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Couldn't play. Got this error.

Error: Zip environment must be used from a website, not from a file URL.

Also, highly recommend not making a game via HTML/JS, it looks sketchy.


not really sure what all of the exclamation point blocks are for. Looking back though it's just because the button on the floor is a bit hard to see.

The physics are a bit janky and don't seem to enforce expected rules correctly. I would imagine that you should only be able to perform a total of 2 jump actions while in the air at a time, but I seem to be able to jump off of walls multiple times. After playing though, the multiple wall jumps seem intentional, it would be nice to know that wall jumps are infinite.

On the topic above, would be great to have UI elements to display jump count.

Why didn't you use spacebar for jump?

Double jumps wouldn't activate for me sometimes. I'm not really sure why.

Would be nice to have door opening SFX, and death SFX

It would be cool to have wall friction so you could play with the idea that you can slide down walls and do a wall jump off of them.

Not sure exactly what the numbers mean on the leaderboard.

Wish there was another music track or 2. It got a bit annoying hearing the same track every level.

Didn't use climbing at all since that level got lost and the instructions on how to climb along with it.

I know you didn't get to get as far as you wanted, but I'm definitely interested to check out a more polished version!

Thanks for your submission and best of luck.

Nice chill music, great choice.

Also thought the aesthetics were great.

Gameplay for me wasn't super enthralling as it just felt like several minutes of a usually really short minigame. I got a little bit tired of putting in a bunch of key combinations at some point. Would probably be a good mix to take what you have and add some platforming mechanics or something similar to spice things up. The water bottles weren't used at all past the first level so I'm sure you can use those too.

Good use of the theme!

Wish I could've put in a username for the leaderboards so it's easier to find my name on the leaderboards. Good job implementing the leaderboards in time too!

Wish I could've skipped the scan cutscenes.

Game really has a strong sense of self. Had a lot of personality, great work on that. I wasn't able to play with headphones, but it sounded like the NPC guy was voice acted? That's insane well done.

As far as the gameplay, it definitely took me a minute to figure out how to play (until I figured out the NPC voice line was telling me what to do). I eventually figured out it out and it was cool for a while. Though it got pretty frustrating later on when there were several enemies and they would run away after I hit them with the smoke. This combined with the cooldown of the attack itself made it a bit frustrating.

I never got to finish it, but it was interesting so far. Just wish the gameplay had a bit more to it and gave more agency to the player.

Couldn't play it either on my end.

I tried for a long time to beat level 5, but I couldn't beat it. Not sure if it's impossible or I just didn't figure out the puzzle.

Cool game and cool puzzle idea. Really can make a ton of puzzles with it! Cute little minimalist art style.

This doesn't really incorporate the theme at all though.

Definitely could work on it more and release it, could use some music/sfx though.

Great work. I really had a great time. Well done choosing something achievable so that you can really polish it up. I thought it was interesting that driving through the sand dunes and landing jumps was actually the faster way to go than the road that the game directs you towards.

On that same note, because the best route is through the sand dunes, it kind of made the water pick ups irrelevant. I kind of wish it was even more cartoony where I had more air control and could do more spins and flips in the air. Then you could even reward the player more significantly for landing those.

Was really a nice touch with the customization on the main menu and the general UI polish as well.

Really liked the music and it served the game well and felt right at home.

Definitely got a bit frustrated with the spinouts when I landed sometimes, but otherwise was really an enjoyable game.

Thanks for your submission, and congrats again.

Relatively interesting. I would try to use a game engine like Godot/Unity to help out making this feel more polished.

Got stuck on apartment level b/c I couldn't do anything against the enemies shooting at me w these rapid firing bullets.

Also, please stop submitting this to every game jam, it's unfair to all the people who work really hard making unique games for every jam.

Thanks for the kind words! Hope to have someone who's able to focus on sound/aesthetics on the next jam. Cheers friend.

Can't play your game as it seems to be missing.

Fun little menu screen where you can pan around before hitting start.

Well I started up the game without looking at any controls just to see how intuitive it is, and it wasn't unfortunately. 

I started clicking on buildings and saw "wanted" appear, but really didn't understand what was happening until I just kept clicking around.

I believe I eventually figured out the general controls, where you can turn off your guys in yellow mode and then make them go to where your mouse click is when you click on a building while in yellow mode? Not sure.

