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A member registered Jan 20, 2017 · View creator page →

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Appreciate it man!

The lag is something we noticed too late sadly, not so familiar with the godot engine in web browser format yet :D

Glad you liked it!

Thank you!
Definitely agree with what you pointed out, most of what you pointed out was next on our list, but we ran out of time sadly

Would focus more on the gameplay first if we were to redo the project for sure!
Glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

Understandable, we ran out of time when making the level! Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you! 
Awesome, well done! :D 

Loved it!

Best artyle and animation in the entire jam!
Great game!

I definitely feel that haha, but it's so hard to playtest and get others feedback in such a short game jam!
The road thing is a very minor thing, I just wanted to tell you because I myself love feedback

The game is super good man, fantastic job! <3 Awaiting the steam release ;D

This is perfect in any way, super addicting and fits the speed run theme so well.

A perfect score by me, excellent work!

This game is great, good example of a game that is easy to learn and hard to master.
The graphics, style and music really reminds me of older bmx/skating games, love it!
I do feel like the game punishes you in the wrong way though. 
Since the bike grip is so slippery you want to drift all the time to stay on the path and not fall off, but that the same time the path is very narrow and have parts sticking out causing you to bump into them over and over. It makes you wanna hug the wall the entire time, or go super duper slow.
I would either make each path much wider so the drifting feels nice and smooth, or give the bike a lot more grip to maneuver.

Other than that, the game is great! Great job!

Thank you!
Totally agree on the movement, something we would polish if we had more time on the project for sure!

We're glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you!

Thank you! We're glad you like it!

(1 edit)

The crow was made by @Smorg, props to him!
We're glad you like the esthetic! 
Appreciate the feedback, What mouse controls in particular gave you trouble?

Thank you!
Definitely, we ran out of time as we were making the level, which didn't give us too much time for playtesting and polishing

Thank you for the feedback!

Thank you! Haha, don't we all!

Thank you!
Haha, it's a bit tricky for sure! Lots of hidden stuff that could help you to get up ;)

Such a polished and adorable game, great job!
The use of the mouse buttons is very creative, makes for great gameplay!

Haha thanks, hope you had fun!

(1 edit)

Great game! I really like it!
Simple in concept, yet complex since you have to plan ahead and think of not turning too soon/late.
The artstyle and music is on point as well!

Thank you! Glad you like it!

Game is really nice, love the vibe of the esthetics and music!
I like how smooth the controls feels! Gets super hard the further you come :D
Great job!

Haha, we're glad you like it!

Super clean and polished, great job!

Very fun, gameplay and music is great!

I like the artstyle!