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A member registered Jul 24, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hi, where can I play your game? There is no download link or web version :)

Could you provide a downloadable windows version of the game? It's awesome!

Hey guys! 

I just released a new game Minecraft as a speedrunning game. 

Below you can watch the progress how I made it or:

Play it for free:

What do you think could be improved?

Here is the process how I made it:

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This is a pretty cool game! I loved the aesthetics and the capture mechanic gameplay! Although the controls were a bit drifty I had a lot of fun playing it. Hope there will be more content in the future :) The  moody space theme was sooo familiar to me since I worked on a similiar game aesthetic the past days! Voted :)

Really enjoyed the unusual aesthetics! Although I was a bit confused what to do in the game since the shots seem to not damage I got used to it and then it was solid fun ! :)

Thank you a lot for playing! I actually run out of time to fix the annoying bug but I worked the past few days on the game and now everything should work fine with different levels, enemies and powerups. I just need to wait until the jam is over to upload a new build, since the voting is still going. (during that time it's not allowed to upload)

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Blast, dodge and survive in fully destructible arenas against the Squid AI. Collect power ups with weapons and abilities to shrink your enemy to bits while growing to become the last squid standing!

Controls: keyboard: WASD to move mouse movement: aim left click: shoot or charged shot right click: dash or melee AOE attack gamepad: left / right stick to move and aim A or left trigger: shoot or charged shot B or right trigger: dash or melee AOE attack

Thanks Bishop! Yeah that's where all the effort went into and I had no time for more gameplay :)

Hunting the treasures was not so much fun and to be honest I was a bit confused what to do but the graphics the atmosphere and the music and the submarine were put together so well! Perfect combination and the caustic reflections and particle effects really add a lot to the scene!

The shooting ball mechanic is really neat and feels unique compared to normal shooters. I enjoyd to master the gameplay and hit all the targets. The city is also super cool cyberpunkish. Is it an asset or Unreal example? Looks a bit familiar! 

I think your game really had the best atmosphere and overall story. I enjoyed the story bits revealing an image in my mind peace by peace. So clever use of so less assets & mechanics! 

The intro is so cool and perfectly opens up the game. Great! I agree to Mike the mouse controls feel weird inverted. Otherwise I enjoyed the mysterious underwater world and music and the character controls really well.

It was so awesome to explore the city. It seemed to be so BIG that I lost myself in it. Sadly I also had the feeling that the swimming speed could be a bit faster. Great job!

Really cool little world to explore. I enjoyed exploring the area but I also got a bit lost where to go next

I loved the aesthetics and ship it takes place in. Although it was a bit weird that in a chest in your belongings is just a key. Would definitely want to know more about the story!

Thanks Mike! Oh I didn't even think about it but yeah that's a good point. Maybe I manage to add in mouse controls :)

Proof of concept without any gameplay yet. You can move around with WASD + Mouse, switch and shoot weapons with R/L MB and scroll-wheel.  Change rear camera with V and turn on lights with F

Thank you! Happy you like it! The dodging idea is neat!  I see you made also a nice shoot em up :)

Thank you for playing! The time counter is a really good idea and would help with camping :)

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Every projectile shot is a point. You have to shoot projectiles into the chamber but they bounce back from the walls and you have to avoid them.  Thank you for playing! I didn't have time left for instructions. 

Ohh I love the artstyle ! The grandpa is so funny and adorable looking.  You should totally expand on it if you want!