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A member registered Oct 22, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you. The strategy aspect was my main focus for this game.


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Thanks for your feedback! I think that making the player repeat the levels is not a good idea.  Especially in the absence of randomness, simply repeating the same moves will lead to victory. Thus, the player will be able to receive any number of necessary cards from the rewards. I am thinking of adding a library of cards.  All the cards from rewards will go into it and the player will be able to access them at any time during the adventure.

I usually use these settings:

Great game.

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There was a chance I would go for the same name for my game :D 

A bit tricky to get on top of the dice blocks. Cool game overall. 

Sweet game, 10/10!

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A lot going on on the screen and I have no idea what I should do to progress. Why the enemy doesn't fight back? How do I buy more troops? How do I win?

Cool idea with the bullets. Though I quickly found out that the boss can't move through squares in the corners of the room and exploited it to get him to stuck. Good game.

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Awesome art style. Actions could have been a bit faster in my opinion. Great game overall.

Great game. Definitely got "I Wanna Be The Boshy" vibe from it.

Awesome art style and music.

Great game.

Nice graphics and music.

The moment with the keys was cool. Awesome game overall.

(1 edit)

Music is top notch. Movement is snappy. Enemies are relentless. Abilities are spectacular. Awesome game!

Not much to play. Not much to say. To be fair I did lose my only chance by immediately pressing space bar as soon as the second screen appeared. Also, the textures have weird distortions.

The music is great. Obviously the art style has some room to improve. In my opinion taking the number of milliseconds is basically same as taking a random number. There are a few problems with the gameplay. Taking the shrinking box sometimes causes player to get through the platforms when falling too quickly. Player can get stuck to the sides of platforms. Vertical moving platforms cause the player to jitter causing the jump to not trigger sometimes.

A bit hard to grasp what's happening at first. I also found a bug that you can drag enemy actions while they are being processed. Awesome game anyway, 10/10.

Cool art style and music.

(3 edits)

Dragon is overpowered, I won every battle with him. Betting on the favoured fighter seems to always result in success. I also wish there was an option to skip dialogue and animation of walking to arena and back. Nonetheless, great game overall, 10/10. 

Yeah I probably should have left a bigger margin for error. I will definitely do something with the difficulty level in the nearest patch.