I think the police men are bugged out, they walked up to the prisoners and killed some and then just stood there forever.

Given that the policemen didn't work correctly, I'm not sure what the balance of the game is supposed to be, but I'm assuming that the policemen are attacking you constantly and you have to try to stay alive and destroy all the buildings?  From my experience with the game, it didn't seem like the prisoners could fight back in any way, and I'm not sure if the policemen keep on spawning if police stations are not destroyed.

I still down really know what the "yellow" mode is when you click on buildings.

Gas station blowing up nearby buildings was a cool idea/touch.

Overall, it felt hard to play in its current state. Primarily b/c the policemen AI seemed to completely break after they first engaged the prisoners.

Also there wasn't any on-screen timer so I'm not sure if you were intending on this being a speedrunnable game or not.

Interesting idea having the map be randomly generated, but I don't know if was the best choice here. I think I would've preferred some hand-crafted maps that are levels that get progressively harder? 

Touching on this one more time, but I wish the prisoners could fight the policemen back in some way, but certainly less priority than the broken policemen in general.

Nice job getting SFX in there.

I first tried playing without instructions and was confused. I realized I was collecting a bunch of parts but wasn't really sure what that meant intuitively. Going to look at instructions now for future runs.

It would be great if there was a "selected item" UI element where you could swap between your selected items rather than have to push lots of different unique buttons to use them.

Didn't know there was a map for a while.

The headbob camera movement was pretty disorienting. Would probably tone that down or remove it.

I really wish time slowed down or stopped when using the map. The game is so quick paced I never felt like using the map b/c I just felt like I was losing time.

As far as the balancing is concerned, I'm not really sure how to survive a long period of time. I was playing on easy and I found myself just getting corned by the fire over and over at roughly the 3 minute mark every time, give or take 30 seconds. I wish there was a better way to combat the fire or perhaps something super hard to get that could reset the fire back to it's starting position or something.

I wish 'tab' also opened the map.

I had trouble placing the water fountains, I kept pressing the C button but they just wouldn't deploy most of the time.

Not sure what the difference in purpose is of the water vs the wooden planks, are they just doing the same thing effectively?

B/c I couldn't safely use the map, the markers felt useless to me.

The heat vision is cool, but when I feel like I can't do anything about the oncoming fire anyways, it didn't feel all that useful.

Overall really interesting use of the theme and was definitely an out of the box idea, just doesn't feel like there's a high skill ceiling b/c of the lack of real powerful tools to fight the fire and extend your time.

Thanks for your submission and best of luck!

Nice that you had a tutorial well done.

Was a bit unclear that the jump pads would bounce you different heights.

What's up with the 3 guys on the platform by themselves with a jump pad on the 5th or so level? I thought this would be like a secret or something but tried a handful of times to jump off of it and just died every time.

Wish I knew how many kills I needed at beginning of level

Adding barrels was a nice touch and felt satisfying to do.

overall, the level design was pretty solid and felt pretty good!

Got a 782 time at the end.

Generally was a fun concept. I did find it frustrating on occasion when I was standing right next to an enemy and lost all of my heat and just had to make a big circle loop to build up speed and be able to kill them.

The movement was a double edged sword for me. I was really happy to have so much air control, but felt like the movement was so quick that it caused me to just fly past platforms pretty often before I could even have a chance to react.

Would love a 2nd chance mechanic or something where you get like a double jump that has a long cooldown or something.

Enemy lasers felt a bit RNG and would sometimes kill me on the way to kill them.

Cute music! Never got on my nerves.

The dashing felt very laggy/unresponsive and slow.

I wish I had more air control since the dash is so hard to use.

The physics of the dashes felt unintuitive based on most other 2D platformers. I wanted the movement to feel snappy and responsive and it just doesn't. This applies to the up dash and the sideways dash.

Also, I know you have a jump, but I wish the jump was higher and the up dash just didn't exist, it's really weird having to press 'q' for an up dash.

I just couldn't beat the first part of the game. With how particular the movement is, I just don't know how I'm supposed to get to the 2nd teleporter in the game where it's below a spike room. I also couldn't get through the 1 square opening right above that teleporter. The level design needs to suit the gameplay you guys made and it's just too difficult.

