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Black Prism

A member registered Oct 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you, we're glad you enjoy our game!

Thank you, we're glad you enjoyed the game :D and yeah, if time allowed, we would have explored more diverse ideas for enemy AI. Perhaps for post-jam content, who knows? :)

What an intriguing level, so much going on! It was extremely fun to navigate and play, and the 'r' button was a saving grace XD. Solid concept with the cutest sprites :D

Thank you, and yes i suppose some clarification would've been nice considering the fast-paced nature of the game. If still curious, blue bullets are in your favour and purple bullets are rogue :)

Thank you so much :D. And yeah i agree, audio would have been incredibly beneficial, but sadly it was time problem :( There's always room for future updates however :)

Thank for your kind comment :D And agreed, nothing compares to the feeling of a nice ricochet shot!

Thank you very much!  Yeah the graphics were particularly fun to create :D

Thank you :) and yeah, the first shot mechanic would be hard to pick up without being told explicitly :D

ThankYou,  happy to hear you enjoyed it! :D

yeah that’s fair, and yeah the grass/gravel spray is a good example of visual feedback, nicely executed :)

We’re  very happy to hear that! :D

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 Thank you so much !! :D

Thank you so much! We're happy to hear you enjoyed the game :)

Haha very funny/meta. Loved it! :D

Switching the whole control scheme is incredibly meta and in touch with the theme, very cool ! :D

Very interesting idea in regards to the theme, a touch of innovation.

Interestingly cool game, the art style is very appealing  :)) Has good puzzling potential as well.

Stunning art direction, and the concept explored is quite interesting as well :D

Interesting take on the theme. Maybe for future updates, have the player stop at the position of the cursor and allow some slow-motion/air-time to make a second jump, say over a pit of spikes for difficulty :D

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Definitely a Baba is You inspired game, very fun to play as well. But my fave element might be the main character > . <

The gravity in this game is a strong as its originality lmao. Very fun to play though, and cool idea to further explore with some more intuition :D

Wonderful art style, heavily complements the gameplay as well :)

What are wonderful colour pallete to emphasise the throwing of children XDD Very cool game. The children's AI is what struck me the most, (aside from the attractive art style). Very cool & funny submission :DDD

This game looks and feels whack XD. But i love it, especially the binary block. Tried to build a house lmao

The purpose of the game is very interesting, with the OCD.

Has potential for a cool puzzler, such as adjusting the elements of one painting maybe impact the appearance of another :D

Interesting take on the theme. Maybe for future updates, have the player stop at the position of the cursor and allow some slow-motion/air-time to make a second jump, say over a pit of spikes for difficulty :D

Very cool for a first jam, and a particularly interesting take on the theme :)

The shifting gravity was implemented really well, and is nicely complimented by the level design. Very fun to play!

PS: #WalljumpGang

Cutest intro ever :D. Interesting take on the theme, strict gardener tho

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Yeah it is weird? but Thank you!! :D

Interesting choice of controls, never used one like it before.! :)

A bit difficult to understand, but 'overpopulation' was a very interesting and original approach to take :)

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Surprisingly fun to play! with some art/graphics improvement and maybe some slow-mo or something to better control the explosions, might i suggest publishing to a platform like :))

Definitely a Baba is You inspired game, very fun to play as well. But my fave element might be the main character > . <

Would def be interesting to explore XD. Maybe you  could yoink them over the rabbit when he's grounded

Quite like the bean-like characters, they look very cute with the painterly art style :) Interesting concept too, perhaps it could be further explored?