The pace of the game might also be a bit too slow like how fast the  progress bar fill (but maybe that just me). Overall, good game!

Pretty neat!  The mechanic and feel really hit the point! Would love to see more if it could be developed further!

Thank for the bug report. Will fix it soon!

Really appreciate it! Thank for playing!

Thank for playing our game!

Thank for commenting! Noted on the tutorial, we greatly appreciate it that you play our game!