The overheating mechanic made fine use of the theme, but I was never bothered by it because the movement got me killed 100% of the time.

Wish I didn't carry velocity through the teleporters. That was super annoying.

Nice work on music it was pretty good, just wish it was longer so the looping didn't get repetitive sounding.

I gave it 10 good minutes and couldn't progress :/

Thanks for the submission and best of luck!

Couldn't open on my end either.

I would highly recommend next time not make a game directly in Python. The game was flagged as spam for me and is very dangerous to download given that it's python code and it can run arbitrary code. Next time just use a game engine.

Inputting the door code was confusing for a bit, b/c I didn't know what order the numbers went in AND I didn't know if the code input was working at all since I got no feedback after inputting it.

This game felt pretty barebones and didn't really have a lot unique to it, it was just traversing a simple maze. I feel like it could be more interesting with enemies and combat perhaps?

The timer keeps ticking on the "you win" screen.

The collisions on this were really annoying. I found that I had to get to the perfect pixel to squeeze through the 1 square gaps that weren't corner pieces.

I couldn't click retry or anything from end screen.

Don't really understand how this incorporates the theme at all either.

Thanks for your submission and best of luck!

Couldn't play either :/

Is there a team size limit?

Small thing but hover state for quit button was a bit too big and I accidentally clicked on it.

It felt a little bit silly that you MUST die (b/c you were so low water) and just restart at the checkpoint, but definitely glad there were checkpoints.

What is STRG? I figured out how to crouch but not sure what it was trying to say.

Cool little white outline effect on everything! It helped me see the platforms when they would've otherwise blended in with the dark scenery.

Crouching + sliding felt quite buggy and just weren't consistent. 

I experienced a really bizarre bug where the screen got stretched out really far and everything was really tiny. Perhaps the camera FOV got stretched out? Only happened rarely though.

Often crouching wouldn't allow me under walls which was really frustrating.

The ingame text was really hard to see and wasn't cut out from the BG elements enough.

Dashing was pretty cool, but felt very glitchy with all the camera effects happening and some weird teleportation going on.

I'm assuming the icons on the bottom right are meant for your dash charges? Those didn't ever update for me while playing.

Not sure what's up with it, but the music seemed to cut in and out during gameplay.

Couldn't get past the part where you have to dash upwards several times to get to the green/white floating platforms. There were just too many bugs with dashing where the camera FOV would break or I would just teleport around and die. Sorry :/ 

Overall really neat little game, thought it was really fun you could dash in any direction (including up), but just couldn't get the full experience of it b/c of all the bugs around movement and dashing specifically.

Thanks for the submission and good luck!

Also check out ChronoTrain!

Got a high score of 851. Though I could've theoretically went forever as it didn't seem to be getting harder at all.

I would highly recommend moving the camera away from the player a bit so it's more zoomed out. If you do that, you have a lot more play area to work with and can open up more possibility for "fun" in the game.

Nice job getting music and sound in there, it was pretty good.

Fit the theme alright, though there's just not much to the game.

Along the lines of moving the camera away from the player, it would be nice if the camera panned with the character, I moved once and I just got lost offscreen and died.

If you followed the above suggestions, then perhaps there could be some sort of level based system where you can progress and the levels have more and more fire that's harder and harder to control.

Thanks for the submission and best of luck.

Check out ChronoTrain!

I got to a point pretty early on where you have to climb a really tall tower and then get to a point where you have to make a really far jump that has 2 pillars and a pillar of fire between them. I tried a handful of times and was unable to get past this part. I don't know if it's just impossible or if I was just bad.

I really wish the "grabbable" pillars were colored more uniquely or something. I found myself trying to click other surfaces but unable to grapple to them and ended up dying and pissed off lol.

I don't know if the "max rope distance" setting works or not but it didn't seem to help. This game's hard AF.

This game needs checkpoints bad, I got really frustrated having to restart back to the beginning.

While this does incorporate the theme in the environment, it actually didn't encounter the overheating mechanic of the gun at all, so that made the tie-in to the theme feel a bit weaker for me.

Because of the difficulty of the game, I didn't really feel like I played it very much and didn't have a great time with it unfortunately.

Looking at your profile, this is just a reskin of a game you've already made. While it's a cool idea to play with physics, I would recommend making something brand new next time and trying to not reuse your previous projects for game jams.

Thanks for your submission and best of luck in the future!

Music doesn't stop when going to main menu, so clicking play again plays them on top of each other.

There's a lot of z fighting happening on the road textures.

For some reason the game is like half sized inside of the window that the game is inside of. It's not taking the full space of the window.

No reverse button is pretty bad. I had to restart every single time I got stuck and needed to back up. I had to restart the game entirely because of the music bug above.

No end goal? I road up to a really long piece of road and got going really fast and then just ran into a mountain and clipped through the ground and died.

Not really sure what purpose the leaderboards serve if there's no end goal.

I have no idea what the heat mechanic does in this game. It feels like it's just a number on the screen. I also don't know what the penalty does or is on the screen.

All of the  UI elements are really tiny and could be showed in an interesting way instead like a speedometer.

I wish the camera was up and behind the truck, the camera you chose felt odd.

Unfortunately, the game just didn't feel playable or complete.

Thanks for your submission and best of luck!

Cool title screen + intro text! I was confused pretty quickly after starting the game by the message about what coins do and that they half your time? 

The 2nd level gets extremely difficult right off the bat compared to the first one and I found myself dying constantly. I did eventually figure out how to navigate it, but it was pretty frustrating.

I have no idea what the little white pillar things do on level 5 or 6 whenever those appear.

The last level seemed really easy and I'm not sure what was supposed to be attacking me.

I felt like the fact that there is a ground and there are other parts without ground was confusing to me. I guess the mechanic was that you can be off of the ground for a specific amount of time before dying? I'm not sure.

Overall the game seemed to get easier as I went on, outside of the difficulty spike from level 1->2.

I'm not sure this incorporates the theme at all.

Cool that you got SFX even though they got really annoying when I kept dying so many times back to back.

I wish the camera was more zoomed out. It sometimes felt like I just had to get lucky to not get hit by lasers since they moved so fast across the screen.

Interesting little planet assets spinning around!

Finished the game and still not sure what coins do.

Great work and thanks for the submission!

Definitely gave me the vibe of Getting Over It. I beat it but I'm currently last place on the leaderboards lol. Super tough and incredibly frustrating when you inevitably fall from high up and end up bouncing all over the place and falling even farther. Though given that you were going for that vibe, I'd say you executed it well!

Certainly was simple but you really made a lot out of a little. Nice choice of music but the SFX could use some work. I thought the minigun w a little skinny dude was comical. 

Wish I had some sort of mini map or something so I could see where I was and what tiles were above me without having to commit myself to flying up there and possibly screwing myself.

I did notice that sometimes I would try to shoot myself up and the angle at which I went up didn't match what I expected based on my mouse location. Like the cursor would be right below me and then I would shoot to the right or vice versa.

Overall great little game. Thanks for the submission.

Not sure if I'll be participating in this jam yet or not, but wanted to say that I listened to your music a bit and loved it. Great stuff man!

A few thoughts after playing:

  • If this was your first game it's great! I will say, I wish it was more complex or had some sort of twist. This was literally just matching cards which has been done many times before.
  • I did experience an odd bug where the rows of cards slowly sinks downwards as you click other cards. They seem to reset after I click on one of them in that row though. This got really frustrating on the later levels.
  • I experienced a bug where I made a match of cards but they didn't disappear, this might actually be because some of the cards look very similar, but aren't actually the same card.
  • I wish the text boxes were closer and easier to read
  • I wish the font was easier to read
  • The menu at the bottom left didn't seem to work. I'm assuming that was to allow you to exit back to the main menu?

Interesting concept! I have a couple comments:

  • It took me a bit to figure out how to play. I didn't understand the concept of having to draw a path with the mouse after placing the tiles.
  • Roads can be useless sometimes when a village destroys itself before I can complete the path to the kingdom.
  • It would be cool to have some sort of signifier that a village is about to be destroyed.
  • Tile previews would be great.
  • I'm not sure what the purpose of the mountain/dirt looking tiles are.
  • Not sure if the upgrade screen works. I couldn't get it to open.
  • Rotating the pieces was a bit tedious. Perhaps this could be a thing to do with a button that can be clicked when previewing the piece placement?
  • I found myself not wanting or having time to use tiles other than the 1 cost tiles, it was just too fast.
  • Perhaps could be a way to remove the roads somehow?